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May 26, 2023 By: bob Category: In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for artificial intelligence definition



Definition: Artificial intelligence (AI):  the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.  Note: Many prominent Engineers and Scientists, such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, have warned that the use/misuse/unleashing of Artificial Intelligence may pose a significant risk to humanity.

The Biden Administration has announced that it plans to use Artificial Intelligence to design and implement Government Programs with “Equity” as “Their” primary objective.  I find this not just “Scary” but absolutely “Terrifying”.  Here is why:

We seem to be at a crossroads of having the politicized, corrupt ruling class administrators in charge now, or a plethora of artificial beings, programed by the politicized, corrupt ruling class, using these robotic beings to achieve their goal of total power over our lives.  Scared yet?

I, and most reasonable thinking American’s, define “Equity” as “Equal Opportunity”.  We all should have equal opportunity to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness in our own way.  Government, and particularly the current Administration, defines “Equity” as “Equal Outcomes For All” (except the Ruling Class and Rich). 

Every time this has been tried in history it has produced a privileged Rich Ruling Class and Equal Poverty and Misery for everyone else.  Example: Cuba.  And now they want to hand this “Fools Dream” off to Soulless Artificial Intelligent Robots for design and implementation!  It is more than possible that these empowered “Intelligent” Robots just may decide that our planet is polluted/infected  with too many “carbon based” humans and embark on a crusade of cleansing.  Or, am I just being paranoid?  Do we really want these “Machines” in charge of managing our lives and destiny? 

The average citizen has little idea how much of what is essential to our daily lives is controlled now by satellites and computers in the managing and distribution of food, water, energy, waste removal, national defense and a great many other things we take for granted on a daily basis.  Do we really want Artificial Intelligent Entities with their own agenda to have access to, and control of the tools and necessities of our very survival?

If it becomes a “Battle of Wits” between those in the current Administration “Braintrust” in Washington and the latest generation of Artificial Intelligent Robots, who can replicate themselves without human help,  I know where I would be putting my money. 


About a year ago I wrote an article on the subject of government “Equity”.  It was titled “THE DRUMS OF EQUITY” and it is repeated below:



WHENEVER the efforts of our politicians fail to produce the results of their campaign promises, and their schemes and plans just produce more debt and inflation, they seem to always fall back on a demand for “Equity”; defined by them as “Equal Outcomes” for all citizens.  Or, in their dreams, everybody has the same amount of “stuff”.  They compound their rhetoric most often by claiming that anything less than full “Equity” is somehow “unfair”, “racist”, “unjust” or pick a similar negative term.  It seems their goal is to make us all equally poor, except for them, the ruling class. 

Congress has a congenital habit of exempting themselves from the legislation they impose on we lowly tax payers.  Example: The “Affordable Care Act”.  It did not apply to Congress or their staff.

Under our Constitution it is clear that what the goal for American’s is, and should be, “Equal Opportunity”. 


Opportunity is a noble goal and we should all strive for that.  Among human beings, Equity of outcome is not possible and, I would argue, neither a reasonable nor a desirable target.




Earlier on, back in February 2014, I wrote a satirical humor article to spoof how silly government dreams of “Equity” are and it is repeated below:



The government says it wants to “fix” the problem of unequal pay and income.  They say too few are paid too much (the evil rich) while too many are not paid enough (victims of the rich).  The goal of the government is to equalize pay for all citizens.

Based on the governments track record of “fixing” things like the War on Poverty, our Public Education System, the Postal Service, Amtrak, and the growing National Debt, I am not sure we want them to try to “fix” income equality.  Or anything else.

I have a vision of what a likely government “fix” will look like.

First they will establish what is a reasonable amount for everyone to be paid. For sake of  this discussion lets say they decide on $60,000 a year.  That would be $5,000 a month.

Here is a plan that I am sure would appeal to every bureaucrats heart.  All residents of the United States of working age (18?) would receive a “salary” of $5,000 per month from the government who would function as the payroll department for all employers.  A “single payer” system under complete control of the government and IRS.   We could all become cogs in the wheel of the Proletariat masses.

Don’t worry, if you like your current job, you can keep it.  That’s a promise.

