“Lord, they have killed Your prophets…”
I Kings 19:2
I am no prophet and in all candor do not want to be one. I am only an observer and, in my small way, a reporter of what I observe to some unknown number of thousands who read my writings.
For some reason I have in recent days and weeks been seemingly flooded with comments on an article I wrote some two years ago. A copy of the article follows this introduction.
It seems self serving to say that I find myself drawn into conversations about the unfolding disaster that is happening in our nation and either my wife, a friend or I will comment that I wrote on this subject either recently, a few months or even several years ago.
That does not, repeat does not make me a prophet and as I stated above, I do not want to be one. We know what they do to prophets who tell them what they do not want to hear. I so wish that much of what I observed as “unfolding” had not , and would not now be taking place.
This is not prophecy so much as it is observation of Natural (I call them God’s) Laws and uncontested facts. Math and gravity are facts and you can’t change them because you don’t like them, or, as I read long ago, you cannot get 10 pounds of potatoes from a 5 pound sack.
Fact: Our government has become corrupted, probably past repair, because of a political lust for power and spending of money it does not have which has resulted in a national debt that cannot be repaid in todays dollars.
Fact: Mathematics takes over. When the rate of inflation is greater than the amount you can pay in interest on the debt you get spiraling out of control inflation. At some point your life savings for your retirement won’t buy a jar of peanut butter.
Looked at another way, 10% interest on 30 Trillion Dollars of debt is 3 Trillion Dollars a year and that exceeds all of the tax revenue the government has in a year and leaves nothing for all the cost of government and the programs it supports. This means they have to print more paper money which is worth less and less.
Being a Republican or Democrat makes no difference. Math and gravity don’t care.
So, what to do. As a financial pundit commented on a news program the other day: “A hurricane is coming”. It is coming whether we want it to or not and will catch many unprepared. You can’t stop it by “killing the prophets”.
Fact: Debt is like gravity. It has no soul. It will “suck in” all available resources till there is nothing left but a “black hole”.
When governments become drowned in debt they become more and more Totalitarian and must disarm the “unwashed masses” to keep them from building Guillotines. Post World War I Germany experienced Hyper-Inflation and became a breeding ground for the Nazi movement of Adolph Hitler.
An individual who gets swallowed up in debt can file Bankruptcy and start over. Governments cannot file Bankruptcy but they can print more and more paper money which becomes worth less and less and less…….
Best “Batten Down the Hatches”.
Bob Bandy – June 2022
from May 2020
The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men do Nothing.
quote credited to Edmund Burke
I have a growing fear of being enslaved by a corrupt ruling class of demigods driven by ambition and a thirst for power.
In addition we are seeing negation of our Constitutional rights through massive government overreach in the supposed cause of protecting the public health. Governors, Mayors and Federal Agencies are acting with Dictatorial edicts which we are not even supposed to question.
We have also learned of abuse of power and corruption that occurred at the highest levels of the FBI, the Justice Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and other related government agencies. The “Deep State” at its worst.
Too many elected politicians, and often un-elected “public servants”, demonstrate they are little more than Clowns, Criminals or Lunatics.
These folks, who consider themselves superior, have also made themselves immune from prosecution for actions they would put us in jail for if we acted in the same way.
There are good people in government but I no longer have any faith or trust in most agencies because of the “bad apples”, too often “at the top”of the political food chain, who have politicized everything because of their political parties ambitions.
I would not even consider answering questions from the FBI without a good lawyer present and duct tape firmly in place over my mouth.
The mainstream “Tabloid” Media cannot be trusted. They have become no more than Propaganda Lemmings for the political agenda of their chosen party. You can get more accurate reporting from “The Enquirer” and other “Supermarket Tabloids”.
Elected officials in places of power that are willing to bankrupt, even destroy our country if it will achieve their desired goal of turning the United States into Cuba, Venezuela or some other Socialist “Paradise”.
Too many politicians who have come to view this Coronavirus Covid-19 not as a Pandemic threatening the lives of all us but as an opportunity to pursue their own political agenda. “Never let a crisis go to waste”.
Sad to say, I have lost faith in our government. I wish it were not so. Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me twice, shame on me.
Bob Bandy – May 2020