Chinese President Xi Jinping & Russian President Vladimir Putin
Photo: BBC News
Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to believe that he has formed a mutually beneficial and long term relationship with President Xi Jinping of China.
Business had even referred to their relationship as a “Blossoming Bromance” in a July 2019 article.
In recent months, before the Ukraine Invasion by Russia, the Chinese and Russians signed huge wheat, coal and oil deals worth more than 100 Billion Dollars to the Russians.
Would it be just conspiratorial conjecture to suspect that the crafty Chinese President “outfoxed” the Russian President by tacitly approving the invasion, and subsequent near genocide of the Ukrainians. Letting the never popular Russian President become one of the most despised and never to be trusted leaders in the world and now an outcast among civilized nations?
Did President Xi all along just look at President Putin as a “goose” to be fattened and then harvested to serve the expansion of China’s Empire?
Where else among civilized nations can the killer of civilians, whole families, children, even babies, turn to after an unprovoked, barbarous invasion and slaughter of innocents?
I suspect that as time passes Russia will descend into little more than a client “state” of China. A resource rich “goose” to feed the growing needs of China.
It is more China’s way to use “client states” to do their “dirty work”. Places like North Korea, as an example, and now perhaps Russia. In the process China just smiles and practices “plausible deniability”.
Lest you think I am engaging in just wild speculation, consider the following: China is a brutal, totalitarian country and its citizens have no human or civil rights. Having said that, can you name for me one “foreign” country China has sent its armies to invade in the last 200 years. They have used their armies to ruthlessly quell rebellions in many of China’s provinces but not other nations. Before World War II Japan invaded China but China never invaded Japan.
What China does is acquire influence and power in foreign lands by buying and investing in the resources of foreign nations. For example: China became the largest buyer of milk products from New Zealand. New Zealand expanded milk production by dairy farmers borrowing money to increase their herds to meet China’s growing demand. Then China cut off buying the milk products. Many of New Zealand’s dairy farmers could no longer pay the bank loans and filed for bankruptcy. Chinese “investors” bought up the bankrupt dairy farms. Chinese “investors” are buying up land, mineral resources and businesses around the world, including here in the United States. In this way China expands its Empire and influence without ever firing a shot. Smart like a fox.
Rulers like Vladimir Putin invade places like Ukraine, destroy its infrastructure, severely damage its resources, kill and alienate its citizenry and then takes charge of a country that despises him and is in ruins. This also creates fear and loathing in other nations who understand they could be the next target of aggression. This is not smart like a fox. It is the actions of a power mad Barbarian.
HISTORY is replete with the record of Barbarian killers. Whether they titled themselves as “Emperor”, “King”, “The Great Khan”, “Attila the Hun”, “President” or some other fancy title, they all have a record of filling the annals of time with the deaths of thousands, tens of thousands and often millions of innocent people just trying to live out their lives and care for their children.
Vladimir Putin is not the first, and, unfortunately will likely not be the last of these soulless killers of humanity.
I find myself laying awake at night, my mind haunted by a televised image of a sorrowful man sitting beside a table on which lays a dead child covered with a bloodstained sheet. The child was killed because of the ambition of Vladimir Putin. I grieve with this man and the people of the Ukraine and I am tormented with a desire to find a way to stop this kind of madness.
Like many others, I find myself praying that the barbarism and killing will stop.
Following World War I the League of Nations was formed with the intent of making sure another such war would never happen again. Adolph Hitler put that dream in the dust bin of history and is responsible for the death of seven million Jews and so many others. But, he is not alone in the reign of Barbarians. Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin and numerous others have caused the death and misery of millions upon millions of humans.
The United Nations was formed following World War II. It to, has failed in so many ways. The most it seems to do is issue “Non-Binding Resolutions” of condemnation. Like wagging your finger at a two year old for breaking his siblings toys with no other consequences.
It has been reported that the United States is sending Vice President Kamala Harris over to Europe. Maybe to give them another geography lesson on how the Ukraine is located right next to Russia and remind them that our President might need to go “toe to toe” with Putin again as he said he had done in a statement while on the campaign trail. I am sure this will be every bit as effective as the “Non-Binding Resolution” from the United Nations has been. With Vice President Harris in charge what could possibly go wrong?
