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September 02, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

30k+ Trailer Truck Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash



If you wanted to make a list of what ails California it would be a very long list.  Basically we have a state that is completely under the control of one very far left party under the leadership of an ego-centric, far left policy devotee with unbridled ambition, no common sense and who displays little in the way of personal integrity – example – “The French Laundry” incident. 

A man, who as Mayor of San Francisco, turned the Pearl of the West Coast into a drug and crime ridden pest hole littered with homeless encampments and despair.  Now he appears bent on doing for the rest of California, as Governor, what he did to San Francisco.

I am copying below a well written article from the California Globe that well outlines coming disasters because of poor decisions by our Governor and one party ruled Legislature.  The article is by Karen Anderson, dated September 1, 2022  and can be found on their website: 



An Unhappy Labor Day for California Workers

‘California state lawmakers just can’t keep their laws off our livelihoods’

By Karen Anderson, September 1, 2022 2:45 am

Labor Day pays tribute to America’s workers, but here in California, job-killing legislation and regulations continue to harm independent professionals, small-business owners and essential workers across the state.

Currently awaiting passage in the California State Senate, the bill known as Assembly Bill 257, or the “Fast Food Accountability and Standards (FAST) Recovery Act,” seeks to install a 13-member council of unelected political appointees, with no business experience needed, to oversee California’s entire fast-food restaurant industry. Appointed by the governor and by a scant few individuals from the Democrat-led super-majority legislature, council members would come from labor advocacy groups, unions, and the very state regulatory agencies that enforce labor laws.

This posse of union-backed appointees would have absolute power to establish wage rates, working hours and other broad rules that could put a small restaurant or franchisee out of business. Layers of burdensome regulations will inevitably result in increased operating costs for restaurants, higher prices for consumers and fewer jobs. A provision that allows the Labor Commissioner to pursue “joint employer” claims could upend the franchise business model and prompt some brands to leave the state altogether.

Meanwhile, another board of unelected officials continues to wreak havoc on California’s trucking industry. The California Air Resources Board (CARB), which determines emission standards in California, is comprised of 16 members appointed mostly by the governor. In just a few short months on Jan. 1, 2023, nearly one-quarter of trucks serving Los Angeles-area ports will be prohibited from entering the gates when the latest round of CARB rules banning engines older than 2010 could sideline 80,000 trucks in California. Because of manufacturing shortages due to the pandemic, the dearth of new trucks being produced makes it almost impossible for fleets to comply by the deadline.

If CARB doesn’t put truckers out of business, Assembly Bill 5 will. Now in effect on the trucking industry after ongoing legal challenges came to an end this June, the anti-freelancer law AB 5 applies to 70,000 independent owner-operator truckers who can no longer conduct business as independent contractors in the state of California.

The double whammy of CARB regulations and AB 5 on trucking can be traced to cronyism at the Capitol. The author of AB 5, former San Diego Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, recently accepted a position as leader of the powerful California Labor Federation representing 2,100 unions. Not coincidentally, Gonzalez’s husband Nathan Fletcher served on CARB from 2019 to 2022, appointed by Gov. Newsom during the height of Gonzalez’s destructive AB 5 policymaking.

Since its passage in Sept. 2019, AB 5 has shattered the careers of hundreds of thousands of independent contractors across a vast array of professions — everyone from transcriptionists, performing artists and pharmacists to forensic nurses, mall Santas, music therapists, translators, video journalists and tutors. Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the California Trucking Association’s lawsuit against AB 5, more job destruction is on the way, threatening the already-tenuous supply chain.

Whether banning independent contracting, banning pre-2010 trucks, banning gas-powered lawn equipment used by gardeners and landscapers, or banning the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, California state lawmakers just can’t keep their laws off our livelihoods. The heavy-handedness of their decisions fails to take into account the economic realities for the average small-business owner or solo-preneur. On this Labor Day, Sacramento should instead start focusing on retaining small businesses in the state rather than creating barriers and burdens that are bankrupting the working class.


What is really frustrating is that the governor keeps coming out with ideas like mandating purchasing of electric cars (which the majority of Californians can’t afford) and then mandating “everything” be carbon neutral and, oh, by the way we don’t have the electric grid or infrastructure to support all of his mandates.  And then he wonders why there is a mass exodus from our state to places that are more business friendly with lower taxes.  Duh!

Seems to me California is well on the way to repeat the “brain-dead” High Speed Rail System which has wasted Tens of Billions of Dollars and never hauled a single passenger a single mile…….  and likely never will.  For a history of this doomed project use the article search box on the left and type in: California’s High Speed Rail 2.0 and hit enter or simply go to:     

for a series of articles on this “boon-doggle”.

