Emperor of California – Gavin Newsome
Slip slidin’ away
Slip slidin’ away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you’re slip slidin’ away
Paul Simon
With California mired in unfunded debt, wildlands on fire due at least in part to poor forest management, record numbers of homeless living in tents and makeshift shelters, power and water shortages, racial strife and violence and taxpayers and businesses fleeing the state for greener pastures elsewhere while California is forced to go, tin cup in hand, looking for Billions of Dollars in Aid from the Federal Government for handouts funded by taxes paid by better managed States…….
whew! …….
One has to wonder why our Emperor, um, Governor would put his blessing on a 2021 Budget Proposal from the California High Speed Rail Authority to flush another 2.9 Billion Dollars of non-existent Taxpayer Funds down the “toilet” that California’s failed High Speed Rail Project has become. (source: Legislative Analyst’s Office).
A project whose completion just keeps “Slip Slidin’ Away” from him.
For an earlier treatise on California’s high speed rail history: type – California’s High Speed Rail 2.0 into the “Search For Articles” box on this page (left) and press enter – or – type or copy/paste:
into your browser.
For many years disappointed Californians have wondered why the State would undertake such an ill-conceived, un-needed, cost prohibitive, environmentally challenged excursion. Perhaps a pipe dream by a prior governor and then handed off to his chosen successor in a “One Political Party” State.
Many might think it simply an effort to mimic Japan or China, who do not have the Environmental or Regulatory quagmires that plague any large project in California.
Being a cynic, it has been my long held belief the project was driven more by the fantasy of an ego driven, past his prime Governor Jerry Brown whose dream it was to memorialize himself in history. Perhaps equally important a “political payoff” to large Labor Unions, such as the Operating Engineers Union, for their support of the Democratic Party.
But then, I am just a cynic hardened by years of observing how government really works.
Bob Bandy – September 2020
Really enjoyed this article. Really thank you! Keep writing. Tami Rad Julius