California Roads
photo – Google
California is a state filled with “Good Intentions”. It’s two largest Cities, Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as it’s State Capitol, Sacramento, are entrenched “Feel Good” Liberal Bastions offering Sanctuary to “undocumented” (illegal) “no questions asked or permitted of immigrants”. In fact, the whole state is a proud “Sanctuary” and you can face prosecution in court if you ask to see proof of citizenship.
California had, and I believe still has, the highest Gasoline Taxes in the nation and despite the fact that those taxes, on paper, are supposed to be used for road maintenance and repair, it has some of the worst, if not worst, potholes and poor maintenance in the nation. Good intentions do not fill potholes. Many/most of those Gasoline Tax Dollars through “slight of hand” and “smoke and mirrors” end up being redirected/spent on other “pet projects” of the “Ruling Junta” on things like “Free College” for “undocumented” migrants, “Free Healthcare” for “undocumented migrants” and “dog and pony show” special projects that sound soooo good and accomplish little or nothing other than put taxpayer Dollars into the pockets of political supporters and their ilk.
All to often public tax revenue is allocated out for political agendas.
Homeless Housing for the states number one in the nation homeless population. Things like $41,000 tents on pallets, $400,000 two hundred square foot remodeled hotel rooms for the drug and alcohol addicted homeless and other “Blue Sky” projects.. On a recent news broadcast it was reported that California spent last year $43,000,000,000 ($43 Billion Dollars) on “Homeless Housing” projects and now has more Homeless than before they spent the money. Note: News Reports that California has “no data” on $24,000,000,000($24 Billion) of those dollars… the money is gone… “Poof”.
California High Speed Rail 2.0
Nine Billion Dollars Later (March 2019)
Its “never will be completed”, now estimated to cost in excess of $100,000,000,000 (that’s One Hundred Billion Dollars) High Speed Rail System which after some 10+ years of construction and numerous projections, has never hauled a single passenger a single mile.
Removing smaller dams, reservoirs and even hydro-electric plants. US regulators have approved the largest dam removal project in the country’s history, which is slated to take place on the Klamath River in California. A $500 million Dollar proposal to demolish four dams on the Klamath River has been approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (Associated Press). “Some people might ask in this time of great need for zero emissions, ‘Why are we removing the dams?’ The project has been a priority for environmental activists and Native American tribes for years.
Government is not so much intentionally “evil” as it is just addicted to programs that sound good without being thought through to possible unintentional outcomes, corruption, fraud, waste, graft, mismanagement, lack of accountability and poor judgement. Government has a history of “solving problems” by throwing money at them and when that doesn’t work reaching a conclusion that the problem wasn’t solved because they didn’t throw enough money at it sooooo….. lets increase spending. But money and good Intentions don’t solve problems and they don’t fill potholes in the states roads.
Programs like these and many others are why California has a 70+ BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET DEFICIT, its State Capitol City – Sacramento has a 60+MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET DEFICIT and other major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles have similar fiscal woes. Mind you, most or all of the above were/are the product of the “Good Intentions” in the mind and agenda of some Bureaucrat at some point in time. But…..
California Potholes – Google
Late News Update – 4-10-24 – KCRA News: Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration announced a new directive on Wednesday that will require state employees to work in the office at least two days a week. “Talk about your ‘Sweatshop’ working environment!” “Way to run a tight ship Governor!”
Bob Bandy – April 2024