Karen Anderson is right:  ‘California state lawmakers just can’t keep their laws off our livelihoods’

Bob Bandy – September 2022


August 17, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Christopher Wray – Director FBI





I heard the phrase “Situation Ethics” the other day in reference to Mr. Wray and others in the current Administration and it got me to thinking. 

I wanted to know the definition and so decided to Google the phrase.

I found that the term is a noun defined as:  “The doctrine of flexibility in the application of moral laws according to circumstances.”

That definition either sounds sort of “snake oil salesman” slippery or an attempt to put lipstick on saying its okay to be dishonest and lie when it suits your agenda.

I would define it as having a standard of personal integrity that is negotiable depending on the current circumstances.  Or, in other words, a set of core values that are “for sale” at the right price.

I remember as a boy that my father told me “Always remember that you can’t be a little bit dishonest any more than you can be a little bit pregnant.  You are either honest or you are not.  Be honest.”  I don’t think my father was referring to being personally honest in terms of “Situation Ethics”.  

I don’t know, but I would suppose that there is not a one of us who has not at some time (to our regret) told a lie or at least “fudged the truth” when we found ourselves in either an embarrassing or dangerous situation.  I know that I have,  am not proud of the fact, learned from it and made a decision not to do so in the future.  Still, the temptation will always be there.  Human nature.

If a child gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar and lies about it, we usually forgive them and try to use the incident as a teaching moment.

When an adult does this in the family or a tight knit group we become less forgiving and continued lying can lead to that individual being shunned, even ostracized or banned from the family or group.

A business that practices “Situation Ethics” will find itself losing customers and frequently either out of business or bankrupt.

When this happens in the public arena governments that utilize “Situation Ethics” lose the trust and support of the very people they are supposed to be serving and finds they must resort to totalitarian means to enforce their will on subjects who are no longer willing or participating citizens but unhappy and unwilling drones that despise being ruled as serfs.

The fundamental problem with “Situation Ethics”  is that when caught lying you lose credibility and any organization you represent also loses credibility.  After being caught in a lie, every time you make a statement after that, listeners wonder if it is another lie or not.  It is hard to build back trust. As more lies are told, building back trust becomes impossible.

At this time in our history there is a sizeable, perhaps plurality, of United States citizens that no longer trust our government to be truthful and honest in dealing with them.  It does not matter whether you agree or disagree with them,  their feelings of fear and distrust of government are genuine and many fear government agencies that they previously held in respect.  

You cannot legislate or buy trust.  It must be earned and maintained with trustworthy conduct and practices.

Bob Bandy – August 2022




August 05, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


I seem to be in a retrospective period at this time and with all the madness and destruction coming out of both Washington D C and Sacramento, California I find myself looking back to a time when I saw more humor in the “Tragi-Comedy” chaos being imposed on our lives by our “leaders”. 

I also get requests from readers to republish “favorite” articles from the past that are still relevant today.  The following is a piece I wrote some 11+ years ago in an attempt to provide some humor to salve the pain of the damage being done by those we elect to “protect & serve” us in public office.  




If  I wanted to destroy the United States economy and impoverish its citizens here is what I would do in five steps:

Step 1.  I would seek out and recruit incompetent people to infiltrate and take charge of our government.  Next, I would split them into two groups, which I will call, lets see, how about “Congress” and “Administration”.  The folks chosen  need not be co-conspirators,  just big spenders with big egos and no common sense.  All of these folks would be given unlimited borrowing and spending  power and the bills would be sent to the taxpayers.

Step 2.  I would have laws and regulations passed to make it nearly impossible for any individual or company to drill, mine, extract or in any way acquire any of the natural resources we need as a nation, within the physical boundaries or territorial waters of the United States.  All such needed materials would be required to be imported, preferably from countries not friendly to us.  This would be done in the name of protecting the environment.

Step 3.  I would have the government pass laws and regulations to punish hard work and financial success either by individuals or companies with a combination of regulations, fees and  confiscatory taxes.    For whatever “profits” were left over after the fees and taxes were paid I would unleash packs of morally bankrupt, ravenous Trial Lawyers to file endless lawsuits and litigation.   This would encourage any individual or company to move production (and jobs) out of the U.S. to places with more friendly environments to manufacturing and employers.

Step 4.  I would have “my” government reward laziness, incompetence and failure with government handouts, grants, promotions, do nothing projects and various “freebies”.  These same people could later be hired into government make work  jobs in a variety of government agencies and departments  where nothing useful or productive is accomplished or expected.   That way they could continue to get paid for producing nothing and retire to fat lifetime pensions and benefits .  They would fit right in.

