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The State of America’s Garden

September 08, 2020 By: bob Category: Something To Think About



I first wrote the following a couple of years ago and it was one of my most commented on, requested and shared articles.  Unfortunately, in its own way it has become also one of the most prophetic in the way our cultural climate has continued to metastasize  with anger, hatred and violence growing like a runaway cancer. 


Is there any hope we can yet come together, accept our differences, learn from and forgive past mistakes and begin to love one another without endless recriminations?   

History is history and things that happened in the past cannot be changed.  Maybe, just maybe, instead of tearing down monuments and statues we now view as reminders of past wrongs we should see them as milestones on the path of how far we have come in our journey as a nation.

Or would we prefer to continue as a nation to be consumed with our anger, fear, and rage till there is nothing left but a garden poisoned with hatred and division? 

In 1850 Sam Houston proclaimed in a speech to the Senate that “a nation divided against itself cannot stand”.  There are similar quotes and comparisons from the Bible.


Many years ago, twenty or more, I remember reading about a time in the future when the writer believed the United States might very well “Balkanize” itself.  That is turn into a fatally fractured land and people, where reconciliation into any kind of unity becomes impossible.  Or, in other words, goodbye “E Pluribus Unum”.

A people who become so divided along ideological as well as cultural, religious, political, and ethnic identities that a unified effort for the “greater good of all” becomes impossible.

 A time when our national diversity, instead of being our unifying strength, is instead used as a weapon of destruction.

Elements within our previously “United” government and society become fortresses of non-negotiable demands.  These elements threaten the total destruction of our way of life unless their specific demands are granted.  They will use any means to achieve their goals.  Violence, fear, intimidation, destruction of families, corruption on a national scale and any other means to get their way. 

Following the leadership of writers such as Saul Alinsky and funded by anti-American zealots such as George Soros, these elements seek to impose a society which is in direct conflict with the values and institutions envisioned by our Founders and treasured by most.  For their agenda, co-existence is not an option.

In the process they are planting a garden, the rows of this garden contain the seeds of Lies, Hate, Anger, Rage and Bitterness.  Tell me, what do you harvest if these are the seeds you plant and cultivate? 

They have also infiltrated and corrupted many previously thought incorruptible government agencies and departments like the FBI and Department of Justice, just to name two.

These, and other Agencies and Departments have become populated too often by self-serving unelected demigods wedded to the principle that they are entitled to lifetime pay and benefits and are not answerable to the taxpayers.  What is now being referred to by many as the “Deep State”. 

If the average citizen did the things these bureaucrats are allowed to do, the citizen would find him or herself in prison while the government employee or elected official seems to have an endless “Get Out of Jail Free” card.

Cross them in any way and they have the power and the taxpayer paid for resources to hound you, bankrupt you and ruin your life just for the fun of it.

I don’t think of Washington D.C. as a Swamp.  It is better defined as a “Cesspool”.

Bob Bandy – September 2020

Defund Law Enforcement – Brave New World?

June 09, 2020 By: bob Category: In the News





Following the recent killing of George Floyd, I, and virtually everyone else want justice to be certain and sure for his killer.  I also believe  that none of us condone police brutality and we all agree that common sense reforms and disciplines are needed and will be widely supported. 

But this is not what many protesters are demanding.

Many Protesters are demanding and many cities are at least considering defunding and/or dismantling their police departments.  Perhaps a curious coincidence but the Antifa group has wanted the same thing for a long time. 

 What would this brave new world look like and how would it function?

A preview of how the system might function can be seen now in many cities and jurisdictions throughout the country in what are considered “minor” “non-injury” traffic accidents.  A similar system is in place for property crimes like theft and vandalism.

Our daughter’s car was “rear-ended” at a traffic light about a year ago.  Some years ago both parties would have waited for a police officer to arrive and write up a report before either was allowed to leave the scene of the accident.  In today’s world this does not happen.  Both drivers are told to complete an online report, file it electronically and then file a claim with their insurance company.  Both are encouraged but not required to take some pictures of the damage with their camera phones.

If Police Departments are defunded or dismantled perhaps a similar system can be put in place to cover other incidents now handled by Law Enforcement.

Keeping in mind that no one is protesting and demanding we defund  criminals this can present new opportunities for handling situations that have  been up till now considered police business.

If you are the victim of a home invasion robbery, any surviving family members can just file an online report and submit both property and life insurance claims with your insurance companies.

If you are robbed on the street by some ruffian, you can just pull out your own 9mm pistol and “blow them away”.  No messy police reports to fill out and no silly police officer questions about your unlicensed and unregistered handgun.  No need for pictures, no one is going to be arrested.

I would say that with no cops around, there will be a better than a 50% chance of whomever you meet on the streets being armed.

