Stop Pulling the Wagon

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June 14, 2010 By: bob Category: Something To Think About

I keep hearing that the “Rich” or “Big Corporations” or (“insert your favorite target”) are not paying their “Fair Share”.

I don’t care what your politics or belief system is, can you define for me what is a “Fair Share”?

If 90% of the income taxes are being paid by 10% of the population, I very well might like it.  Especially if I am part of the 50% who pay no income taxes or one of the 40% who pay 10% of the income taxes.  Having admitted that, can anyone call that “Fair”?

Lets say my neighbor and I go out to dinner and at the end of the meal the bill comes.  Now lets say I take the bill and look my neighbor in the eye and say “Okay Tom, I think you should pay your fair share and that will be 90% of the bill and I will pay the other 10%”.  Do you think it is just possible that Tom might think that his paying 90% of the bill does not represent a “Fair Share”?

How about those who refuse to work or do anything productive and prefer to live on “Welfare”  and the efforts of those who do work.   Where is the “Hue & Cry” for them to do their “Fair Share” of the work?

I just heard a commercial calling for the “Big Oil” companies to pay their “Fair Share” of taxes to help preserve “Educators” jobs.  Here is a “News Flash”.  “Big Oil” (and other) companies don’t pay taxes.  They collect taxes for the government from the people who buy there products and those taxes are built into the price of the product you buy.  It has to be this way.  Otherwise the “Big Oil” (and other) companies don’t make any money and go out of business.  Oh, and the jobs they were providing also go away.

It seems to me we really just need to say it the way it is.  We really don’t want the “Rich” or “Big Oil” to pay a  “Fair Share”.  We really want them to pay the “Lions Share” or the “Biggest Share” or “Nearly All” the taxes.  At least this would be honest.  Of course we would also be admitting that we don’t want to pay “Our Fair Share”.

Maybe we can’t handle that kind of honesty in todays world where it is more politically correct to point fingers than to look in a mirror. 

A world where “Capitalism” is an ugly word but “Free Enterprise” is an agreeable alternative.  A world where “Abortion” is a “Negative” expression but “A Right To Choose” is a “Positive” phrase and socially acceptable.

Maybe our whole “Economic System” won’t “Explode” or “Implode” but rather will experience a “Rapid Deconstruction”. 

The inmates are running the Asylum!                                

Just something to think about.               ……..Bob

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