The State of America’s Garden
I first wrote the following a couple of years ago and it was one of my most commented on, requested and shared articles. Unfortunately, in its own way it has become also one of the most prophetic in the way our cultural climate has continued to metastasize with anger, hatred and violence growing like a runaway cancer.
Is there any hope we can yet come together, accept our differences, learn from and forgive past mistakes and begin to love one another without endless recriminations?
History is history and things that happened in the past cannot be changed. Maybe, just maybe, instead of tearing down monuments and statues we now view as reminders of past wrongs we should see them as milestones on the path of how far we have come in our journey as a nation.
Or would we prefer to continue as a nation to be consumed with our anger, fear, and rage till there is nothing left but a garden poisoned with hatred and division?
In 1850 Sam Houston proclaimed in a speech to the Senate that “a nation divided against itself cannot stand”. There are similar quotes and comparisons from the Bible.
Many years ago, twenty or more, I remember reading about a time in the future when the writer believed the United States might very well “Balkanize” itself. That is turn into a fatally fractured land and people, where reconciliation into any kind of unity becomes impossible. Or, in other words, goodbye “E Pluribus Unum”.
A people who become so divided along ideological as well as cultural, religious, political, and ethnic identities that a unified effort for the “greater good of all” becomes impossible.
A time when our national diversity, instead of being our unifying strength, is instead used as a weapon of destruction.
Elements within our previously “United” government and society become fortresses of non-negotiable demands. These elements threaten the total destruction of our way of life unless their specific demands are granted. They will use any means to achieve their goals. Violence, fear, intimidation, destruction of families, corruption on a national scale and any other means to get their way.
Following the leadership of writers such as Saul Alinsky and funded by anti-American zealots such as George Soros, these elements seek to impose a society which is in direct conflict with the values and institutions envisioned by our Founders and treasured by most. For their agenda, co-existence is not an option.
In the process they are planting a garden, the rows of this garden contain the seeds of Lies, Hate, Anger, Rage and Bitterness. Tell me, what do you harvest if these are the seeds you plant and cultivate?
They have also infiltrated and corrupted many previously thought incorruptible government agencies and departments like the FBI and Department of Justice, just to name two.
These, and other Agencies and Departments have become populated too often by self-serving unelected demigods wedded to the principle that they are entitled to lifetime pay and benefits and are not answerable to the taxpayers. What is now being referred to by many as the “Deep State”.
If the average citizen did the things these bureaucrats are allowed to do, the citizen would find him or herself in prison while the government employee or elected official seems to have an endless “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
Cross them in any way and they have the power and the taxpayer paid for resources to hound you, bankrupt you and ruin your life just for the fun of it.
I don’t think of Washington D.C. as a Swamp. It is better defined as a “Cesspool”.
Bob Bandy – September 2020