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Archive for the ‘Something To Think About’


June 23, 2018 By: bob Category: Something To Think About


This will not be my usual posting.  I feel compelled to write this but you might find it unlike anything you are familiar with in my writings.  Feel free to stop reading at any point.

Confucius has been credited with the saying: “Before embarking on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves”.  The message being that you will need two graves, one for the object of your revenge and the other for yourself. 

To which I would add this corollary:  Before embarking on a path of hatred, first dig two graves.  One for yourself and the other for the people and things you loved which will be destroyed in the process of fueling your rage to destroy that which you hate.

Hate is a poison and a powerful emotion.  It can destroy your logic, your reason, your compassion and your humanity.  It is a cancer which can rapidly spread to consume every aspect of your life.  

I once experienced such a hatred in my own life.  A person whom I believed to be a  friend double crossed me and destroyed me financially.  I was faced with starting all over again.  For more than a year I was consumed by my hatred for this person.  I allowed it to nearly destroy me personally. 

One day a light kind of came on inside me and I realized that when it says in the Bible to forgive your enemies, it is not maybe so much for their sake as it is for your own.  I began practicing “letting go” of my anger and hate.  It took a while but in the process I learned to forgive and not to hate individuals or groups of individuals. 

I may strongly disagree with their words and deeds to the point I will speak out against what I see happening.  I may be appalled at the destruction to lives that I witness due to their actions.  I am willing to engage in logical verbal combat with them.  By my actions I will peacefully and legally oppose those systems I deem destructive that they are attempting to put into place. 

But….   I will not hate them individually.  I will not call them Nazi’s.  I will not tell lies about them,  I will not try to harm their families.  I will not threaten their safety.  I will not propose or use physical violence against them.  

It grieves me to see what is happening in America, land of my birth and land that I love. We are split into what can only be called warring camps.  One of those camps is so consumed by hatred that they will do literally anything to destroy the other side.  Lies, unnamed sources, gossip, corruption of government agencies, distortions, “Spin”, half truths (which are lies in lipstick),  etc. etc..   They will call people they disagree with Nazi’s, compare their opponents to some of the great monsters of history (Stalin, Hitler, etc.).    

A growing, toxic and dangerous hate in America.  Those who disagree with them must be destroyed by any means possible.  There seems no words or actions they will not advocate resorting to in order to destroy their political enemies. They will  propose surrounding their opponents children’s schools to intimidate the children and their parents. (Tweet – Peter Fonda).

This group seems prepared to destroy our whole country and way of life if it will fulfill the goals of their political agenda.

I fear for the very survival of America as a nation. 

In my writings here I do not often quote from the Bible* but, in the book of Mark, chapter 3 – verse 24, Jesus says that “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”    History is littered with the carcasses of kingdoms and nations that demonstrate this to be true.

Can we learn to agree to disagree and find common ground to come together as a nation or are we condemned to a world of non-negotiable demands where the “other side” must be destroyed at all costs?  Are we doomed to the fruits of hatred.  Must America dig two graves?  

Bob Bandy

Lord, Make me an instrument of you peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love…  Prayer for Peace – St. Francis of Assisi


Bible – NIV – New International Version




June 09, 2018 By: bob Category: Something To Think About


Will Rogers

I have read and heard the above and many versions of it most of my life.  It represents the most basic kind of common sense,  yet….. 

In my own experience I have found myself in many holes of my own creation digging away.

Observation has shown me that this seems a common human failing. 

From those addicted  to gambling – what’s the old line – went to Reno in a twenty thousand dollar Chevrolet and came home on a ninety thousand dollar Greyhound – and keep on digging –

To those who pour their life savings and huge amounts of borrowed capital into a business venture that was doomed from the start – and keep on digging –

Many others give everything they have into a destructive relationship – whether it is a  personal relationship with another individual, or some failed ideology, political agenda, drugs, alcohol, debt, accumulation of “toys” or……  – and keep on digging.

