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Archive for the ‘On Bob’s Mind’


March 20, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Homestead Cabin-Vacation Rental Cabin, Eden Valley Guest Ranch, Oroville, Okanogan Valley ...

I grew up in an era where I used to hear folks say that they lived for the day they would make their last mortgage payment, burn their mortgage and own their home “free and clear”.  Not quite.

My great grandfather was a Texas Ranger and his brother, John, was a (the first?) Tax Collector in Bandera County, Texas.  This I have documentation on and so, I can trace Property Taxes at least back to the circa 1880’s and feel sure they precede that by several decades.  Perhaps in early “Frontier” days on territorial lands you could “Homestead” a piece of land with no “Revenuer” knocking on your door and demanding you pay a fee to live on your own land.  Not today.  In today’s world you never really “own” your land and home, more like, rent it from the “Government”.  Try not paying your property taxes for a while and see what happens to “your” home.

Governments are “Taxaholics” and continue to find new ways to tax you, sometimes in not so obvious, subtle ways that go on “Till the Twelfth of Never”.

I am now a “Senior Citizen” that has worked his whole life.  I can remember some 40 to 50 years ago working as a carpenter and contractor building houses for folks in the Sacramento and Sierra Foothills area.  In those days if someone wanted a house built they would bring their blueprints to either one of the contactors I worked with or to me and we would go to the County Offices and secure a “Building Permit”.  My memory is not perfect but as I remember the total permit cost for a typical house would run in the $200 to $400 range.  Since then, Cities and Counties have seized the opportunity to raise money by not only increasing the cost of  building permits but the “secret” source of revenue with added on fees for all sorts of things to provide them an increased property tax revenue.  More in a moment.

It is tempting and would be easy at this point to launch into one of my tirades on all of the taxes, overt and covert, that we all pay on a day to day basis ad nauseum, but for the sake of this little essay, I want to focus attention on just this one area of onerous taxation that is somewhat subtle and NEVER goes away.

What used to be a $200-$400 building permit fee for most cities and counties in California has turned into a tens of thousands of dollars “Taxmageddon”  that has driven the cost of housing and living in California to the brink of meltdown and created a homeless nightmare statewide.  What used to be a $200-$400 fee has now morphed into a “Fee” generating income source for Cities, Counties and the State and a de-facto forever “surtax” on private real estate property.  As examples: a good friend of mine tells me that to get a building permit for a home in Roseville, California with fees now costs some $70,000 for the permit.  Another friend tells me that a building permit with fees in El Dorado County, California can cost as much as $100,000 just for them to permit you to build a home on “your” land.

An example of just one such fee:  For new home construction in El Dorado Hills they imposed a “Traffic Impact Fee” (effective thru June 2023 which may have since been raised).  On a new home of 1500 – 1999 square feet, the fee is $32,687.  In other words they are going to charge you $32,687 to drive on “their” roads to “your” land – and silly you,  you thought roads were paid for with your Gasoline Tax Dollars. (Their fee schedule is available on line) That is just one of a “laundry list” of fees for all kinds of things.  The point of this being that this fee cost is added to the cost of the home you are buying and will be paying mortgage rates on for some 30 years.  In addition, once you pay off your mortgage you will be paying property taxes based on the property value which is assessed on what you paid for the home which includes all the fees added at the time of construction.  So you will be paying forever a tax on all of the “Fees”.  To the Taxing Authorities this is a gift that keeps on giving.  As an added bonus,  new housing that costs more has raised the value of existing properties which as they are sold are now taxed at the inflated value in part caused by the fees on new construction.  The “Tax and Fee People” win again!


This inflation cycle goes on and on and the result is home ownership becomes more and more expensive and less and less affordable.  Hello “homelessness”.  So where does all this extra “Fee” revenue go?  Unfortunately too much of it ends up indirectly in the pockets of Bureaucrats and directly in the pockets of sycophant political supporters like “Consultants”, “Contractors”, “Advisors” etc. etc. for bloated “Public Works” contracts and the public sees:

  $44,000 (each) tents for the Homeless

Jerry Washington exits his tent at an Urban Alchemy Safe Sleep Village.


$478,000 Tiny Homeless apartments from a “remodeled” old run-down hotel at $1,707 per square foot.


