Stop Pulling the Wagon

Are You Tired Of Government Lies, Hypocrisy and Corruption?
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February 11, 2012 By: bob Category: Humor

“so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name”  Revelations 13:17  (NIV)



Safeway wants me to believe that this card is for my own good.  That it will allow me to save on “Club Card Specials” and enable Safeway to track my purchases to “Better Serve Me”.

But I know better.  How long do you think it will be before the government requires all this data be transferred to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to monitor my lifestyle and eating habits.  All in the name of public health under the new “Affordable Health Care Act” (Obamacare).

Lets see,  New York City is now regulating the use of salt in public eating places.  San Francisco is pondering the regulation of the sale of sugar as a health hazard and other government agencies are concerned with saturated fats and other, yet to be determined hazards.  It seems that to protect me from myself the government wants to regulate what I eat, drink, breath and wear.

How long before I hear a bull-horn out in front of my house, look out the window and see Kathleen Sebelius, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services,

and a “Swat Team” in front of my house shouting through the bull-horn to my neighbors that I have violated the Government Guidelines  on the consumption of certain food groups and dangerous additives?

Of course, they will then tell me, and my neighbors, that because of my habit of making “poor choices” in what I eat and drink, and to keep health care affordable for all Americans, that they have placed restrictions on what Safeway will be able to sell me in the future.  My “new” “Government Approved” Club Card will only allow the purchase of Rutabagas, Broccoli and Soychicken.

Sure, you think I’m crazy now………  But you just wait and see!

Bob Bandy

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