In nearly all cases the above is the result of individuals finding themselves in a hole of their own making and needing someone, or some set of circumstances, to “slap them up side the head” to get them to stop digging and work on building a ladder out of the hole they got themselves into.  Then fill the hole.

In too many cases, folks do not get that helpful “slap up side the head” and end up with their lives in tatters and the only possibility is some form of  Bankruptcy or worse. 

I was once told by a Pastor that not every broken life can be fixed by our good intentions and personal efforts and we must first sometimes let folks “crash and burn” before they are willing to accept a helping hand.


For truly colossal hole digging on steroids you need Government.  For these folks there is no program or scheme ever devised that has dug itself into a hole that cannot be “fixed” with more…..    More Tax Dollars.  More Bureauocrats.  More Regulations.  More time…..   All forms of digging.  They never get that “slap up side the head” and say “wow, this isn’t working…..  let’s shut it down, stop digging and fill this hole in.”

Governments never seems to learn and can’t file Bankruptcy.  Whether like the Romans, who came up with “free” Bread and Circus’s  (today’s “free” Welfare and Flatscreens), until they could no longer fund it through ever increasing taxes and worth less and less fiat money, and their Empire collapsed.  Or, any number of other Governments and Empires that litter the dust bin of history.   All governments seen to – just keep on digging.  

Government.  We voted for them.  Will we ever learn?  Or, just keep on digging.

Common sense yes,  but to quote Will Rogers again: “Common Sense ain’t common”.  

Bob Bandy    


April 28, 2018 By: bob Category: On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program.

Nancy Pelosi


It has been pointed out to me that most often the targets of my written angst is government and politicians.  I would be remiss if I did not point out that not all government or politicians are inherently evil or motivated by nefarious intent.  

Most government programs were not originally created with the intent to do damage to society and many young politicians go to Washington D.C. or Sacramento or other State Capitols with noble aspirations.  

The problem is that the above must work in an environment that is totally polluted  and infested with the power of money, the need to “go along to get along”, moral corruption, greed and the addictive qualities of raw political ambition.  While there will always remain a small fraction of male and female Don Quixote’s attempting to “Tilt at windmills with broken lances”, the majority succumb to the temptations of power and money achieved by prostituting their values to secure re-election and obtain their political immortality. 

The above being said I can sort of metaphorically shrug my shoulders and decide to just live my life while, to the best of my ability, keeping government at arms length, ignoring the “Idiocratic” burden on my life, pay the legal minimum in taxes and laugh with my friends at governments foibles and the politicians desire to leave their names in the footnotes of history.

Having stipulated that, what I cannot ignore and leave unanswered is the constant assault on my intelligence by people in power lying to me and then compounding the insult when they know that I know that they are lying but continue to lie to me anyway.  

I will admit that in some cases the lies are probably unintentional and just the fruit of the infertile soil of the mind of a politician who was not gifted intellectually.  Please notice the way I deftly avoided the word “moron”.

However, it often infuriates me when politicians make statements that are blatantly false and any eight year old can figure out they are either lying or stupid or both.

An example:  Sometime back a politician said:  “Welfare recipients pay taxes too.”  When asked what taxes they pay the politician said: “You know, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, utility taxes and even property taxes which are included in the rent they pay.” 

This is the kind of political statement that makes me want to go someplace private and just scream or find one of those “Cry Closets” that are gaining popularity in some corporate headquarters and on college campus’s.  Folks, you can only really pay taxes if you first EARN  the money.

You can’t truly pay taxes if your only source of income is money confiscated from those who work for it. The taxes you pay on the purchases you make using the money gifted to you by the workers who earned it are just a transfer of additional taxes from those who earned it and had it confiscated in the name of forced “charity”.

So please, Mr. or Ms. Congressperson or Senator, stop insulting our intelligence with what I can only refer to as idiotic statements.

Enough already!

Bob Bandy




April 14, 2018 By: bob Category: Something To Think About



We have laws in America that state if you build something dangerous but attractive and make it accessible to the public you can be held liable in court for any damages the public might incur.  Including Punitive Damages.

