Washington D.C.
Obi-Wan Kenobi at Mos Eisley Spaceport
(1977 Star Wars IV)
Watching Star Wars IV with my wife the other night for the umpteenth time, I was again amused at Obi-Wan Kenobi’s comment to Luke Skywalker on their arrival at the Mos Eisley Spaceport. Obviously Obi-Wan never visited Washington D.C..
Sometimes it is better to find humor and satire than it is to become despondent.
At this time our Nations Capitol is surrounded by a metal fence topped with razor wire and several thousand armed troops.
This leads to the question: Are the troops there to keep the residents in or to keep we citizens out?
If it is to keep the residents confined in, then I applaud the action and would suggest we even add to this population inmates now occupying other jails and prison facilities from around the country. I am sure all these folks would feel right at home and extend “Professional Courtesy” to one another since they share the same moral standards. The thieves, perjurers, scoundrels, snitches and riff-raff from the nations jails should find comfort and acceptance with the assortment of clowns, criminals, lunatics and riff-raff who inhabit Congress. A sort of mutual admiration society and win-win situation.
If the goal of the fencing and the troops is to keep “us” out, one would have to wonder why? Is there something they don’t want us to see?
Remember the Cantina scene in Star Wars IV?
Could this be our Congress at work?
Could that be Nancy Pelosi center stage behind the podium?
Just think of the opportunity of having the whole “Washington Cartel” of corrupt and morally bankrupt politicians “corralled” behind wire and troops in one place with the exits sealed. Add to that the joy of them rubbing elbows with their “own kind” from jails and prisons around the country. Something to dream about.
On a more serious note.
Right now, today, Congress seems bent on taking away rights guaranteed by the constitution – Free Speech for example.
At this time, today, we still have the Right Guaranteed in the First and Fourteenth Amendment to Freedom of Association.
There are two types of freedom of association: the right to expressive association and the right to intimate association.
Additionally, the First Amendment protects a right to associate and a right not to associate together.
In “Country Boy English” this means I have the right to associate with those individuals, groups, businesses and organizations I want to associate with and equally important I have the right to Not associate with individuals, groups, businesses and organizations I choose not to associate with for any reason I choose.
I look for Congress and various groups to try to reduce or eliminate this Right of Association but am hopeful any such effort by them might be one that would be hard to police and enforce. For myself, I am prepared to take a stand on this Right of Association no matter the cost.
In the process of living in the current hostile environment coming out of our Nations Capitol, and sadly many States Capitols, I am encouraged by the lessons taught in that Classic Film: Fiddler on the Roof. The goal is to keep your faith and endure, all the while enjoying life to the fullest extent possible in a challenging environment.
Bob Bandy – March 2021
I have squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises, all lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Paul Simon – The Boxer 1969