Back in 2009 when one of our political parties was accusing the other party of “pulling the plug” on Grandma’s Heath Care, I wrote a satirical piece suggesting the United States would do well to “Pull the Plug” on the United Nations and ship it off to another country before dropping our membership. The message of the article was that the United Nations was no more than a Toothless Tiger which had become mostly a sounding board where other countries, after taking our Foreign Aid money voted against the U.S. whenever possible.
Different era, different tyrants and dictators. Same “Toothless” United Nations.
September 2009
Bob Bandy
Drawing by Syl Mateo
Dictator names and nations have changed but not the ineffectiveness of the United Nations. What a waste. Sad.
The following article reprinted from the Philadelphia Trumpet– March 2022 – by Joel Hilliker is one of the best Synopsis of exactly what America has done, and is doing to itself that I have read anywhere. It is both eye opening and a frightening piece of carefully documented concise, articulate commentary on the subject. Bob
Do you believe America is the strongest country in the world? It’s time to open your eyes: You are living in the post-American world.
The United States has enjoyed the world’s largest economy for about two lifetimes. But depending on the measurement, China has already surpassed it, or is about to. It is building a sprawling trading network that encompasses more than 140 nations. Recently, it signed an agreement with virtually every nation in Latin America and the Caribbean that helps it replace the United States as the region’s top trade partner. The plan covers almost all aspects of life, from learning Chinese to mining to exploring space, for more than 680 million people in 33 countries—and is plainly aimed at taking over America’s backyard.
Such are the deals China is securing that enable it to flood the world with inexpensive exports and thus amass mountains of cash. This wealth it reinvests in foreign countries, then uses this as leverage to gain control of their resources and infrastructure. China is building a global empire, quickly and relentlessly. Meanwhile America, opposed to tyrannies but war weary, relies on economic weapons, freezing regimes like Russia, North Korea, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Venezuela and Cuba out of diplomacy and trade. China, itself a tyrannical regime, is happy to welcome them as they rush into its arms. It just signed a “comprehensive strategic partnership” with Iran that will flood the Islamist terrorist state with cash, as well as providing military training, weapons development and intelligence sharing that could upend the Middle East’s balance of power.
America is in retreat, pulling out of Europe and deserting the Middle East. Last summer it evacuated Afghanistan in the most humiliating fashion conceivable, reinstating the very terrorist organization we went there to defeat, betraying foreign allies and abandoning our own people. Russia, by stark contrast, is reconstructing the Soviet empire bit by bit through intimidation and outright invasion. It is building a potent energy weapon against Eastern Europe, reigniting conflict in the Balkans, deploying troops in Kazakhstan, warring against Ukraine, and fatally undermining nato. China is annexing the South China Sea, crushing its Uyghur population, and snuffing out freedom in Hong Kong. It is isolating Taiwan and preparing to invade; one wonders who would stop it if it chose to do so. America certainly has no stomach for war over some remote island in East Asia. Though Americans vociferously decry the evils of American oppression and imperialism, they are oddly mute about the expansionist neocolonialism of dictators Xi and Putin.
America is in a leadership crisis. Half the leaders have come to believe a demonic ideology: radical policies, economic madness, hatred of tradition, unrestrained amorality. They encourage lawlessness on the street while weaponizing law to destroy their political foes. They lie, cheat, steal, even kill to serve the “greater good” of attaining and clinging to power. The other half of the leaders are too irresolute and weak, too compromised, to stop them from destroying the country. And they all spend an inordinate amount of their time seeking reelection and finding ways to appeal to self-interested, ignorant voters. The paramount leaders of Russia and China don’t bother with elections, debates with legislators, term limits or any other checks on their power. What they say is what is done, whether it’s installing an Orwellian surveillance state, laying tens of thousands of miles of high-speed rail, colonizing the moon, or expanding and modernizing their nuclear arsenal.