A common example is that if you put a swimming pool on your property that children might find inviting and fun but you fail to fence it so that children cannot get into it and drown, you can be held liable in court should that occur

Simply put: If you create something that is attractive but  ends up hurting people because you failed to provide safeguards, you can be held legally and financially responsible. 

I suggest that we all find a “Good Attorney” – cross that out – “Good Attorney” is a contradiction in terms – make that a “Ruthless Attorney” – that’s better – and file a Class Action Lawsuit against Congress for creating not one, but many “Attractive Hazard Government Programs” that have not only damaged our Country but in the process  caused great damage and harm to our culture and the american family. 

Members of Congress, House and Senate, should be held, individually and collectively, financially responsible for the damage they have caused.  Some Punitive Damages would be well deserved also.

Example: The 1960’s Great American Society program to eliminate poverty in America.  Sounded good, looked good on paper and was perhaps well intended but poorly thought out and loaded with unintended consequences.  A sort of  Rube Goldberg Contraption  imposed on the American public without a test flight.  (The above pictured “flying machine” could well have been designed by a Congressional Committee.)

There are now more poor people trapped in poverty than when the program to eliminate poverty began.  Millions of American families were destroyed in the process.  Filling the country with angry, frustrated, fatherless young men raised without the discipline young boys need.   By passing this law Congress said it was “okay” for men to create families and then abandon them to go “play” while “Government” would step into the void created and be “daddy”.  The damage caused is most obvious in poverty riddled and crime ridden  inner-cities but also has manifested itself throughout the land.  Who is most responsible for this mess?  Congress. They should be held liable.

Can Congress realistically be sued and held to account financially?  Unfortunately I think not. Congress creates all kinds of exceptions for themselves legally when they pass these “Programs” and have exempted themselves from most every law they pass, like “The (un)Affordable Health Care Act” and so many others.

Supposedly this can all be “fixed” at the ballot box.  How has that worked out so far?  I live in California and have voted all of my life.  California is so corrupt, over taxed and mismanaged that I am ashamed to admit that I live here.  It claims to have a “Balanced Budget” but has an almost One Trillion Dollar UNFUNDED Liability to its “Public Service Employees Retirement and Healthcare System”.  “Who gonna pay for dat”.  It cannot be Bankrupted. 

The Trifecta of Clowns, Criminals and Lunatics have won.  Voting is now a waste of time unless you enjoy the reality of living under the “Dark Lords” who run Sacramento.

Where is there a “good” attorney when you need one?

Bob Bandy




March 17, 2018 By: bob Category: Something To Think About



When I was young and gullible I once believed the Social Security Administration maintained an investment account in my name into which they put my, and my employers Social Security contributions and then added interest during my working career.

This was the BIG LIE we were all led to believe.

What was really happening was all this money was being stolen by Congress to spend as they saw fit and they were replacing the money in the Social Security “Ledger” with worthless I.O.U.’s to be paid out on a supposedly “Pay As You Go” basis from “future” anticipated revenues.  This is the textbook definition of a Ponzi Scheme which they would put us in jail for if we put in practice on others.

The system is structurally Bankrupt and “benefits” (more later) are being paid through a “smoke and mirrors” accounting trick using borrowed deficit spending.  

Instead of an “investment account” maintained in our name, Congress now calls the Social Security “payback” an Entitlement Program as if it was like a Welfare Program.

HEY CONGRESS!  This was money taken out of our checks, at gunpoint when needed, and put into an account supposedly in our name and into which an equal share was paid by our employers – money they could have given to us in salary if it was not being confiscated by the Federal Government.

It is not like these elected “Clowns, Criminals and Lunatics” don’t know what an Actuarial Table is.  They do.  But, they would prefer to treat us all as if we are stupid and not aware of their little “slight of hand” maneuvers with OUR money.