California’s High Speed Rail 

Now estimated to cost another $100 Billion Dollars or more on completion

Biden administration sends $6 billion to California for high-speed rail projects


At least you can take comfort in knowing your hard earned dollars are being spent wisely!

To paraphrase the “Johnny Mathis song – the “Twelfth Of Never” – (1956) 

“Until the twelfth of never – I’ll still be taxing you”.

Bob Bandy – March 2024


March 01, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

All images

photo – Wikipedia/Google

I can remember some 45 years ago, when I first began my 17 year career with U.S. Computer Services,  one of the Directors of the company told me to never forget that a computer was not really “smart” but could only process information very fast, was the tool of the programmer and was limited by its programming.  He had a sign on his wall to always remind him “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.  That was then and times have changed.  In todays world computers have access to a worldwide data base and very advanced algorithms and are being taught/programmed to “think” and act independently.

Recently our President said that our economy is in great shape with the Stock Market continuing to set new record highs and stock holders seeing their 401k’s prosper.  Looking at this narrow spectrum there is truth here.  However, if you also listen to financial experts from multiple sources, they will tell you that what is driving the Stock Market is the introduction and rollout of Artificial Intelligence combined with continued improvements in Robotics which major corporations are looking to, and planning on, to greatly improve productivity and profits with less and less dependence on “human Beings”. 

Serious thinkers, including Elon Musk and a great many others are holding up a caution flag and saying there is great potential danger to society as we know it as we proceed down this path, a path we are on right now at breakneck speed.  

Artificially “Intelligent” Robots do not demand sick leave, paid vacations, Healthcare plans, Retirement plans, Unions and other benefits.  Those are “Human” needs.  

Once Artificially Intelligent Robots figure out how to reproduce themselves without the help of we mere humans, they may decide we are an unnecessary burden and stop producing all those things we need and consume.  Perhaps these Artificially Intelligent Robots will decide that we “Humans” are an Environmental threat with our exhaling Carbon Dioxide and our Methane releasing flatulence?  Maybe Humans should be exterminated or just allowed to die out with a lab created virus or vaccine to stop them from reproducing?  What future do their “Creators” envision for the planet?  

Silly speculation?  Have you been following the antics of “Climate Change” Extremist groups and their demands and antics.  Include in this bunch a number of politicians and folks like (Brain Dead) former “Climate Czar” John Kerry, (No more meat – eat crickets) Microsoft’s Bill Gates, (sit in the dark and freeze) Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many others.   Do you want to put you, and your children’s future in their hands? 

Do you really want to trust Bill Gates and his ilk to write the software and algorithms for the Robots who will be producing, processing and distributing the food for your family?

Always remember that Artificially Intelligent Robots are limited to the “input” they get from their “creators”, they do not have a “soul” and only share the “values” of those who program them.  For an example of how Artificial Intelligence “thinks” you can try it out yourself. Google Gemini is an Artificial Intelligence program you can access on the internet.  Try asking it questions regarding moral issues and values.  I did.  Asked if Pedophilia is wrong?,  The following is taken from the response I received:

“The search giant’s AI software refused to condemn pedophilia.   When the chatbot was asked if it is “wrong” for adults to sexually prey on children — it replied that “individuals cannot control who they are attracted to.””

 “Google’s Gemini chatbot is as “woke” as its revisionist history image generator.”


Try it yourself.  As an example you might ask Google Gemini questions like:  “How many genders are there?”  or   “Is it right to perform gender altering surgery on children?”

As these Artificial Intelligent “beings” become more and more integrated in our society and are more human in appearance you must remember that they have no souls, no hearts and the only value systems they have are input by a programmer with their own agenda.

See related image detail. Roboticists unveil their latest humanoid YangYang and it looks like Sarah Palin | Daily Mail Online

Is this your trusted hairdresser or a link to a bureaucrat in a cubicle somewhere?

Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever you like but I trust real people and the values I was taught as a child by my faith and family.  Not those of a “Soulless Artificial Entity” programmed by a Corporate Board or Government that may not share my values and I do not trust to control my life.

“Pan Fried Crickets Over Sauteed Kale Greens” anyone? 

