You are on a train that is moving down the rails at 80 miles per hour. You have been notified that the railway bridge is out ahead. Suddenly you realize that the trains engineer and conductor are having an argument in the seat just behind you. One is saying they should reduce the trains speed to 78 miles per hour before they reach the bridges location and the other is arguing they need to reduce the trains speed to 74 miles per hour. In this nightmare scenario you are shouting at them that they need to stop the train but they either can’t hear you or won’t listen to you.
Now visualize this: Our nation is racing toward a 1.6 Trillion Dollar Budget Deficit for the next fiscal year. This will be added to the 14+ Trillion Dollar National Debt. You hear members of Congress arguing over whether we should cut the budget by 6 Billion Dollars or 60 Billion Dollars. This is “chump change” when compared to the 1 Trillion 600 Billion Dollars they plan to add to our childrens and grandchildrens national debt. In this nightmare you are shouting at them to “Stop the Train” and balance the budget but they can’t hear you or won’t listen to you.
Do they understand that history shows us governments have always “solved” fiscal mismanagement “problems” by de-valuing and inflating the money supply? From Ancient Rome to 1920’s Germany to 20th century Zimbabwe the story has been repeated. Hyperinflation is not a new model car. It is fiscal disaster. Do they care? Can they spell Zimbabwe? A country where they finally started printing 100 Trillion Dollar Notes because of fiscal stupidity and even those notes wouldn’t buy a loaf of bread. It seems we are on the same “tracks” to financial ruin as a nation.
Think about it………….
Bob Bandy