Step 5.  I would make sure the government kept increasing the national debt to the point that even paying the interest on the debt became impossible.  They could then destroy any remaining wealth in the country by hyper-inflating the currency,  just as Germany did following World War I.   In Germany at that time it got to the point that it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread.  For a more recent example one need only look to Zimbabwe where inflation reached 79600000000% per month in just the last couple of years. 

What’s that you say?   I’m too late?  Somebody stole my idea? 

(From February 2011)

Bob Bandy – August 2022

Al Gore – Pseudo-Scientist And Prophet of Climate Change

July 29, 2022 By: bob Category: Humor, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


Former Vice President Al Gore

Scientists tell us that some 10,000 years ago the earth was largely a kind of round ice and snowball and early mankind, if the phrase is still allowed, wandered around up to their butts in ice and snow, eating their muskox raw from the bone with little as a side dish other than a few snowberries.

Then, these early folks discovered fire and that muskox tasted better as a tasty burger cooked over the fire than it did raw.  These were the true perpetrators of the beginning of “man made global warming and climate change”.  This is science fact at work.

Since then politicians with an agenda have been providing bags of taxpayer cash to “researchers” at colleges and universities to provide statistics that prove that man is causing global warming with our modern technology.  The understanding is that these bags of research cash will only continue if the politicians get the statistical evidence they want so they can write laws telling all of us citizens what we can and cannot do.  

These politicians and “researchers” never mention that “mankind” actually occupies a small percentage of 1% of the 30% of our earth that is land, the other 70% of the earth being covered by oceans.  Except on a very localized basis, we feeble humans do not have the ability, even with all of our supposed technology, to change the earths average temperature by more than a miniscule fraction of 1 degree.  Our sun goes through long periods of greater and lesser outputs of energy and that along with other natural phenomena, like volcanoes, are the real contributors to the cycles of warming and cooling of our planet. 

Over the years we have been blessed, or plagued with pseudo wannabe scientists and politicians predicting everything from global freezing to global warming as well as other end of civilization catastrophes unless their “solutions” were followed immediately and to the letter.  They have all been wrong but some few have made themselves wealthy by creating a following of “kool-aid” drinkers of their teaching.

Perhaps one of the biggest “hucksters” of all is former Vice President Al Gore who has made a fortune with his book, “An Inconvenient Truth” – 2006, and his following exploitation and “marketing” of his conjecture, all of which was supposed to happen many years ago.  Let’s look at some of his “predictions” and “science” while on his way to the bank:

1. Rising Sea Levels – inaccurate and misleading. Both Al Gore and former President Barack Obama have since bought Beachfront Mansions

2. New Ice Age in Europe – they’ve been spared; it never happened.

3. South Sahara Drying Up – completely untrue.

4. Massive Flooding in China and India – again, didn’t happen.

5. Polar Bear Extinction – The Polar Bear population is increasing.

6. The Earth would be in a “True Planetary Emergency Within a Decade Unless Drastic Action was Taken to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses” – never happened.

Al Gore made many other predictions. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Still he has created a huge following of “true believers” and a near panic in some quarters.

It’s all largely “Junk Science” though there are many well meaning and sincere believers.

For more on the subject read Junk Science Ala Carte which I published back in November of 2019 (use Search box). 

Keep in mind that our Al Gore is predicting the oceans will soon engulf much of our most beautiful shorelines with rising water levels due to melting of the polar icecaps.  Maybe that is why he bought himself that ocean front mansion with the dollars he has extracted from all his followers.

I will close with a quote from Patrick Moore: 

Patrick Moore – Former President of Greenpeace has stated it well: “There is no definitive scientific proof through real-world observation that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of global climate which has occurred during the past 300 years.” He rejects the “science is settled” and “the debate is over” statements so popular in worldwide media.

Bob Bandy  –  July 2022


July 14, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


This one is too easy.  Listening this morning to statistics on migration from states like, California, New York, Illinois etc. to states like Texas, Utah, Montana, Florida.  Florida for example is getting 3,000 new residents a day from places like California, New York, Illinois etc.. 

You can call it Blue State to Red State migration or as one commentator called it:  “The U-Haul syndrome”.  For example, renting U-hauls to move out of California is very expensive.  Renting a U-Haul to move to California is real cheap.  

Remineded me of something I wrote nearly 10 years ago as a “take off” from an Aesop Fable.  

Worth repeating and it follows:



with an apology to Aesop

Once upon a time there was a pleasant meadow in a lovely valley.

A colony of ants came to the meadow and saw that the land was good and with work would provide for a lovely place to live for them and their children.

They worked hard and put away food for the winter and cared for the land.

From a neighboring valley a tribe of locusts came to the land of the ants and decided to stay because the meadow was so pleasant and fertile.

