Former San Francisco Mayor and California Governor Gavin Newsom
A friend of mine recently suggested I do an article on one of the latest of Governor Gavin Newsom’s prevarications regarding the impact on “Fast Food” jobs created with his ill-advised plan to mandate $20 minimum pay for workers in the Fast Food Industry. He recently claimed that there was no job loss after implementing the new minimum wage. As usual he speaks with “forked tongue” and does so by “fudging” hand picked “windows” of time. The true overall impact of his wage plan has been devastating not only on the owners of Fast Food Franchises but also on the workers in this industry. See:
The California Globe
Gov. Newsom’s Office Continues to Fib About Fast Food Job Losses – Claims Job Gains
‘Newsom is stretching the truth to obscure that his fast food minimum wage hike has been a disaster’
By Katy Grimes, August 20, 2024 11:27 am
Note: The above well written article is still available on the California Globe website
The above is the article my friend was referring to and it is well written and a lengthy look at how he manipulates numbers in the creation of his falsehoods.
On preparing for this issue I found myself reviewing numerous articles I have written in which Governor Newsom played a starring, and usually the leading role. Space does not permit a review of all of them but a selection of his most egregious and damaging efforts to the well being of California can be gleaned from reading your choice of the following few examples which I have provided the link to. Just copy and paste the address into your browser or use the search feature in the left column.
Many voters have prime issues which drive them, sometimes a single issue from a politician decides their vote. I personally have several important issues that drives my voting but my most important one is the vulnerability of children and the sanctity of the families ability to guide their beloved children through those life forming early years. Hence, my anger when our Governor and his cohorts in the legislature put the innocence of our most vulnerable and important little ones at risk. This angst caused me to write the below article which I consider one of the most important I have written.
Remembering that our governor was formally the mayor of San Francisco I wrote the following piece about the destruction he left behind him when he moved from the Mayor’s office to the Governors office.
For another look at America’s Worst Governor you might want to read
There are a number of other articles about the foibles and life of our miscreant Governor Newsom but this is getting a bit long so will close with his multi-year love affair with California’s High Speed Rail to nowhere on which I have lavished considerable amount of sarcasm and anger over the years. You might find one or both of the following interesting:
With all of the above, I have not even touched on the highest gas taxes (and some of the poorest road conditions) in the country or the chaos and fiscal impact of being a Sanctuary State with free healthcare, education and other costs of illegal migration and now our governor is talking about qualifying illegals for unemployment benefits.
There are many other documented examples of our California Governors failings and dishonesty but a review of the above samples will give you a taste of his tenure in office and the devastation he has done to our formerly beautiful state.
Out of room but the Chronicles go on and on. 70+ Billion Dollar Budget Deficit – 24 Billion Dollars in “Homeless Funds” “Vanished” “Poof” with no idea where the money went – Signed (Unconstitutional) Bill making Political/Satire/Humor/”Deep Fake” illegal in California (supposedly because he is angry with Elon Musk for moving Tesla and SpaceX facilities from California to Texas) – Newly signed bill to outlaw grocery store plastic bags – etc. etc. etc.
Bob Bandy – October 2024