America shackles its industry and economy with regulations and restrictions to appease special interests and foreign environmentalists. China scorns climate change protocols with impunity. It is too busy dominating the global 5G rollout, strengthening its automotive sector, developing the digital yuan, erecting skyscrapers in new megacities, modernizing, militarizing and colonizing to concern itself with carbon emissions. While the standard of living in China has been rising rapidly for more than four decades, America’s infrastructure is decaying, our cities are filling with homeless, drug abuse is mushrooming, inflation and personal debt are rising, incomes are falling, and our population is swelling by some 2 million illegal immigrants a year who disregard our laws and culture. Americans might denounce repression ofspeech, censorship and punishment of dissent in nations like Russia and China, but we have allowed our own freedom of speech to be denied by Big Tech and leftist politicians. Our Bill of Rights doesn’t protect political differences, church attendance and religious belief—it safeguards smut and filth, and the right of men to compete in women’s sports.
China’s education system is churning out engineers and scientists. It is preparing its next generation for world dominance. The next generation of Americans are learning that math is white-supremacist, grammar is unnecessary, and advanced placement classes are discriminatory. History classes fixate on the nation’s supposed sins rather than the nobility of our founding principles. Instead of reading and writing, schools encourage elementary-age children to explore gender fluidity.
America is far along a steep civilizational decline, and has been overtaken by foreign powers on a very different trajectory. Surely history will judge us harshly for being so self-absorbed, so distracted by virus variants, so preoccupied with pronoun preference and race reparations, so naïve in assuming our own invincibility, so heedless, so blind—while China moved into Cuba, Russia singlehandedly dismantled the Atlantic alliance, and Iran became a nuclear-armed state. The era of the United States is over. Historically speaking, the fall of such a great power is a dangerous time. In fact, the Bible prophesies what comes next: “the times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2). It won’t be pretty. America let it happen. And it is about to be blindsided by it.
WHENEVER the efforts of our politicians fail to produce the results of their campaign promises, and their schemes and plans just produce more debt and inflation, they seem to always fall back on a demand for “Equity”; defined by them as “Equal Outcomes” for all citizens. Or, in their dreams, everybody has the same amount of “stuff”. They compound their rhetoric most often by claiming that anything less than full “Equity” is somehow “unfair”, “racist”, “unjust” or pick a similar negative term. It seems their goal is to make us all equally poor, except for them, the ruling class.
Congress has a congenital habit of exempting themselves from the legislation they impose on we lowly tax payers. Example: The “Affordable Care Act”. It did not apply to Congress or their staff.
Under our Constitution it is clear that what the goal for American’s is, and should be, “Equal Opportunity”.
Opportunity is a noble goal and we should all strive for that. Among human beings, Equity of outcome is not possible and, I would argue, neither a reasonable nor a desirable target.
Some eight years ago, back in February of 2014 I wrote an article, somewhat “tongue in cheek”, on this subject. It is reprinted below:
The government says it wants to “fix” the problem of unequal pay and income. They say too few are paid too much (the evil rich) while too many are not paid enough (victims of the rich). The goal of the government is to equalize pay for all citizens.
Based on the governments track record of “fixing” things like the War on Poverty, our Public Education System, the Postal Service, Amtrak, and the growing National Debt, I am not sure we want them to try to “fix” income equality. Or anything else.
I have a vision of what a likely government “fix” will look like.
First they will establish what is a reasonable amount for everyone to be paid. For sake of this discussion lets say they decide on $60,000 a year. That would be $5,000 a month.
Here is a plan that I am sure would appeal to every bureaucrats heart. All residents of the United States of working age (18?) would receive a “salary” of $5,000 per month from the government who would function as the payroll department for all employers. A “single payer” system under complete control of the government and IRS. We could all become cogs in the wheel of the Proletariat masses.
Don’t worry, if you like your current job, you can keep it. That’s a promise.
Your education does not matter. Your age does not matter. Race, religion, political party, type of work, skill level, work ethic, level of responsibility, or experience. None of these matter. Unions could be eliminated, you wouldn’t need them. No merit or performance pay, everybody gets paid the same. Movie stars, Presidents, Barbers, Plumbers, Soldiers, Dog Catchers, Burger Flippers, Brain Surgeons, etc.
Visualize a Baseball Team under this system. The owners, the managers, star players, beginning players, bat boys, groundskeepers, peanut vendors, everybody gets exactly the same pay.
