Stop Pulling the Wagon

Are You Tired Of Government Lies, Hypocrisy and Corruption?
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June 02, 2010 By: bob Category: Humor



Here is my platform and plan:

Build a wall around Washington D.C. …. Make sure all current members of Congress and the Administration are inside, then seal the only exit.  Cut communications and nobody comes out.

Transfer all felons from Prisons across the United States to the sealed city of Washington D.C..  The felons will feel right at home and the crime rate will probably go down.

Establish a new national Capitol in Omaha, Nebraska.  Each State send one delegate once a year for two days to compare notes and make nice.  No authority to pass laws or tax.  If they try to do more than that…. send them to Washington D.C..

Eliminate the current tax structure.  No income tax, no property tax, no estate tax, no capital gains tax, no utility tax.  Zero, Nada, Nothing.

Replace the current tax structure with an across the board, everybody pays a 10% consumption tax.  Proceeds from this tax will be used for:  National defense (more later), Provide for the elderly and truly infirm, Limited public education (more later), Maintenance of public roads, water systems, sewage and infrastructure, Public Safety: Fire and Police.  No more than the amount raised by this tax can be spent – No exceptions. 

Bring all of our Army and Air Force home and place them on our borders.  Nobody comes in unless they get in line and/or are invited.  For those who want to leave, Goodbye.

Turn our public Eduction system over to a trio of institutions with a proven educational track record: Private Schools, Religious Schools and the Military.  Students can choose which of these Schools they want to attend.  All students wear uniforms and are requred to focus on their studies.  If they want to march, picket or protest, they are transferred to Washington D.C..

Move the United Nations Headquarters to North Korea and then cancel our membership.  If a Country wants to be our friend, act like a friend and support us.  We will protect them with our nuclear umbrella (I didn’t say I would bring our Naval Fleets and Nuclear Submarines home!)

All illegal residents can either go back to their home country or provide them with one way transportation to San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York or another Sanctuary City of their choice.  Then wall these cities in as Washington D.C..

Create a new Endangered Species list. On it will be listed: Politicians, most Lawyers, Socialists, America Haters.  Do not create an Endangered Species Act.

Replace our current Congress, Senate and Administration with a King.  Vote for me!

Bob Bandy



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