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Bob Bandy
Get A SIGNED Copy Of My Book
Makes a great gift!
155 pages – 8 1/2 x 11 – 65+ Articles
by sending a money order or check for $10 to:
Bob Bandy
P O Box 696
Rancho Cordova, Ca. 95741-0696
(ships postpaid to U S only)
Sorry, no credit card orders.
Unsigned copies are available on Amazon
This site contains 190+ articles/essays written over a period of about twelve years.
In full disclosure I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I am registered as “not affiliated” with any party. Mostly, I would like government to leave me alone and stay out of my wallet.
I am against racism in any of its forms, oppose violence, abhor hypocrisy and especially despise being lied to. Maybe that is why so many of my “rants” are directed at the folks in the “Halls of Power”!
For a bit more about me, my values and a little history of my early life in California just type Journey into the “Search” box on the left side of this page and hit enter on your keyboard.
These articles are a kind of diary of my thoughts and views of happenings in our culture at the time of their writing.
I usually try to find some humor in what is happening but that is not always possible.
Feel free to like them, hate them, share them or forget them. The choice is always yours. Hope you get a smile or two.
You can navigate the site from the left side bar as well as the arrows at the bottom of each page. In the Search Box (located in the Left Sidebar just above the words Suggested Search) you can type in a title or any key word such as: Vote, Locust, Frog, Clown, Train, etc. You can also type in a name, such as: Obi Wan, Judge Judy, Clinton, etc. and the search feature will locate articles for you. Try it!
Comments are only open on a limited number of articles. Even so, the sheer number of comments submitted are simply impossible for me to read though I do try to scan them and approve as many as possible. All comments with embedded websites either have the website address removed or are not allowed. I just don’t have the time to “proof” unknown websites to allow or remove the ones I deem unfit for my site. I get literally thousands of comments per month and there are just not enough hours available to read each one. Thank you for your understanding. Bob
You can contact me by using the CONTACT US Link/Tab above or directly by email at:
Not all email communications can be acknowledged.
Bob Bandy
I cannot respond to every email and any kind of spam is deleted.
I do not write to any schedule. You might want to bookmark the site and visit from time to time. Enjoy!
Bob Bandy
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