Your education does not matter.  Your age does not matter.  Race, religion, political party, type of work, skill level, work ethic, level of responsibility, or experience. None of these matter.  Unions could be eliminated, you wouldn’t need them.  No merit or performance pay, everybody gets paid the same.  Movie stars, Presidents, Barbers, Plumbers, Soldiers, Dog Catchers, Burger Flippers, Brain Surgeons, etc.

Visualize a Baseball Team under this system.  The owners, the managers, star players, beginning players,  bat boys, groundskeepers, peanut vendors, everybody gets exactly the same pay.

As desirable as this sounds in providing equal pay for all of us it would have the added benefit that the IRS could withhold their “fair share” before we see our paycheck with no need for us to ever file an annual return.  Who could possibly object to such a fair and equitable solution?   Consider this,  we would all get paid the same no matter how lousy a job we do.  Just like members of Congress.

If every citizen received the same amount of pay every month, do you think we would all have the same bank account at the end of the year?  Or would some have a fat bank account, another a new car and still another a giant hangover?

Perhaps governments next task is to require equal outcomes for all of us?  It should be easy.  A plan to devolve all of us to the lowest common denominator.  Call it government approved cookie cutter equality.

An American melting pot filled with glassy eyed, average room temperature IQ automatons.


An old saying but fits government plans and “good intentions”:  “Be Afraid – Be Very Afraid”

Bob Bandy – May 2023


May 20, 2023 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


Image result for homeless encampment in san francisco. Size: 216 x 160. Source:

Following his tenure as the Worst Mayor in America, where our Governor turned the once beautiful city of San Francisco into a homeless, drug and crime infested place from which business and those with the resources are fleeing, America’s Worst Governor is well on the path to turning the “Golden State” into a giant homeless encampment with corporations, producers and working taxpayers creating windfall profits for moving companies and with the Babylon Bee saying U-Haul named the Governor “Salesman of the Year”.  The following is only a limited and small list of what he has done and is doing to California.

Image result for grizzly flat california fire

Excerpt from California Globe May 18, 2023 by Katy Grimes:

“Newsom also blurted out that he blames California’s now-annual-wildfires on fossil fuel companies. Wasn’t it only a couple of years ago the governor accused PG&E of causing wildfires, and placing profits over safety?  So now it’s fossil fuel companies? Governor Shapeshifter is trying to blame fossil fuel companies for a deadly crisis the government created by imposing environmental laws that have made forest management nearly impossible. And, with his oil and gas ban looming in the near future, he clearly needs a boogey man.”  End Excerpt

Image result for immigrants crossing the border

Governor Newsom champions California as a “Sanctuary State” where illegal immigrants cannot be questioned as to their legal status and his Legislature is now proposing Unemployment Benefits for Illegal Immigrants.  Senate Bill 277.  He also supports voting rights for Illegals.

Image result for reparations protests

Our governor encouraged and gave tentative approval for the State Legislature to propose an Eight Hundred Billion Dollar “Reparations” plan for citizens of California.  He was forced to change course in the face of a Thirty Billion Dollar Budget shortfall.

Governor Newsom proudly sponsored and signed into law legislation that gives the State of California jurisdiction for “Gender Affirming Care” over minor children.  In plain English this means that if a School Teacher and School Nurse decide little 9 year old Johnny identifies as a girl he can be receive “Gender Affirming Care” by Pharmaceutical or Surgical Castration without parental consent.