You can drive your unregistered, uninsured and unlicensed car at any speed you want with no worries about those bothersome and expensive tickets.  In fact, save yourself some money and make that a stolen car of your choice to drive.  Traveling in luxury will be so much simpler and less expensive.

Domestic Violence.  Just shoot it out the old fashioned way, 1880’s Dodge City, Kansas style with no Wyatt Earp to stop you.

In the above events you can just fill out an online report at your leisure, or not fill out one if you so choose.  Who is going to know?

Since law enforcement won’t be making any arrests it will clear up crowded Court Calendars and empty out our jails and prisons in a short period of time. Another “win” for those in favor of doing away with the police.

Yeah, I can see this working.  What could possibly go wrong?

Bob Bandy – June 2020




Go To Your Room And Stay There!

May 23, 2020 By: bob Category: In the News, On Bob's Mind


         Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Clowns, Criminals and Lunatics.

So hard to choose only one example with so many to choose from.


The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men do Nothing.

 quote credited to Edmund Burke

I have a growing fear of being enslaved by a corrupt ruling class of demigods driven by ambition and a thirst for power.  

In addition we are seeing negation of  our Constitutional rights through massive government overreach in the supposed cause of protecting the public health.  Governors, Mayors and Federal Agencies are acting with Dictatorial edicts which we are not even supposed to question.

We have also learned of abuse of power and corruption that occurred at the highest levels of the FBI, the Justice Department,  the Central Intelligence Agency and other related government agencies.  The “Deep State” at its worst.

Too many elected politicians, and often un-elected “public servants”,   demonstrate they are little more than Clowns, Criminals or Lunatics.

These folks, who consider themselves superior, have also made themselves immune from prosecution for actions they would put us in jail for if we acted in the same way.    

There are good people in government but I no longer have any faith or trust in most agencies because of the “bad apples”, too often “at the top”of the political food chain, who have politicized everything because of their political parties ambitions.   

I would not even consider answering questions from the FBI without a good lawyer present and duct tape firmly in place over my mouth.

The mainstream “Tabloid” Media cannot be trusted.  They have become no more than Propaganda Lemmings for the political agenda of their chosen party.  You can get more accurate reporting from “The Enquirer” and other “Supermarket Tabloids”.    

Elected officials in places of power that are willing to bankrupt, even destroy our country if it will achieve their desired goal of turning the United States into Cuba, Venezuela or some other Socialist “Paradise”.

Too many politicians who have come to view this Coronavirus Covid-19 not as a Pandemic threatening the lives of all us but as an opportunity to pursue their own political agenda. “Never let a crisis go to waste”.

Sad to say,  I have lost faith in our government.  I wish it were not so.  Lie to me once, shame on you.  Lie to me twice, shame on me.  

Bob Bandy – May 2020 


Post Covid-19 – How About A Mulligan?

May 04, 2020 By: bob Category: In the News, Something To Think About


When I was a kid we called it a “Do Over”. In computer language it is called a “System Restore Point or Date” and in Golf it is called a “Mulligan”. Go back in time and start over. Wish we could do this with the Coronavirus Covid-19.

Back on March 31, after two weeks of sheltering in place, my wife predicted, and I posted on Facebook, “With all this forced family “shut in” time, in the coming weeks and months we should expect an increase in the divorce rate, homicide rate and a bit later perhaps the birth rate”. To which a friend commented. “not to mention suicide rate”.

As we come out of forced “Stay at home” requirements and begin to try to rebuild our lives, our jobs and our economy, which is now in tatters, I think we can unfortunately look forward to several challenges. The following is not meant to frighten anyone, it is easier to deal with things if you anticipate them and see them coming.

One: A Tsunami of Bankruptcies. Personal, business, even government on a City, County and perhaps a State basis. The Federal Government can’t go bankrupt – they just print more paper money.

I read and heard many months ago that a very large percentage (over 50%) of the American working public could not raise $400 for a car repair without using a credit card or taking out a loan. During this Covid-19 time, and in an effort to help, the Government sent out stimulus checks but these do not begin to cover the average monthly bills of most families and doubtless many have had to resort to credit cards to “make ends meet”. After 6-8 or more weeks of no paychecks many of these folks may have little choice but to seek relief in the Bankruptcy Courts. The same can be said for many businesses, large and small, as well as many Cities, Counties and States that depend on regular sales tax and other revenues.

I would expect the Federal Government will provide some level of help to these Cities, Counties and States with more deficit dollars but probably not to the level many will “demand”.

The City of Chicago for example has reportedly said they need more than 40 Billion Dollars from the Federal Government. In the case of Chicago it must be remembered that it has a history of poor management and was near Bankruptcy before the Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic. In the news: a Chicago City Employee – an Administrator in Chicago’s failing Public School System whose annual salary was $400,000 a year – the same as our Presidents salary – recently retired with a $300,000 a year lifetime retirement benefit. Plus, of course, healthcare for the rest of her life, all paid for by the taxpayers of Chicago.