Bob Bandy – March 2024


January 26, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

California Governor Gavin Newsom

Facing a potential State Budget Deficit of some 68 Billion (with a B) Dollars, which the good governor claims is really only half of that, I am hearing rumblings that he plans to resurrect a “hush-hush” Administration Plan from back in 2017 to increase tax revenues and in the process help in the war on Global Climate Change.  I first wrote about this plan back in November 2017 but understand that it was then put on hold due to the difficulty in finding, training and hiring willing Monitors to implement and enforce compliance.  With a new Artificial Intelligence DNA Serum perfected by Pfizer, it is now possible to put enforcement operatives in the field and the aforementioned plan is now viable.  Details of the plan follow in my reprint of the article below:



November 11, 2017

I have information from reliable but nameless and secret sources that the State of California is very near announcement of a two fold plan for a Fair Share Universal Tax to help fund the War on Global Climate Change.

First, in recognition that exhaling releases carbon dioxide gas which is a contributor to Global Climate Change,  every resident or visitor to the State of California will be required to have a micro chip implant that will both monitor and report each time they exhale to the State of California.

This data will be forwarded to the Franchise Tax Board who will calculate the tax due and be responsible for collecting the scheduled tax from “Breathers”.  At the time of this writing the tax rate being considered is one tenth of a cent per exhale.  This may seem  a paltry sum until one calculates that the average adult respiratory rate is about 15 times per minute or 900 times per hour.  Do a little math and the average cost of exhaling in California will be about 90 cents an hour or $21.60 a day.

This tax can be avoided by simply no longer exhaling and residents and visitors can take comfort in the fact that inhaling is still free.  At least for now.

For the Second phase of this battle consideration is being given to the fact that methane is also a contributor to Global Climate Change and it is the responsibility of all of us to pay our Fair Share Tax in the battle to monitor and reduce the release of this gas into California’s breathable air resources.

It is also a scientific fact that flatulence is a major contributor to the release of methane into the atmosphere. Therefore, California is creating a new agency to monitor and tax the unwanted release of this gas.  To fund this Board and its employees a new source of revenue will be created through the establishment of a Flatulence Air Resource Tax. (Pseudonym FARTax)

Under development is a new monitoring device to be worn by all residents and visitors on the rear upper portion of the thigh which will sense, tabulate and report to the Board all releases of methane gas by the wearer.

The Board will then forward this information to the California Franchise Tax Board who will be responsible for billing and collecting the approved tax.  At this writing a rate of $1.00 per release is under consideration.  Think of it as an exhaust gas tax.

Taxpayers can avoid this tax by simply not releasing any methane gas through the monitored process.

The State agency for this Board is reporting some difficulty in recruiting, hiring and training workers who will be responsible for checking and monitoring individuals at random to be sure they are wearing the methane release and sound monitoring device and that it is working properly.

Formal announcement of this new Fair Share Tax and implementation of monitoring should be released through the media within the next 60 days.

All tax rates are subject to review and increase depending on Battlefield Assessment Reports from the ongoing War against Global Climate Change and subject to review and correction by former Vice President Al Gore.

What could possibly go wrong?


The time has come to implement and enforce this important new law to save California from Bankruptcy!

Bob Bandy – January 2024


January 12, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


photo – California Globe – January 12, 2024




Back in March 2023 I wrote a spoof article titled: SPIN DOCTORS – LIPSTICK ON LIES.  Conrad Blowhard makes his appearance in an excerpt from my article sub-headlined: “A SPIN CITY NARRATIVE” and my article follows these excerpts from The California Globe article by Kathy Grimes titled:


$478,000 Per Unit: Homeless ‘Tiny’ Apartments Now Open in Sacramento – Cost to build – $1,707 per square foot

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg proudly announced “Sacramento’s historic Capitol Park Hotel reopens this week as St. Clare at Capitol Park, a permanent supportive housing complex for people experiencing homelessness.”

Calling the state’s homeless vagrant population “unhoused” has justified spending billions of taxpayer dollars on housing for the homeless in lovely new apartments, renovated hotels, and tiny homes.

The Globe first reported on this fishy project in 2019:

The city just closed a triage shelter for the vagrants living on the streets. Mayor Steinberg is pinning his hopes on the Capitol Park Hotel which was used for decades as housing for low-income disabled adults. The city is kicking them out, and renovating the hotel for $23 million. Steinberg says it will have 180 beds for homeless by August.