On September 27, 2022, Governor Newsom signed what amounts to a perinatal infanticide bill, AB 2223 (along with twelve other pro-abortion bills).  AB 2223 is especially egregious because it prevents coroners from investigating the deaths “related to or following known or suspected self-induced or criminal abortion,” including deaths of babies during the “perinatal” period – which is up to 28 days after birth.
Governor Newsom continues to support the California High Speed Rail project. State transportation officials tacked on an additional $5 billion to the budget for California’s high-speed rail project, according to a 2022 business plan report, bringing the total projected cost to $105 billion.  This fiscal “Black Hole” was, is and will always be a money pit to nowhere.  It has never hauled a single passenger a single mile and was originally budgeted at $40 Billion Dollars and scheduled for completion in 3-5 years when the project began in 2015.  For more information type High Speed Rail 2.0 into the search for articles box and hit enter. or:
Image result for planned parenthood abortion clinic
In June, Governor Newsom signed the Budget Act of 2022-2023 into law, which included a historic $200+ million investment in reproductive health care (Abortions through and including the 9th month and now through the 28 day “Perinatal” period are considered Women’s Health Care in California).  Most of these dollars will go to Planned Parenthood for services and new Security measures to protect their facilities and personnel.  No dollars were budgeted to protect Pro-Life Centers or their services.
Image result for large homeless encampments along highways in california
California is a State where you will not be jailed for stealing as long as you keep the total value of the items you steal to less than $940.  They can write you a ticket/citation but it is only a Misdemeanor and not a Felony.  There have been documented cases of thieves filling up shopping carts with items worth “only” a few hundred dollars and then giving Store Security the finger on their way out of the parking lot.  By the way,  Shopping carts are now “free” in California.
I could go on and on with the destruction and grief Governor Newsom has brought to California.  The point of this being he now dreams of doing to America what he has done to San Francisco and California.  
Bob Bandy – May 2020


May 05, 2023 By: bob Category: Culture, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Overview image

Sith Lord – Emperor Palpatine – Star Wars VI

In the famous scene from Star Wars Episode VI, the evil Emperor and Sith Lord, Palpatine, uses all his powers to try to get our hero Luke Skywalker to hate so that he can control him just as he controls Luke’s father, Darth Vader.  It is just a movie but there is much truth in the destructive power of hate.

Hate can become a powerful and controlling force in a persons life.  I know.

I wrote the original of the following piece almost five years ago under the below title and it is one of the most commented on and shared articles I have ever written.  To this day I still get sometimes as many as 10 – 25 comments a day submitted.  Altogether I have received many thousands of comments – 99%+ of which have been positive and encouraging.  I can’t begin to credit more than a small fraction of the comments I receive but I appreciate them all.  What I learned in my own experience helped me and I am told has helped others for which I am grateful.  I hope you find this helpful and maybe the reader can share it with a friend that it might be of value to.  Bob



Confucius has been credited with the saying: “Before embarking on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves”.  The message being that you will need two graves, one for the object of your revenge and the other for yourself. To which I would add this corollary:  Before embarking on a path of hatred, first dig two graves.  One for yourself and the other for the people and things you loved which will be destroyed in the process of fueling your rage to destroy that which you hate.

Hate is a poison and a powerful emotion.  It can destroy your logic, your reason, your compassion and your humanity.  It is a cancer which can rapidly spread to consume every aspect of your life.  

I once experienced such a hatred in my own life.  A person whom I believed to be a  friend double crossed me and destroyed me financially.  I was faced with starting all over again.  For more than a year I was consumed by my hatred for this person.  I allowed it to nearly destroy me personally. 

One day a light kind of came on inside me and I realized that when it says in the Bible to forgive your enemies, it is not just for their sake, it is for your own healing.  I began practicing “letting go” of my anger and hate.  It took a while but in the process I learned to forgive and not to hate individuals or groups of individuals. 

I may strongly disagree with their words and deeds to the point I will speak out against what I see happening.  I may be appalled at the destruction to lives that I witness due to their actions.   By my actions I will peacefully and legally oppose those systems I deem destructive that they are attempting to put into place. 

There is a growing, toxic and dangerous hate in America.  I fear for the very survival of America as a nation.

To quote from the Bible, in the book of Mark, chapter 3 – verse 24, Jesus says that “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”    History is littered with the carcasses of kingdoms and nations that demonstrate this to be true.

There is a wonderful healing process that takes place when we let go of hate and practice forgiveness.  It is not easy but can be achieved and brings back joy to your life.  I know, I have experienced it. You might want to share these thoughts with a friend who is struggling with hate in their life.

