Sith Lord – Emperor Palpatine – Star Wars VI
In the famous scene from Star Wars Episode VI, the evil Emperor and Sith Lord, Palpatine, uses all his powers to try to get our hero Luke Skywalker to hate so that he can control him just as he controls Luke’s father, Darth Vader. It is just a movie but there is much truth in the destructive power of hate.
Hate can become a powerful and controlling force in a persons life. I know.
I wrote the original of the following piece almost five years ago under the below title and it is one of the most commented on and shared articles I have ever written. To this day I still get sometimes as many as 10 – 25 comments a day submitted. Altogether I have received many thousands of comments – 99%+ of which have been positive and encouraging. I can’t begin to credit more than a small fraction of the comments I receive but I appreciate them all. What I learned in my own experience helped me and I am told has helped others for which I am grateful. I hope you find this helpful and maybe the reader can share it with a friend that it might be of value to. Bob
Confucius has been credited with the saying: “Before embarking on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves”. The message being that you will need two graves, one for the object of your revenge and the other for yourself. To which I would add this corollary: Before embarking on a path of hatred, first dig two graves. One for yourself and the other for the people and things you loved which will be destroyed in the process of fueling your rage to destroy that which you hate.
Hate is a poison and a powerful emotion. It can destroy your logic, your reason, your compassion and your humanity. It is a cancer which can rapidly spread to consume every aspect of your life.
I once experienced such a hatred in my own life. A person whom I believed to be a friend double crossed me and destroyed me financially. I was faced with starting all over again. For more than a year I was consumed by my hatred for this person. I allowed it to nearly destroy me personally.
One day a light kind of came on inside me and I realized that when it says in the Bible to forgive your enemies, it is not just for their sake, it is for your own healing. I began practicing “letting go” of my anger and hate. It took a while but in the process I learned to forgive and not to hate individuals or groups of individuals.
I may strongly disagree with their words and deeds to the point I will speak out against what I see happening. I may be appalled at the destruction to lives that I witness due to their actions. By my actions I will peacefully and legally oppose those systems I deem destructive that they are attempting to put into place.
There is a growing, toxic and dangerous hate in America. I fear for the very survival of America as a nation.
To quote from the Bible, in the book of Mark, chapter 3 – verse 24, Jesus says that “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” History is littered with the carcasses of kingdoms and nations that demonstrate this to be true.
There is a wonderful healing process that takes place when we let go of hate and practice forgiveness. It is not easy but can be achieved and brings back joy to your life. I know, I have experienced it. You might want to share these thoughts with a friend who is struggling with hate in their life.
Bob Bandy – May 2023