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January 03, 2023 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

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I am an older citizen.  Born just before Pearl Harbor and America’s entry into World War II.  Have seen my country under threat many times.  Wars, Pestilence, Natural Disasters and more. Never have I seen a threat more insidious than the one shaking the very foundations of our nation right now.  It is invading our schools, our churches, our families and our very government.

The odd thing is that this threat is not based on the armies of a foreign enemy or any cause based in science.  It is based on an idea that has become almost a religion in its fervor.  It is best called Wokeism and many consider it the new religion of the west. If you Google it you will find it defined as follows: “Wokeism is a religion. Although it has not been organized into any formal religious structure, it has all the functions of religious doctrine. It has a unique epistemology (theory of knowledge), an evaluation of the human condition, and a redemption narrative.”

The main tenet of this new faith seems to rest in the belief that gender is a fluid thing and you can be any of some 100 different genders on any given day and change your gender at will.  There is no science behind this.  There is no “Gender Fluid” or “Transgender” DNA.  If a person is crushed beyond recognition a scientist or a medical professional can run a test and tell if the deceased was a male or a female.  If you research “Transgender” you will find it medically defined as a “Dysphoria”: “A transgender (often abbreviated as trans) person is someone whose gender identity or gender expression does not correspond with their sex assigned at birth.” In simple “country boy” terms it is defined as an “I wannabe” someone other than who I am.  No insult intended.

Wokeism could easily be described as a sort of infectious insanity.  Some might consider it almost laughable if it were not so dangerous and damaging.

Radical Woke elements within the LGBTQ community have infiltrated our schools and seek to groom and introduce grade school children into the “Gender Fluid” lifestyle while so-called “Drag Queens”; men dressed in women’s underwear and lingerie dance provocatively in front of our children in libraries and churches in an effort to sexualize them.  In my opinion this is a crime and an abomination.

We are in the process of destroying the pillars of civil society in pursuit of this insane WOKE doctrine.

It has infected our schools, including grade schools and is causing great damage to even young children who are being indoctrinated and exposed to, even subjected to, pharmacological as well as surgical disfiguring procedures in pursuit of “sex-change”.   It has become a cancer in our churches, military, corporations, medical institutions, even our government.  It must be stopped and excised from our culture before the damage becomes irreconcilable and we all find ourselves living in some kind of “Alice In Wonderland” fantasy world and slaves to a form of group insanity within our own land.

Disagree if you want.  Hate me if you want.  I stand by what I have written here.  Share if you dare.

Bob Bandy – January 2023



0 Comments to “THE ENEMY WITHIN”

  1. Very informative article. Want more.


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