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The House On The Potomac

January 05, 2010 By: bob Category: On Bob's Mind


Question:  What do you call a building where people prostitute themselves for money? 

Question:  What do you call the people who work in a building where they prostitute themselves for money?

I am ashamed of what is going on in the halls of Government.   I am ashamed of backroom deals.   I am ashamed of those who sell their votes.  I am ashamed of those who violate their promise to serve the people they were elected to  represent.   I am ashamed of those who betray both the letter and intent of our Constitution. 

I am ashamed that a man who has never run so much as a Lemonade Stand can bring in and lecture, in a condescending and contemptuous manner, those who have spent their lives making payrolls and working in business and commerce.  What arrogance!  And he wonders why jobs are not being created.  DUH!

When I served in the military I remember taking an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  I took pride in that oath and I ncver violated it.  Countless others have done the same.

Too many of those who supposedly serve us in Congress serve only themselves.  They  have sold out the Country and  the  people they promised to serve. 

In their ambition, arrogance, greed and self indulgence they are Bankrupting us as a nation both financially and morally. 

Forget “Contempt of Congress”,  I have “Contempt for Congress”.   They do not Represent the American Values I believe in.    

Bob Bandy

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