Of course there are many well run municipalities who have faced significant loss of tax and other revenue from forced business closures through no fault of their own. They are following, you might say are victims of State and Federal mandates.

Two: Covid-19 could be viewed as the “Trial Lawyers Full Employment Act”. Expect a “pandemic” of lawsuits from ravenous Trial Lawyers. Sharks always smell blood in the water and Hundreds of Billions of Federal Dollars are not going to go unnoticed. Lawsuits will be filed for any and all “opportunities” and you can expect them to go on for years. Litigation for things like “unlawful terminations” by employers, “illegal” repossessions under duress, wrongful evictions for non payment of mortgages and rent, Unconstitutional Bill of Rights denial of freedom and “imprisonment” at home by overzealous Governors and other State and Federal Authorities, and any other kind of reason or excuse they can dig up to enrich themselves. Sharks are Sharks, they have no soul.

Three: Homelessness. Expect it to increase. Especially if a large number of businesses fail and are forced into closure or Bankruptcy. Hopefully in time most jobs will come back but the coming months will likely be tough.

We all, family, friends and neighbors need to do whatever we can to help one another through the difficulties that will arise as we work to recover our lives and economy.

Too bad the “Mulligan” isn’t a possibility.

Bob Bandy – May 2020

What’s Behind the Masks

April 25, 2020 By: bob Category: In the News, Something To Think About


Our leaders, both Democratic & Republican, were forced to make some difficult choices in dealing with the Coronavirus – COVID19. I don’t envy them having to make the decisions they were forced to make. Rather than criticize them, I think we should try to understand and support them as much as possible.

Having said that, we need to recognize that in deciding to virtually shut down our economy and require a major portion of our citizenry to submit to a form of “house arrest”, some realities must be accepted.

The purpose of what government is doing is to keep this pandemic from overwhelming our Health Care System, especially in our densely packed large inner cities. A worthy consideration. It is not to “make the virus go away”. “Sheltering in place” in our homes does not defeat the virus, it merely keeps it at bay, like a wolf at the door, so the virus and the pain can be spread over a longer period of time. Sort of like “death by a thousand cuts” if you will.

Once we are allowed to leave the sanctuary of our homes the Coronavirus will still be waiting for us in the real world. We are told that a Vaccine is at least months and maybe a year away.

Many of our leaders and most of the experts seem to be telling us that once we can again leave our homes and return to work, we should be prepared for perhaps permanent changes in our lives. All for our own good of course.

For one thing, I heard on the news a couple of days ago that “they” have developed a (self?) test for the virus at a cost of $120.00 per test. Pretty clearly if we take the test and it shows we have the virus, we will need to “self quarantine” ourselves for 14 days and contact anybody we have had contact with so that they can test and do likewise. What was not said was if the test is negative, how often will we need to re-test. Maybe every time we make an “essential” trip for groceries or go to the pharmacy?


Many/most of those in charge are telling us the virus will be with us for a long time and flare ups in the fall or maybe this winter or next spring are possible and maybe likely, especially if the virus were to mutate (as virus’s are prone to do) and we should be prepared to again implement and redo what we are going through now. A scary thought!

Beyond testing and the likelyhood that social distancing and masks are likely to become a permanent fixture in our lives, how about:

The impact on Movie Theaters, Sports Arenas and Ball Parks, Theme Parks like Disneyland, Concerts, State and County Fairs, Trade Shows etc. – most any event that brings lots of folks close together.

Getting to work or shopping in a high density city like New York where so much “people moving” is dependent on commuter trains, subways, buses and street foot traffic. How do you maintain social distancing on a jam packed subway system that is frequently making quick stops while passengers are pushing and shoving to get on and off?

Schools, including classrooms and gymnasiums. How do you keep students, especially younger ones at “social distance” from each other? Won’t classrooms have to increase in size to keep desks farther apart?

How does government recapture lost revenue from sporting and other events? Sacramento “went out on a limb” to develop an Arena for a major Basketball Team. The city counted on repaying that investment from taxes on ticket sales, parking fees, hotel and restaurant taxes etc. If you cut the arena seating by 2/3 to accommodate social spacing, do you triple the price of tickets? Is it possible fans will lose some interest? Isn’t part of the fun of attending a game “live” the excitement of the crowd and being able to elbow your friends and saying “Did you see that shot?”

I am almost ashamed to admit that there is a part of me that thinks we should do whatever it takes to provide a safe environment for those at greatest risk in our society, while giving even those folks an “opt out” if they so choose, and then let the rest of us go on about living our lives the way we are used to doing it. The “Experts” statistics show us so far, that if we do get the virus, for some folks it is a non-event, for others it is more of an event but in the end the fatality rate is somewhere between 1%-3% and less than that among the “not at risk” portion of the population. Even among the elderly the risk is greatest among those with underlying health factors. For most of us the risk seems to be in the .5 (one half of one) percent range.

