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Things I Like About Sarah Palin

February 10, 2010 By: bob Category: On Bob's Mind

Whether I agree with her politically in every area or not,  here are some of the things I like about Sara Palin:

Sarah Palin articulates and lives by many of the values I not only believe in but are the foundations of my life.

Sarah Palin shares my love of country and my vision of what America can be.

Sarah Palin believes that every human life is important and has something to contibute.  She believes, as I do, that babies with Down’s Syndrome are not “throw-a-ways” and have something to bring to our world.  I have personally known several  people who have had Down’s Syndrome and all of them had loving and kind personalities.  Not a single one was a liar, a thief or a murderer.

Sarah Palin makes members of the “far left” crazy and I enjoy watching their antics!  In their fear and revulsion of what she stands for, they go to such extremes and make such silly statements that I find them entertaining.         

As I said at the beginning,  I may disagree with Sarah Palin on some issues but I love the way she stands up for her values.    – Bob


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