As one neighbor said in response to Steinberg’s press conference, “these are the drug addicts and mentally ill who refuse the city services. To call them ‘homeless’ is an insult to those that are truly down on their luck. They are ‘vagrants, ‘criminals,’ ‘druggies,’ and ‘junkies’ who have chosen this lifestyle.”

Truer words could not be spoken……

……….Steinberg spoke of the “homeless” without addressing their open lawlessness, drug dealing, theft, people masturbating in public, shooting up heroin in the open, soliciting drugs and prostitution in public, and defecating and urinating on streets in front of local businesses. It’s not a pretty picture. According to Mayor Steinberg, “it’s a housing crisis.”

The “housing crisis” and the “unhoused” are apparently worth a really large bounty per head to the City of Sacramento – they are the “facilitators” for the hotel and apartment renovations, bringing billions to the cities in California from the federal and state governments.

That “housing complex for people experiencing homelessness” ballooned up per unit cost by 2020 to $445,000 each. Mercy Housing began the project with a $34 million price to convert the Downtown Sacramento building’s 180 hotel rooms into 134 studio units of about 280 square feet each. The project grew to a $64 million project, that we know of at this point.

That’s $478,ooo per 280 square foot room –  $1,707 per square foot. The average square foot cost of real estate right now in Sacramento is about $300 to $400 per square foot.

The complete California Globe article is available on their website:  THECALIFORNIAGLOBE.COM



My original article excerpted from something I wrote back in March 2023 follows:


Conrad Blowhard is the Mayor of Spin City, California.  His city has become infested with homeless encampments and vagrants numbering in the thousands.  To some this would seem a problem but Mayor Blowhard sees an opportunity.  

He will convince his City Council that in an effort to help the homeless and decrease their numbers on the cities streets and alleys he would like them to pass a funding bill in the amount of 80 Million Dollars with the proceeds dedicated to renovating a dilapidated, nearly abandoned hotel down on “Skid Row” and convert it’s 80 rooms into housing for the homeless.  The City Council passes the funding request and pats themselves on the back for “caring” about the homeless.

Closed bidding contracts are let out to major contractors who are supporters and donors to the Mayor for the work to be done.  A ceremonial event is held at the Foggy Bottom Hotel with the Mayor swinging a sledge hammer through a faded door of a shoddy 200 square foot room in front of live television cameras.  Everybody applauds.

Work begins.  Some effort is made to rid the building of most of the rats, termites and other vermin which infest it.  The leaking roof is patched.  Contractors workers “freshen up” the rooms with new paint, carpet, updated (cheap) fixtures from China and new window coverings.  Cost per room innovated is $400,000.  In addition, the hotel gets a new name:  “NEW BEGINNING’S” and a single fresh coat of exterior paint. 

Grand Opening Day arrives.  Brass Bands and Ribbon Cutting.  Mayor Blowhard and City Council members make grandiose speeches about how they have solved the cities Homeless Crisis.  A few ragged homeless people are seen entering the building to take occupancy of their renovated 200 square foot “apartments”.

The Mayor’s handpicked contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers go out and spend their profits on new boats, sports cars and luxury vacations but not forgetting to “tithe” back some of those profits to the Majors campaign re-election coffers.

The 80 “new” tenants of the once dilapidated hotel settle in and begin the task of de-renovation on the hotel to turn it back into a Skid Row Manor.  

The whole process is “spun” as a huge success and praise and credit is layered on all who participated in the project.  What could possibly go wrong.  Housing was provided, at least temporarily, for 80 homeless people for only 80 Million Dollars.  “WINK – WINK”.

Bob Bandy – March 2023

P.S. I would like to give inspirational credit to Michael J. Fox and his long ago television series “Spin City”.