Keep in mind that I, like most everyone else, do not want anyone to die but it seems logical to me we could find a way to protect the most vulnerable without making virtual prisoners out of the rest of us and destroying our economy in the process.

I think I can with a clear conscience offer this opinion because I am one of those considered at risk and I, for myself would choose the “opt out”, take my chances and live my life, using my common sense, the way we were living it before this Coronavirus upended everything.

I am one who chooses facing my foe in the open arena where there is often some real or perceived element of danger, to living my life in the supposed safety of a cage with dependence on government as a companion.

You are free to disagree with me. If you agree, you are also free to share this with someone.

Bob Bandy – April 2020


April 18, 2020 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, Something To Think About


I spent more than 17 years, and quasi-retired from a company that was in the computer data processing and billing business as well as systems design and fabrication.

My own positions were in administration and management and not technical “stuff” but I spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours with technical people including programmers and engineers.

I remember one technical manager in particular that used to “remind” me over and over that everyone seems to think “Computers are smart but actually they are stupid – they can just process data very, very fast.”

Or, as was often mentioned as a “great truth” by countless programmers and technicians that we must never forget: “Garbage In – Garbage Out”. Computer systems can only produce results based on the the data that is input into them. In other words, if you provide the computer program with incomplete or inaccurate data they will produce faulty or misleading results.

For example, early in the current Coronavirus Pandemic, “modeling” was predicting United States potential fatalities from the virus could run 2.2 million by August of this year, this was later revised to 1.4 million and still later to maybe 140 thousand and it now appears the actual number with likely come in well below that number. That is a huge differential in predictions and is why the task force kept reiterating that they needed accurate data for “modeling”.

These experts are not stupid or inept, these are educated, intelligent and dedicated people. Apparently the first “models” were based on input data that nothing would be done to mitigate the spread of the virus. As mitigation factors were input, the modeling predictions changed.

(Definition of mitigate: Spreading the impact of possible contamination over a longer period of time to avoid overwhelming hospitals by social distancing, closing of non-essential businesses and instituting modified house arrest for citizenry.)

My real fear of relying on computer modeling is that it can, and has been abused by those with an agenda to make “junk science” predictions on subjects from global famine to global freezing to climate change prognostications that have a history of causing unnecessary fear and panic only to be ultimately proven false.

By “picking and choosing” what data fits your agenda and you want to use in your computer modeling, you can skew the computer output to fit your goals. This is not true science, it is an example of “Garbage in – Garbage out”.

Politicians use Pollsters to do something similar by carefully wording questions and then polling segments of the population likely to produce their desired results. “Garbage in – Garbage out”.

In 1966 former Vice President Al Gore’s “modeling” and his book (An Inconvenient Truth) predicted global warming unless immediate and drastic action was taken within a decade. He predicted, among other things, rising sea levels and worldwide massive flooding along with Polar Bear Extinction (Polar Bear populations have actually increased) and the South Sahara drying up among other dire warnings. None of these things happened. Despite his predictions of rising sea levels, the former Vice President and author bought himself a beachfront home.

In his book “The Population Bomb”, by Stanford Professor Paul Ehrlich, his modeling predicted worldwide famine in the 70’s and 80’s due to overpopulation. The worldwide famine never occurred but caused near panic in many quarters of academia.

In the 1970’s more “modeling” led scientists to predict an imminent new “ice age”, a vision of which can be seen in the 2004 movie “The Day After Tomorrow” which was based on this prediction. It never happened.

More recently, a “Progressive Green New Deal” movement within our own country predicted, based on their own accepted “modeling” in 2019 that our planet only had 12 years left for human survival unless we immediately adopt their agenda, part of which is to abruptly abandon all use of “fossil” fuels (oil and natural gas) and switch to only solar and wind power on a crisis basis. This is “junk” science on steroids but they have caused tremendous fear and panic, especially on our young and vulnerable. In my opinion this is fear mongering on a criminal level. The climate is not going to make the earth uninhabitable by humans within the next, now 11 years and there is no definitive scientific proof to the fact. Only predictions based on computer “modeling” from often skewed, cherry picked questionable data.

You will forgive me if I do not trust “modeling”. Good people can be led far from the truth by inaccurate, faulty or fraudulent data. There are too many “experts” out there with an agenda looking for a way to further that agenda with “modeling” data.

To close on a more humorous note. Many of these experts are telling us that we will need to permanently change our behavior in the future and practice social distancing everywhere and at every age. I want to be a “fly on the wall” of a third grade classroom and watch all the the 8-9 year old’s maintain, at all times, a six foot spacing in the classroom, cafeteria and playground. I pity the teachers!

Bob Bandy – April 2020