As desirable as this sounds in providing equal pay for all of us it would have the added benefit that the IRS could withhold their “fair share” before we see our paycheck with no need for us to ever file an annual return. Who could possibly object to such a fair and equitable solution? Consider this, we would all get paid the same no matter how lousy a job we do. Just like members of Congress.
If every citizen received the same amount of pay every month, do you think we would all have the same bank account at the end of the year? Or would some have a fat bank account, another a new car and still another a giant hangover?
Perhaps governments next task is to require equal outcomes for all of us? It should be easy. A plan to devolve all of us to the lowest common denominator. Call it government approved cookie cutter equality.
An American melting pot filled with glassy eyed, average room temperature IQ automatons.
First, and in full disclosure, I must admit that I was once a smoker. I gave up smoking many years ago when my daughter who was some eight years old, looked up at me with those beautiful, big brown eyes she inherited from her mother, and said: “Daddy, will you quit smoking for me”. I did.
So, I don’t come to this discussion with perfectly clean hands, but, the United States Army disciplined into me that a smoker does not throw their cigarette butts on the ground. If no ash tray is available you “field strip” them and put them in your pocket till a proper waste receptacle is at hand.
Having said these things, I heard on the news yesterday that California is in the process of prohibiting the discarding of filtered cigarette butts. Just the filtered kind. The proposed fine for doing so would be $500 per incident. It seems that the genius’s in charge of this scheme have figured out that used cigarette filters are a health hazard.
But, not to worry, if you are homeless or live in one of California’s homeless encampments it will still be legal to urinate in merchants doorways, defecate on/in the public sidewalks and gutters, dispose of used narcotics needles and all manner of other trash anywhere, at will, with no penalty or fine.
It will also be permissible to pilfer and steal from nearby stores (as long as you keep the theft on any one trip to below $950) with only the possibility of a misdemeanor ticket. And, by the way, their shopping carts are free.
In addition, rioting, looting, burning and destruction of public and private property will still be ignored legally as long as you do it in the name of a “Progressive” or “Liberal” cause as championed by the main stream media.
Under our current leadership, California is becoming a trash ridden, Insane Asylum without the usual rules, order and discipline you find in such a place. It is like we have put the residents of such an establishment in charge of maintaining public law and order.
I am of the opinion that if America really wants to defeat whatever enemies it has, all we need do is export to those enemies California’s brain dead Legislature and Governor, Gavin Newsome. Then somehow put California’s leaders in charge of our enemies economies and legal system. That ought to do them in.
I am reprinting here excerpts from a very well written article by Katy Grimes of the California Globe – January 20th edition. This in depth article is very informative and a worthwhile read. The complete article can be seen at the following link:
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg announced this week the city has been awarded a $23.9 million state Homekey grant to convert a downtown hotel into housing for homelessness vagrants.
$23 million is quadruple the annual budget of many effective local programs helping homeless turn their lives around.
The City and the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency announced plans to turn a Best Western hotel into a 92-unit homeless apartment complex. The apartments will have bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchenettes.
In effect, the city is in competition with known successful private programs actually changing lives. The chance for a pretty new apartment at no cost to a guy living in a tent on the sidewalk is a more attractive carrot than a program to help him get off meth and straighten his life out.
This is the third hotel being converted by the city to “permanent supportive housing” using Homekey funds. The words sound impressive, but are they?
This latest apartment complex is not going to be completed until Fall 2022 – 9 to 10 months from now.
What could possibly go wrong moving mentally-ill, drug-addicted, and former convict homeless vagrants into newly renovated apartments?
Sacramento has more than 11,000 homeless mentally-ill, drug-addicted, convicted criminals living on the streets of Sacramento as of 2020’s homeless count. It’s likely higher as of 2022.
With a population of 500,000, neighborhoods within the City of Sacramento have been ravaged by homeless vagrants allowed to live on the streets, in “safe spaces,” parking lots, in RVs, campers vans and cars, and in city parks, rather than move them into an organized large campus facility to address their needs and get treatment.
Last summer, Steinberg proposed to open homeless shelters, tiny homes and tent encampments in 20 residential neighborhoods and locations around the city. That did not go over well.