The ants welcomed them in as neighbors and soon they all decided that they should form a government and each ant and locust would get an equal vote in the affairs of the meadow.

Some of the  locusts came to the ants and said they were poor and in need.  Being of kind heart the ants voted to share the fruits of their hard work with the locusts.

Being locusts, they did what locusts are prone to do, that is create lots of little locusts and sit in their burrows eating the food produced by the ants and watching their flat screen televisions paid for by the ants.

In time they discovered, as the little locusts grew up to vote, that they now outnumbered the ants and could vote themselves more and more of what the ants were working so hard to produce.

More and more locusts had baby locusts and invited their relatives and kin in from neighboring meadows.

One by one the ants figured out that they were doing all the work and the locusts were doing all the eating and loafing and watching television.

The ants decided that they did not want to continue to provide for an ever increasing number of locusts who did little to provide for themselves.

The ants packed up and left the now ravaged meadow and moved away to another meadow in another valley.

Winter came to the meadow of the abandoned locusts.  The locusts starved and froze because there was no longer any ants to provide for them what they refused to provide for themselves.

And the shadow of darkness fell over the formerly  pleasant meadow in the formerly lovely valley.

End of story.  If you are an ant you know the moral of the story.  If you are a locust you don’t care if there is a moral; you just want to know where the ants went.

Bob Bandy – July 2022

(originally published November 2012)

Gavin’s California Climate Change Car Solution

July 08, 2022 By: bob Category: Humor

California Governor Newsom Speaks On State's School Safety And Covid Prevention Efforts SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - OCTOBER 01: California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a news conference after meeting with students at James Denman Middle School on October 01, 2021 in San Francisco, California. California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that California will become the first state in the nation to mandate students to have a COVID-19 vaccination in order to attend in person classes. The mandate will go into effect at all private and public schools in the state when the FDA approves the vaccinations for students age and grade level. It is expected that 7th to 12th graders will likely have to have the vaccine by January of 2022. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) Justin Sullivan / Staff

California Governor Gavin Newsom

Solar Powered Climate Change Solution Vehicle


California Governor Gavin Newsom has declared war on energy production in his fight against Global Climate Change.  It appears to be his belief that California can affect the natural progression of worldwide cooling and warming all by itself.  Never mind that the two most populous nations on earth, China & India, have only made vague promises to get on the climate change bandwagon at some time in the future while paying lip service to it now.

Back to the Governor.  He wants no new hydro-electric dams, no nuclear power, no natural gas production for power generating plants.  What he demands is dependence on Solar and Wind power.  The problem is that they are not reliable or sufficient to meet California’s energy demands.  At least not for another 10 – 20 years minimum.

This does not stop our intrepid Governor so he continues to “demand” conversion to electric automobiles, trucks, buses etc.

This conversion presents a challenge.  On really hot days California’s electric grid struggles to keep from having rolling “blackouts” because of the ever increasing demand for air conditioning leading the State to make Public Service Announcements instructing we citizens to curtail use of electrical appliances between 4 pm and 9 pm daily, the hottest part of the day, to “minimize the need for those rolling “blackouts”.  They also offer you a “money saving” household thermostat that lets them control the use of your air conditioning.  How helpful.

I have a question and solution for our “Progressive” Governor.

Question: “Governor Newsom, if your dreams come true and maybe 5 or 10 million California citizens convert to all electric vehicles, Tesla, Volt etc..  What is your plan when all of these climate change conscious folks get off work and go home and plug their electric vehicle in for a recharge? How is that going to work on an already overloaded electric grid in July and August with the thermometer reading 105 degrees throughout California?

Now for the solution to the Governor’s problem.  Actually not a new solution.  I wrote about this little beauty (pictured above) back in 2019 (and again in 2020) under the original title: Survival in an Idiocracy.  It described a “Turn Texas Green” cross country race.  It occurs to me that this is the perfect “off the grid” transportation solution to the Governor’s “problem”.

Why not put half of California’s drivers in one of these “mighty might power savers” for commuting to/from work instead of a Tesla or Volt?  Does not need to be plugged in.  Has its own solar panel.  Speeding tickets won’t be a problem with a top speed on a fully charged battery of less than 10 miles an hour.  A little cramped for dating or family outings but, so what, you are saving the planet.  Get a good warm jacket for winter driving.

Another option would be for the citizenry to hop on  California’s High Speed Rail System.  Oooops.  Sorry.  I forgot.  That’s our “Woke” Governor’s other fantasy.

I like to help out our governor whenever possible with non-polluting, climate saving solutions and this one offers an alternative built in pedaling system for non-sunny days (slight additional charge).  I feel better already.

Bob Bandy – July 2022