I seem to be in a retrospective period at this time and with all the madness and destruction coming out of both Washington D C and Sacramento, California I find myself looking back to a time when I saw more humor in the “Tragi-Comedy” chaos being imposed on our lives by our “leaders”.
I also get requests from readers to republish “favorite” articles from the past that are still relevant today. The following is a piece I wrote some 11+ years ago in an attempt to provide some humor to salve the pain of the damage being done by those we elect to “protect & serve” us in public office.
If I wanted to destroy the United States economy and impoverish its citizens here is what I would do in five steps:
Step 1. I would seek out and recruit incompetent people to infiltrate and take charge of our government. Next, I would split them into two groups, which I will call, lets see, how about “Congress” and “Administration”. The folks chosen need not be co-conspirators, just big spenders with big egos and no common sense. All of these folks would be given unlimited borrowing and spending power and the bills would be sent to the taxpayers.
Step 2. I would have laws and regulations passed to make it nearly impossible for any individual or company to drill, mine, extract or in any way acquire any of the natural resources we need as a nation, within the physical boundaries or territorial waters of the United States. All such needed materials would be required to be imported, preferably from countries not friendly to us. This would be done in the name of protecting the environment.
Step 3. I would have the government pass laws and regulations to punish hard work and financial success either by individuals or companies with a combination of regulations, fees and confiscatory taxes. For whatever “profits” were left over after the fees and taxes were paid I would unleash packs of morally bankrupt, ravenous Trial Lawyers to file endless lawsuits and litigation. This would encourage any individual or company to move production (and jobs) out of the U.S. to places with more friendly environments to manufacturing and employers.
Step 4. I would have “my” government reward laziness, incompetence and failure with government handouts, grants, promotions, do nothing projects and various “freebies”. These same people could later be hired into government make work jobs in a variety of government agencies and departments where nothing useful or productive is accomplished or expected. That way they could continue to get paid for producing nothing and retire to fat lifetime pensions and benefits . They would fit right in.
Step 5. I would make sure the government kept increasing the national debt to the point that even paying the interest on the debt became impossible. They could then destroy any remaining wealth in the country by hyper-inflating the currency, just as Germany did following World War I. In Germany at that time it got to the point that it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread. For a more recent example one need only look to Zimbabwe where inflation reached 79600000000% per month in just the last couple of years.
What’s that you say? I’m too late? Somebody stole my idea?
(From February 2011)
Bob Bandy – August 2022