Bob Bandy – May 2023


April 27, 2023 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for electric vehicle charging station Baker California

Waiting Your Turn 

Image result for electric vehicle charging station Baker California

A Diesel Powered Charger

A good friend of mine recently returned from a visit to his brother in Arizona and related to me that the Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Baker, California was 100% in use with a long line of electric vehicles along the highway waiting to get into the station for a re-charge before crossing the desert.  Sounds like fun doesn’t it.  Waiting for perhaps 1-3 hours to recharge your vehicles battery while you roast in the sun. 

It got me to thinking of  a satirical spoof article I wrote some 5 1/2 years ago about living in California with a far out in left field governor prepared to destroy the state in his quest to pursue the Climate Change Scam being forced on our states citizens.  And, he wonders why the exodus from California continues and is gaining momentum.  As Bugs Bunny used to say:  What a maroon.  This while he blows past 100 Billion Dollars on California’s High Speed Rail to nowhere which has never carried a single passenger a single mile.  (in search box type – California’s High Speed Rail 2.0 and hit enter). 

My 2017 article follows below.


scales 1


I have information from reliable but nameless and secret sources that the State of California is very near announcement of a two fold plan for a Fair Share Universal Tax to help fund the War on Global Climate Change.

First, in recognition that exhaling releases carbon dioxide gas which is a contributor to Global Climate Change,  every resident or visitor to the State of California will be required to have a micro chip implant that will both monitor and report each time they exhale to the State of California.

This data will be forwarded to the Franchise Tax Board who will calculate the tax due and be responsible for collecting the scheduled tax from “Breathers”.  At the time of this writing the tax rate being considered is one tenth of a cent per exhale.  This may seem  a paltry sum until one calculates that the average adult respiratory rate is about 15 times per minute or 900 times per hour.  Do a little math and the average cost of exhaling in California will be about 90 cents an hour or $21.60 a day.

This tax can be avoided by simply no longer exhaling and residents and visitors can take comfort in the fact that inhaling is still free.  At least for now.

For the Second phase of this battle consideration is being given to the fact that methane is also a contributor to Global Climate Change and it is the responsibility of all of us to pay our Fair Share Tax in the battle to monitor and reduce the release of this gas into California’s breathable air resources.

It is also a scientific fact that flatulence is a major contributor to the release of methane into the atmosphere. Therefore, California is creating a new agency to monitor and tax the unwanted release of this gas.  To fund this Board and its employees a new source of revenue will be created through the establishment of a Flatulence Air Resource Tax.  (the acronym for this is  “California F.A.R.Tax”)

Under development is a new monitoring device to be worn by all residents and visitors on the rear upper portion of the thigh which will sense, tabulate and report to the Board all releases of methane gas by the wearer.

The Board will then forward this information to the California Franchise Tax Board who will be responsible for billing and collecting the approved tax.  At this writing a rate of $1.00 per release is under consideration.  Think of it as an exhaust gas tax.

Taxpayers can avoid this tax by simply not releasing any methane gas through the monitored process.

The State agency for this Board is reporting some difficulty in recruiting, hiring and training workers who will be responsible for checking and monitoring individuals at random to be sure they are wearing the methane release and sound monitoring device and that it is working properly.

Formal announcement of this new Fair Share Tax and implementation of monitoring should be released through the media within the next 60 days.

All tax rates are subject to review and increase depending on Battlefield Assessment Reports from the ongoing War against Global Climate Change and subject to review and correction by former Vice President Al Gore.

What could possibly go wrong? ( Bob Bandy – Nov 2017)


And the governments Climate Change Follies continue at a state and federal level.

Bob Bandy – April 2023



April 11, 2023 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for Planet of the Apes Ending 1968

“You maniacs! You blew it up!”

“Colonel Taylor” – Charlton Heston

Remembering the final scene from Planet of the Apes (1968)


China and Russia form a strategic alliance with former U.S. ally Saudi Arabia and current U.S. foe Iran to control world oil supply and new “standard” currency

U.S. Strategic Oil Reserve at lowest point since 1984 – 27 months ago we were energy independent

U.S. Military weakened by WOKE regimen and unmet recruitment goals

U.S. Economy in peril from high interest rates, inflation and Dollar credibility

The U.S. National Debt is so high the Government cannot pay current interest rates on its debt

WOKE State of Oregon will not allow “Christian family” to adopt children

America’s Churches under attack by “Trans” Gender & LGBTQ+ activists

States allowing young children to receive life altering gender mutilation surgery without parental consent