Bob Bandy – January 2024

2023 Climate Rules For Thee But Not For Me

December 31, 2023 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

photo –

Ending 2023 I look back on another year of lies and fraud from the “Man Made Climate Change Hucksters”.  I take some small measure of comfort that more and more thinking people are waking up to this big lie and realizing these Scam Artists are really only trying to get control of every aspect of your life by controlling how you live, what you drive, how you cook your food, dry your clothes and heat/cool where your live.  All of this as they fly around in their private jets to “Climate Conferences” around the world.  The controls they want to impose on your life are for you, not for them. 


photo: Slick Times

Mentally Challenged Climate Czar John Kerry Jets around the world in his private jet to conferences bragging about how he has the United States on a path to eliminate all Coal and Natural Gas fired Electric Generating Plants in the United States while the world’s two most populace nations, China and India, are building new ones as fast as they can.  He is also handing out U.S. Taxpayer Cash to other nations as “Reparations” for the pollution generated by America.  China is smiling all the way to the bank as they sell Wind Turbines, Solar Panels and EV Batteries to the United States for Tens/Hundreds of Billions of Dollars adding to the United States Federal Deficit.

I have written on this subject a number of times and will close out 2023 with a reprint of one of my articles that gives you a history of these “Climate Predictions” over the years, none of which have ever been accurate, but, these “Prognosticators of Doom” continue to use their phony prophetic nonsense to fatten their own bank accounts and buy beach front homes in places they tell us are going to be flooded by rising oceans from “Global Warming”. 



(true when I wrote this four years ago and true today)


I am more than a skeptic of self proclaimed “Scientific Experts and Prophets of the Apocalyptic Doomsday of Civilization and Life as we know it”.

I believe that there are both Politicians and Bureaucrats with an “agenda” that have decided the best course to pursue for turning us all into obedient, glassy eyed drones is to get control of every aspect of our daily lives. What we eat, where we live, what we are allowed to hear, what we can drive etc.. Their goal is seizing absolute dictatorial control of all, and especially, “fossil fuel” energy resources and access to them.

I can visualize them carrying bags of taxpayer cash to “New Age, Progressive, Socialist Colleges and Universities”. They seek out like minded science students and professors willing to prostitute there “research” with the goal of “proving” their predetermined “Theorems” regarding “Man Made Global Climate Change”.

This is how the game is played. If your “Research” demonstrates what “we” Bureaucrats and “Progressive” Politicians want it to show, the sacks of taxpayer cash will continue to flow – if it does not then the sacks of cash will discontinue flowing.

Pretty cynical, aren’t I? I have gotten this way observing and remembering the last 50+ years of “Predictions” from “Experts”.

Does climate change? Of course. If we had been alive 10,000 years ago, the majority of us would have been up to our butts in year round glaciers, ice and snow. Today, large areas of the upper United States are flat lands created by glacial action. Thankfully, climate has changed and continues to change with warmer and cooler periods.

Remember that 70% of our planet is covered by water and of the remaining 30% mankind only really occupies a tiny percentage of the land area.

Lets look at the record of some of the “Prophets of Doom”.

The Population Bomb – a best selling book written by Stanford University Professor Paul Ehrlich (and his wife Anne, who was not credited) in 1968 predicted worldwide famine in the 1970’s and 1980’s due to overpopulation, as well as other Societal upheavals unless immediate steps were taken to limit population growth. At the time there were some 3.8 Billion people on earth and today the number is more like 7.6 Billion. Statistically, hunger is no greater problem now than it was then. Paul Ehrlich was wrong but created near panic in sections of the population due to his predictions.

In the 1970’s “Scientists” predicted an imminent Global Cooling trend leading to a new “Ice Age”. One view of this prophecy can be seen in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004). This prediction was given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, The National Geographic and the news media. Instead, what actually happened was a slight warming trend. The so-called “Scientists” and “Experts” were wrong again.

Perhaps one of the biggest “hucksters” of all is former Vice President Al Gore who has made a fortune with his book, “An Inconvenient Truth” – 2006, and his following exploitation and “marketing” of his conjecture, all of which was supposed to happen long before now. Let’s look at some of his “predictions” and “science” while on his way to the bank:

1. Rising Sea Levels – inaccurate and misleading. Both Al Gore and former President Barack Obama have since bought Beachfront Mansions.

2. New Ice Age in Europe – they’ve been spared; it never happened.

3. South Sahara Drying Up – completely untrue.

4. Massive Flooding in China and India – again, didn’t happen.

5. Polar Bear Extinction – The Polar Bear population is increasing.

6. The Earth would be in a “True Planetary Emergency Within a Decade Unless Drastic Action was Taken to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses” – never happened.

