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Judge Judy and the Congress

September 18, 2010 By: bob Category: Humor


Just for fun, sit back, close your eyes and daydream about (fill in your choice of Congress man/woman – Senator or member of the Administration) appearing before Judge Judy and answering five questions you would like straight simple answers to.  Not the usual Washington “Speak” or “Spin” we get when these same folks are asked similar questions by the media.

For my part I will propose five questions I would like Judge Judy to ask them.  Your own questions might be different.

1.  Madam Speaker: Tell me exactly what did you mean when you said we needed to pass the Obama Health Care Act so we could find out what is in it?

2. Mr. President:  You promised that the $787 Billion Dollar Stimulus Plan would keep unemployment below 8%.  It is now 9.6%.  Without blaming the previous administration, please explain why this promise was not kept. 

3. Congressman Frank:  When tighter regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was proposed by the Bush Administration in 2003 you stated that “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not facing any kind of financial crisis”.  Your saying this is well documented.  You were wrong.  Why do you now deny making such statements?

4.  Mr. Vice President:  Los Angeles was given $111 Million Dollars to create and save jobs.  With this money they “created” or “saved” 55 jobs at a cost of over $2 Million Dollars per job.  Please explain in simple terms where that $111 Million Dollars is today.

5. To various spokespersons for the Administration:  In January 2007 the Democratic Party took control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  The Deficit for 2007, including the cost of the war in Iraq, was less than $200 Billion Dollars.  For 2008 the deficit increased to over $400 Billion Dollars.  For 2009 the deficit just about tripled to more than $1.4 Trillion Dollars.  2010 numbers are not yet finalized but are on a path to be around $1.4 Trillion Dollars.  With both houses of Congress under Democratic control since January 2007 and the Presidency in Democratic hands since January 2009,  please tell us again who drove the economy into the ditch?

These questions are posed to the current administration but equally interesting questions could be posed to an administration of another political party in power in Washington.  The fun would be in watching Judge Judy verbally disect the person being questioned when they try to use “talking points” instead of straightforward, honest answers. 

I believe that many/most members of both major political parties are just as dysfunctional as many/most of the people who appear before Judge Judy airing their “dirty linen” before 20 million people in endless re-runs for the next upteen years.     

I often discipline myself with the thought of “what would I do in this situation if I knew I would have to explain my actions to Judge Judy before millions of people?”

Just for fun…..                                Bob

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