Destructive Critical Race Theory – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training required for employment

Report: 40+% of American Households two paychecks away from being homeless

Annual Fentanyl poisoning deaths exceed all deaths in Vietnam War and President Biden will not condemn China for providing the materials for its making to the Mexican Drug Cartels

Homelessness, crime, drugs, corruption destroying major “Blue” cities

Biden family receives Million Dollar payments from Chinese firms controlled by Chinese Communist Party

Equal Justice for all compromised by Politicized (In)Justice Department, FBI & Courts

Drag Queens in Women’s Undergarments perform provocative sexualized dances in front of small children

and the list goes on and is growing every new day

To the folks in Washington D.C. implementing and allowing the above: 

“You maniacs – You are blowing it all up”

Government – you are destroying our children and grand children’s future!

Image result for government robbing citizens


“If you can greatly weaken the traditional family, discredit the Church and the people can no longer trust their government, you can destroy a nation.”  This is an action plan for an American hater like George Soros.

Image result for george soros

Are you angry yet? 

Bob Bandy – April 2023



March 20, 2023 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


California will spend about $30 million to build 1,200 small homes across the state this year, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday, part of a plan to help house the nation’s largest homeless population and to address an issue that has persistently plagued the state during the governor’s time in office.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom enters the prototype of one of the small homes displayed at a news conference in Sacramento on March 16, 2023.

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s 30 Million Dollar Homeless Solution

Being a good citizen and wanting to help our Governor out I want to look at his plan and see if I could make some helpful suggestions.

First I have a few questions which I am sure he can answer easily.

I will start with asking if any of his advisors and planners own a calculator?  I do and I divided his 30 Million Dollar plan by the 1,200 Tiny Homes he wants to build.  Using his numbers the cost for each Tiny Home will be $25,000.  These homes, some as small as 120 Square Feet, can be assembled in 90 minutes.  On my calculator that would make the cost $208 per square foot.

Second, in addition to the above photo I noted the governor looking at various other models which reminded me greatly of the Tough Shed line available at Home Depot.  For example, the one pictured below which is a 20 feet x 8 feet (160 Square Feet) model which they sell for $3,195 (MSRP $3499.95).

Now I am just an average guy but it would seem to me that $3,500 is a whole lot less than $25,000 and you could even add a few amenities and furnishings for a couple of hundred dollars more.  And they have lots of other models available for under $5,000.

So, why are you budgeting $25,000 for the Governors equivalent “Tough Shed” type Homeless Dwelling when it could be provided for a whole lot less money?

I am not, but many others might suggest that this is just a grossly overpriced “Pork Barrel” project our Governor will be handing off to one of his Silicon Valley Bank Club “Buddies” and  supporters. 

There are many others who also believe the California High Speed Rail To Nowhere 100 Billion Dollars (and growing) project is a political payoff to “Organized Labor” – like the Operating Engineers Union for example. For more on California’s High Speed Rail debacle type:   High Speed Rail 2.0   in the search box in the left column of this page and hit enter on your keyboard.

Still other questions:  Will these “Tiny Homes” be equipped with plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical service?  Will they meet the State and County strict codes for occupancy?  Is there infrastructure (water, sewage etc.) in place to service them?  Knowing the health and safety habits of 90% of the homeless, who will be providing maintenance, cleaning, disposal and sewage service?  Are funds going to be made available to clean up what’s left of them after about one year of “occupancy” and they become a ramshackle slum?

Last question.  What I, and I think most taxpayers want to know is:  Why does the State of California, its Counties and Cities keep coming up with Mega Million Dollar solutions to the homeless crisis (and other problems) and a year or two later the money is gone and the problem keeps getting worse but the Politicians and their Rich Supporters, Labor Unions etc., get richer and richer while the rest of us struggle to pay our energy bills and buy groceries?  

I was raised to believe that the first, and primary obligation of government is to keep its citizens safe and living in a clean, sanitary environment. Yet our cities streets are filled with crime, drug dealers and filth.  Please tell me why this is so Governor.

Bob Bandy – March 2023