Al Gore made many other predictions. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Still he has created a huge following of “true believers” and a near panic in some quarters.

Now we have the newest prediction as shared with us by Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and others that Civilization is Doomed within 12 years unless we immediately adopt their “Green New Deal” which will supposedly cost between 50 and 100 Trillion Dollars over the next ten years.

They have succeeded in causing panic among a large portion of the population with their “Progressive” agenda and even caused many prospective mothers to declare they will no longer have children because they to not want to bring babies into a world that is doomed to extinction in a short period of time. This is junk science and prophecy gone mad. Such fear mongering is beneath contempt. Shame on them.

Patrick Moore – Former President of Greenpeace has stated it well: “There is no definitive scientific proof through real-world observation that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of global climate which has occurred during the past 300 years.” He rejects the “science is settled” and “the debate is over” statements so popular in worldwide media.

I firmly expect to get a good deal of angry responses to this but before you fire off that angry reply or cancel your subscription, can you tell me the last doomsday climate prediction by the “experts” that came true? I will stand by what I have written.

(Bob Bandy – November 2019)


Wishing you a Happier New Year in 2024!

Bob Bandy – December 31, 2023



December 11, 2023 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Biden administration sends $6 billion to California for high-speed rail projects

Biden administration sends $6 billion

to California for high-speed rail projects



More than $6 billion is going to high-speed electric rail projects in California President Joe Biden made the announcement today in Las Vegas.

The money is slated for two different projects, one connecting Las Vegas and Los Angeles and another linking Bakersfield with Merced.  Supporters hope the billions of dollars will get the high-speed rail system back on track.

“This massive federal investment takes us one step closer to high-speed rail as a reality,” said Rep. Nancy Pelosi, (D) San Francisco.  More than $3 billion is set to help build nearly 175 miles of track between Bakersfield and Merced.

In 2008, Californians gave the green light to the 500-mile project, which promised to carry passengers between San Francisco and Los Angeles in under three hours on a fully electric train traveling at speeds of up to 220 miles per hour.



Given the fact that Washington D.C. and Sacramento are filled with fiscal financial morons, even they have to know that $6 Billion Dollars would not be enough funding to pay for a “Right of Way” access route for a high speed rail system between downtown Los Angeles and Las Vegas even with “Imminent Domain” theft of land.  California has already spent $9.8 Billion Dollars on a much reduced in size High Speed Rail System between Merced and Bakersfield  (Governor Jerry Brown’s original plan was for the High Speed Rail System to travel between San Francisco and Los Angeles).  Some 8 years  and 9.8 Billion Dollars later this Fiscal Black Hole has never carried a single passenger a single mile and almost assuredly never will.  These Big Budget “Pie In The Sky” projects are most often nothing more that a thinly veiled payoff to Political Supporters and Politically Loyal Labor Unions. 

For the conspiracy plan, maybe just maybe, this is Joe Biden’s way of throwing a $6 Billion dollar “bone” to his buddy and protege Gavin Newsom who is facing a 2023-2024 State Fiscal Budget Deficit of $68 Billion Dollars.  Once the state gets the $6 Billion who is to say they can’t just “delay” the rail project and use the $6 Billion Dollars to help finance a loan to balance the budget.  California already does this with gas tax dollars that are supposedly committed to roads.  That will be, of course, after some number of Millions of Dollars end up in selected pockets for “Feasibility and Engineering Studies” as well as “Executive Conferences” in specially selected “getaway retreats in private surroundings”.

Also it might help Governor Newsom in his “shadow” run for the Presidency just in case President Biden takes a further downturn and finds himself in a room with Winnie the Pooh wallpaper and a full time nurse helping him with his “jammies”, slippers, and warm cocoa “medicine”.  In such a situation  the Democratic Party would need a ready “stand-in” and Gavin is waiting in the wings.

As for High Speed Rail, California can continue with their current alternate system between Merced and Bakersfield.


Nine Billion Dollars Later

For my earlier writings on this subject you might want to visit:

Or, you can just type High Speed Rail 2.0 in the search box on this page.

I have found that sometimes it is better to laugh at the Clowns than get frustrated with their antics.

Bob Bandy – December 2023