photo credit – Victor Davis Hanson – Zerohedge – Tyler Durden
Excerpt from an article by Victor Davis Hanson June 11, 2021
Victor Davis Hanson: This Isn’t Your Father’s Left-Wing Revolution
Sixties protestors mainlined divorce, abortion on demand, promiscuity, drug use and one-parent homes. But by the late 1970s and the 1980s, most veteran cultural revolutionaries had gotten married, were raising a family, bought a house, got a job and made money.
This time around, their offspring’s left-wing assault is different — and far more ominous.
The woke grandchildren of the former outsiders are now more ruthless systematic insiders. The woke and wired new establishment knows how to use money and power to rebirth America as something the founders and most current Americans never envisioned.
Name one mainline institution that the woke left does not now control — and warp. The media? The campus? Silicon Valley? Professional sports? The corporate boardroom? Foundations? The K-12 educational establishment? The military hierarchy? The government deep state? The FBI top echelon?
The left absorbed them all. But this time around, members of the left really believe that “by any means necessary” is no mere slogan. Instead, it is a model of how to disrupt or destroy American customs, traditions and values.
end of excerpt – full article available on line
In a world where I can’t turn on a TV, look at a newspaper or hear a conversation without being confronted with “Wokeness”, Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory, I have begun re-examining my own views on “Critical” issues in life. In the process I have developed what I will call “Critical Bob Theory”. My own theory is based on observations and facts and not on heated hyperbole.
Critical Bob Theory
It seems that as a culture and nation we seem to be losing our grasp on established boundaries on cultural values, acceptable behavior, equal justice and expectations. Things that we can depend on being true, every time, all the time.
Many sports are played on a field with boundaries and specific rules that must be complied with by contestants on both sides of the ball. If those boundaries are not respected and rules not equally applied, chaos is the only possible outcome.
Nature has rules that are constant and predictable. Gravity is one. Fall or jump from an airplane several thousand feet in the air above the ground without a parachute or other flotation device and you will fall to earth. Not once in a while but every single time you do it.
If we defy the laws of nature we will lose every time. Natures laws are like basic mathematics, not negotiable. 2+2 is always 4.
Civilization needs constants and as citizens we need reliable boundaries. If our civilization loses it’s predictable constants and boundaries, we will lose our way and end up in a “through the looking glass” world where up is down and down is up, nothing makes sense, lacking direction in our lives and ending up confused and troubled. I see much of this happening now. Look at too many of our major cities that have become infested with unpunished crime, drugs and homeless encampments filled with misery and filth.
Most people of faith (I am Christian) have a set of laws set down by God to live by and to follow. Honor your Father and your Mother, Thou shall not murder, thou shall not steal, etc. These were Commandments, not suggestions. They are constants. They don’t change and if we stray from those constants we find ourselves in trouble, morally and in many cases legally.
At one time most of us thought Government was a constant, ruled and kept in check by the Constitution, Bill of Rights and those Amendments like guaranteeing Freedom of Speech, Right to Bear Arms, etc.
A constant. with Laws and Rights that apply to everyone equally, no fudging.
But, government is not applying laws evenly and appears on a path to shred much of the original Constitution, Bill of Rights and those Amendments.
If you join a group for a peaceful, unarmed, noisy protest at the Nations Capitol you can be labeled a Domestic Terrorist, locked up, without bail, indefinitely without trial. However, if you engage in violent protests, destroying the private property of innocent citizens, looting and burning large areas of a major city under a false flag of “Racial Injustice” there are no legal consequences. If arrested you will be released without bail and any record of arrest will be expunged by a corrupt legal system.
Government no longer fills important positions on a merit based system. Decisions are being made based on gender, gender identification, political affiliation and skin color.
Government is no longer a reliable constant, it has become a purely political entity that seeks its own agenda and power for those in charge. It also wants to force feed this divisive and destructive Woke Culture and Critical Race Theory propaganda to the most vulnerable of our population, our children.
Nature is constant and has certain immutable laws. Violate them at your own peril. In the womb and at birth we are all either male or female. Government may tell us that we can choose any of a long list of genders to live our lives as, it may even declare there are no longer any gender differences, surgeons can alter, many would say mutilate, physical biological differences, but in the end they are not able to change genetics. Too often these efforts only create pain, confusion and some measure of personal and social chaos.
I believe boundaries are an essential element of any successful culture and civilization. Without them civilizations crumble and fall into the dustbin of failed civilizations in history.
If you agree with much of what is written here, please share this article with family, friends and neighbors.
Bob Bandy – June 2021