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The Late Great…….

March 27, 2010 By: bob Category: Something To Think About

                                            TRUE FREEDOM REQUIRES SELF DISCIPLINE

What we are practicing as a nation is a system where our leaders can obtain and retain power by promising to give selected groups what they have taken from you and your neighbor in the form of taxes.   Should I say stolen, since it is usually taken without your or their consent?   And these same leaders also “pay” with more dollars borrowed from strangers (example: China).  Dollars that will have to be re-paid with other dollars not yet earned by our children and grandchildren who will live under slavery’s yoke of debt.  

Do we really want our progeny not yet born to arrive in this world as slaves? 

Debt is a form of slavery.   Slavery takes away our freedom, dignity and self esteem.

On an individual basis debt can be tragic both to the individual and family.  

For a nation to be in debt, except in time of external threat (example: World War II),  it can be catastrophic and in my view it is a criminal act on the part of those who rule the nation.  They are enslaving us.

They are spending money we do not have and so must be “borrowed”.  They are doing it in the name of “fairness” and “income redistribution”.  No matter which side of the equation you are on, can anyone explain to me what is “fair” about one half the population paying 97% of all income taxes?

These leaders think they are playing Robin Hood by taking from those that “have” and giving to those who “have not”.  They don’t seem to consider that the overwhelming majority of the “have nots” do not have because they lack the will to work hard, save and discipline themselves.  Most of those who “have” got that way through hard work, saving  and self discipline.  (I am not asserting that we should not care for those who are truly needy through no fault of their own.)

To paraphrase our founders Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton: “America will remain free until  its citizens figure out they can vote themselves funds from the public treasury”.

Have we reached that point as a nation where we have sacrificed our freedom and become slaves to debt through lack of discipline?  Are we on the edge of  becoming “The Late Great United States Of America”?      -Bob

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