Our Constitution was written in great part to provide a guarantee to all Americans certain Rights and Freedoms. The First 10 Articles/Amendments to the Constitution spell these out clearly.
While a number of these Amendments are under attack by various groups, organizations, companies and quasi-government agencies as well as on the campus’s of many of our Colleges and Universities, this writing is particularly directed at the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
Article I – First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Companies like Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and many College’s and “Movements” have now decided they should be in charge of what we are allowed to read or say and have developed their own “Truth Bureaus” and filters on what is, and is not allowed to appear in print or spoken in public forums and, coming soon, in your homes and private gatherings.
Expect Churches, especially Christian Churches to become even more restricted or very tightly monitored and regulated. Already Pastors and Ministers must be careful of what is said from the pulpit for fear of bringing on the wrath of the Dark Lords in Sacramento, Washington D.C. or headquarters of powerful, influential groups with their own social agendas.
I am quite sure that they would censor our very thoughts if and when it becomes possible and I believe they are working on it in their “Dark Chambers of Horror”.
It’s all about control. Think George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and “Big Brother” (published 1949 by Secker & Warburg).
Can a “Borg Progressive Collective Society” be far behind? (in the Search box type – The Borg Initiative – for an article I wrote back in March 2019 on the theme of central command and control .
This could all seem like just a scary intellectual exercise if the potential impact on our freedom was not so deadly serious.
So how do we deal with this seemingly unstoppable march to control what we are allowed to say, write and eventually even think? I’m not sure. So far I have come up with three possible scenarios.
#1. Go ahead and speak your mind. Expect to be sent to a Chinese Communist inspired “Re-education Labor Camp” sponsored by a Consortium backed by Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, the “Deep State”, Hollywood, “Mainstream” Media, “New Age” Academia and “Uber Billionaires” like George Soros. After some time at one of these camps you will emerge as a glassy eyed drone chanting a Mantra of how much you love Political Correctness, all the while with downcast eyes and carefully folded hands while closing each repeat of the approved Kumbaya Mantra with a soft “Yes Master”. You will no longer be burdened with the need to think for yourself.
#2 Go off the “Grid” and move to a remote place in the frozen tundra of Alaska, a place in the desert or deep woods or any other hard to reach location. None, or only minimum communication with this “Progressive Approved United States”. My personal favorite is the “Cabin in the woods with a good dog, fishing gear, good guns, my wife and a minimum two year supply of staple goods. However, as attractive as this option sounds I must admit my advanced years would make such a rustic retreat a real challenge.
#3 Pay someone to steal my identity. That way those in charge of our “Brave New World” of total Government Control could make life miserable for whatever poor soul is now stuck with my “old” identity. Since I live in California I could then clothe myself in secondhand clothing, wander into the nearest State office, tell them, in broken English, I am here ill-legally from an unnamed foreign land, without papers or documentation of any kind. Give them an untraceable name (remember no documentation is required). Maybe I could become Phineas Ulysses Phartswehl? In California it is against the law to question Citizenship and I can then demand directions to the nearest State facilities where I can receive free public aid, free housing and free medical care. California, with its “Open Borders” laws is a wonderful place to “get lost in” if you are “on the ‘Lam’. As a bonus, maybe whoever paid to take my “old” identity could help pay for all this with his tax money. Win-Win!
Given time I am sure I, or one of my readers could come up with other alternatives. Move to Paraguay anyone?
Just a thought but you might want to save this article to a thumb drive, separate hard drive or printed copy before Google – et-al decide to have the ghouls in their “Truth Bureau” edit it for content and you end up with a page of “Kumbaya” implanted on your mind.
Bob Bandy – October 2020