Steinberg also approved tiny apartments in a renovated old downtown hotel, which cost more than $445,000 per unit for about 250 square feet of living space, as the Globe reported.
The Mayor says 15 of the proposed apartment units in the Best Western will be funded by the Mental Health Services Act, the millionaire’s tax authored by Steinberg when he served in the State Assembly. Sacramento County will provide mental health treatment to those residents directly… i.e. Government mental health services.
“Residents in the remainder of the units will receive supportive services from LifeSTEPS, which serves more than 80,000 residents in 250 projects statewide,” the Mayor said.
What is LifeSTEPS? Never heard of them?
According to the Executive Director of LifeSTEPS, Beth Southorn, she “has propelled LifeSTEPS to its current status as one of the premier social services providers in affordable housing, now serving over 36,000 homes representing over 100,000 residents throughout the entire state of California.”
This number is significant if 100,000 homeless residents of the state are now housed. But LifeSTEPS does not say how many years this covers, or how hands-on they will be with the 77 remaining residents.
Calling the state’s homeless vagrant population “unhoused” has justified spending billions of taxpayer dollars on housing for the homeless in lovely new apartments, renovated hotels, and tiny homes.
Just look at what the City of Sacramento says: “The City and the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency will work with Danco Communities, the project developer, to turn the Best Western Sutter House at 1100 H Street into 92 units with bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchenettes,” the City says on its website.
Remember, the amount of this project is $23 million.
What could that $23 million grant do for the city’s 11,000 homeless walking the streets at night, and sleeping on them during the day?
San Antonio’s Haven For Hope Transformational Campus and Courtyard had a $20 million annual budget in 2018. Haven for Hope coordinates and delivers an efficient system of care for the homelessness in San Antonio, Texas. They have been a nationwide model for effectiveness. At the 22-acre campus, they serve 1,700 people daily in-residence on the campus, and another 700 in a low-barrier emergency shelter.
They bring multiple service providers to their campus to treat those in residential care with substance abuse and mental-health treatment, and partner with 140 organizations to provide 300 different services to the homeless including employment counseling, education, life-skills training, legal services, childcare, and many other necessary services and programs.
And they do this annually for what Mayor Steinberg wants to spend on remodeling one more hotel into 92 apartments.
Despite spending millions on futile “solutions” like tiny homes, FEMA trailers, and renovated hotel rooms for the city’s growing homeless population, Sacramento’s 11,000 transients are not receiving the treatments offered at Haven for Hope.
Nor are they receiving the residential care offered at 9-month program at the Union Gospel Mission Sacramento, which the Globe recently featured. “We feed 8,500 to 9,000 meals a month to the homeless, and even continued during COVID lockdowns,” Pastor Tim Lane told the Globe. Union Gospel Mission offers a Bible-based Twelve Step Course and Heart of Addiction program, an Anger Management Course, Weekly Counseling with their Chaplains, Assigned duties to serve the homeless community and Aftercare with attaining jobs, schooling, finances, reconciliations, transportation, and housing.
And they do this annually for about one-fifth of the cost of Mayor Steinberg’s one-time hotel renovation.
Union Gospel Mission and Haven for Hope have proven track records because at the root of their programs aren’t fancy apartments or kitsch tiny homes, but life-changing mental health and drug addiction treatment and faith-based and other programs focused on the individuals.
The governor and these big-city mayors are way out of line with these wasteful schemes spending mountains of taxpayer dollars. Do they even care about the broken people living on the streets, or is handing out money obligatory, or even too intoxicating?
Reminds me of the line from Top Gun: “Son, your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash.
Katy Grimes, the Editor of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol
This site contains 190+ articles/essays written over a period of about twelve years.
In full disclosure I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I am registered as “not affiliated” with any party. Mostly, I would like government to leave me alone and stay out of my wallet.
I am against racism in any of its forms, oppose violence, abhor hypocrisy and especially despise being lied to. Maybe that is why so many of my “rants” are directed at the folks in the “Halls of Power”!
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These articles are a kind of diary of my thoughts and views of happenings in our culture at the time of their writing.
I usually try to find some humor in what is happening but that is not always possible.
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