End of the Pelosi Era?
End of the Pelosi Era?
photo – Politico.com
Forget whether you are a Democrat or a Republican (I am neither). This is not about political parties.
This is about common sense.
Love her or hate her, Nancy Pelosi has a well deserved reputation for being both tough and politically smart.
So why would someone with her history of being politically savvy and smart hitch her wagon and waning Speaker of the House career to these two losers – Congressman Jerry Nadler and Congressman Adam Schiff? In my mind I think of them as “Fric n Frac”, two sides of the same dishonest political coin. In their public statements and actions neither have demonstrated to me any qualities that I admire, like personal integrity or honorable intent. I would not trust either one of them with the proceeds of a front yard lemonade stand.
Jerry Nadler is considered little more than a buffoon and party line drone with a reputation for being both a hypocrite and less than honest with facts.
Adam Schiff has a history of being a serial liar, and not a very good one at that. He just makes stuff up – stuff that is easily shown to be lies. Like a third grade cookie thief that can’t keep his hands out of the forbidden cookie jar and hasn’t developed the skill to get away with it.
Nancy Pelosi had to know that these two could not be counted on to put together a coherent legal case that would stand up to scrutiny by even a first year law student.
She had to know it, yet she put these two in charge of an Impeachment case with nothing but hearsay and rumor evidence from non-fact “witnesses” with an agenda. “Testimony” that could not stand up to cross examination in any court of law. That is why Adam Schiff only sought their “testimony” in a basement “kangaroo” courtroom without allowing any Defense Legal Counsel questioning.
So why would someone of her experience and political acumen let this happen?
The only answer that I have heard that makes any sense is that she was being driven by the Progressive wing of her party that has grown increasingly powerful in the last two years. And…. that Progressive wing demanded Impeachment no matter what…. period.
This is not a Republican vs Democrat issue. More like a Circular Firing Squad within her own party.
This flawed and faulty Impeachment attempt will do lasting damage to her long career in the House of Representatives and likely see her damaged reputation leave her mostly impotent politically.
Instead of getting rid of a President she despises, she seems more a victim of her own poor decisions and choices. Many of her “Impeachment Trial Post Mortem” statements seem weak, even pathetic.
Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, it is sad to see someone do self inflicted damage to their own career. A reputation and career earned over many years.
Bob Bandy – February 2020