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Living Below The Enemy Radar

February 19, 2010 By: bob Category: Something To Think About


In military jargon “Flying Below The Radar” means operating within enemy airspace at such a low altitude that your enemies Radar will not “see” you. 

When shopping at our favorite supermarket I have on more than one occasion commented to  my wife and daughter that I would not ever want to see myself or members of our family on the cover of National Enquirer or any of the other “Checkout Stand Periodicals”.  I want to live my life below the “Tabloid” Radar.

I have never thought of myself as paranoid but I am saddened to say, that as time goes by, and as I see what is happening in the halls of our Government, I have reached the conclusion that I want to stay below the Governments Radar

GOVERNMENT, especially “BIG GOVERNMENT”, IS NOT MY FRIEND!  They demonstrate almost daily that they cannot be trusted.  Government is on a path to try to regulate and control every aspect of our lives.  What I want is for the Government to leave me alone and let me live my life with my family and friends.

So…… “What Can I Do To Live Below The Governments Radar” and  ” Spend Less Time Pulling The Government Wagon” ? 

Keep a low profile, don’t seek fame.  Obey the law.   Don’t give the Government any excuse or reason to come looking for me.  Pay my taxes on time but pay as little taxes as I legally can.    Do more of my business with cash  (it is still legal tender).  Keep in mind that the Government is on the threshold of tracking everything I purchase with my ATM/Debit/Credit Cards, including those  “Club”/”Member” discount cards.  Be careful of what I put in writing.  Be careful in making promises and even more careful to keep them.   Live modestly; too much “flash” draws attention.  Live within our means.  Avoid unnecessary use of credit.  Save money.  Have a “stash” of cash that only I and those I love and trust know about.  Whenever possible take care of my needs within my own family or circle of close friends.  Don’t trust Government.  Don’t make threats.  Don’t confront Government, just avoid them whenever possible.   

If the above sounds a little paranoid I guess I must plead “guilty” where Government is concerned.

There are lots of ways to “Live Below The Radar”.    Something worth thinking  about.            -Bob

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