At the present time the Government withholds (confiscates) 6.2% of your gross paycheck for Social Security AND your employer pays to them an additional amount equal to 6.2% of your gross pay.  There are some “thresholds” (upper and lower) on this but for the vast majority of us these numbers apply.  Don’t forget that if your employer was not required to pay this to the Government, they could give it to you in salary.  That totals 12.4%.

Just for fun I took an Actuarial Table (readily available on line – Google) and did a sample based on an average 40 year working career – that is like going to work at 25 years old and retiring at 65 years old.  Some folks make more and some folks make less but for this example I assumed an average annual salary of $50,000 with no increases over the 40 year period.  That would be an average monthly income of $4,166 (and some change).  12.4% of  $4,166 is $516 (rounded down).  If you “plug in” $516 into the Actuarial Table for the first month and then add that amount to your account monthly over a 40 year period  at 4% interest (chump change to a competent Investment Firm) you will end up at the end of your 40 year period with…..  are you ready….. $614,474.00  

But don’t trust me.  Run you own numbers.  At 5% interest that number jumps  to $794,504.00.

You could easily live out the rest of your years when you retire with a nice income and leave the rest to your family or favorite charity.

HELLO CONGRESS!  Where’s my money.

Something to think about.

Bob Bandy


Tipping Point

March 03, 2018 By: bob Category: Culture, Something To Think About


“When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over”-Tocqueville 1838.


Along with a good many other people I feel despair when I see a disaster happening right in front of me and I can do nothing to stop it.

One example is a friend who becomes addicted to a drug that will destroy their lives.  You can see it happening but no matter what you say or try to do, they will not turn away from the addiction.  It becomes the most important thing in their life.

This happened in my own life with a friend who became addicted to alcohol.  We tried to help him over an extended period of time but the addiction was too much and ultimately alcohol meant more to him than his life.

I have heard that “Meth” (methamphetamine), sometimes called “Crystal Meth”, is so addictive that as high as 99% of first time users will become addicted.  “Street Wise” Drug Pushers will give away “free” samples knowing they are creating a future paying clientele for their life destroying commodity.

Anything that creates an addiction also creates a form of slavery.

National Parks have signs that say “Do Not Feed The Animals”.  The reason for the signs is that they know that if you feed the animals many (or most) of them can become addicted to the food provided for them “free” and will lose the ability to feed themselves in the wild. 

I am not the only one seeing this happening in our country.

The United States is divided into opposing forces in the quest for the hearts and minds as well as the future of the American people. 

One group feels that American citizens will ultimately be happier, with greater self respect and knowledge of the real  joy of freedom,  if they are independent of the need to have government take care of them and prefer the pride of taking care of themselves with government restricted to the role of providing a National Defense and Public Safety – primarily protection from foreign enemies and domestic criminals – along with Emergency Services plus care for the Biblical “Widows and Orphans”.

The second group, much like the “Street Wise Drug Pushers” seeks to achieve power by first creating and then feeding the addiction of a voter base to government provided “free” programs to provide for their daily needs.  This group, either unwittingly, or under the misguided notion of charity (using other peoples money) seek power for themselves and in the process to build a dependent, addicted class of “clientele” to the governmental “pushers” of  dependency.

This second group will do anything to grow their power by creating a majority voter base.  Either by conversion of existing needy groups or importing new clients for supposedly “free” government services. Their plan is to achieve, maintain and expand a majority voter base to keep them in power and control.  Power and control being this groups own addiction and drug of choice. 

Which group is achieving the greatest number of new voters?

What I see, fear and observe is a greater and greater number of people who are, by choice or self inflicted circumstances, unable to care for themselves and are willing to become slaves to a more and more dominate and corrupt State and Federal Government holding out a false promise of security based on debt and the confiscation, often at gun point, of “other peoples property and money”. 

Government confiscation of personal property, including land for redistribution is happening in South Africa as this is being written.  Is the United States a candidate for something similar?

I am very much afraid that we have already passed the “tipping point” and the majority have become the “glassy eyed” drones of the “pushers” of government dependency.

Makes that cabin in the woods look pretty good.

Bob Bandy

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretence of taking care of them.” Thomas Jefferson