I wrote the following/below post some eight years ago during a particularly low period in the Obama Administration. Skyrocketing National Debt, very high unemployment, Corporate America and jobs fleeing the country, and Administration statements like “This is the new normal” and “Manufacturing jobs will not be coming back to America”. At the time I felt almost hopeless. Incompetency had won and the future was bleak.
In some ways I feel a little like Rip Van Winkle awakening from a long sleep wondering where I am and what has happened to the happy and ordered world I grew up in.
It seems to me that our lives are now ruled by a consortium of Clowns, Criminals and Lunatics.
A journey through a looking glass into a world where the Lords of Darkness have stolen power and are creating a society where no good deed will go unpunished.
If the United States were the Milky Way Galaxy, then Washington D.C. would be the gravitational heart of that galaxy.
At the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy there resides a Super-Massive Black Hole. In space lingo a Black Hole is the collapsed heart of a large star that has compressed into a point where gravity is so intense that everything, including other stars and star stuff, is sucked in and nothing of any recognized value, not even light, can escape.
Washington D.C. is like that. A place where our tax dollars get sucked in and nothing of any value can possibly escape.
You know why? Its because the Clowns, Criminals and Lunatics are busy stirring a big cauldron to turn our tax dollars into a system of Food Stamps and Flat Screen TV’s to keep the masses complacent.
The Romans first introduced the concept of Bread and Circuses to keep the rabble quiet and content. The Dark Lords in Washington have only copied them.
What? Did you expect something creative and original to come out of Washington D.C. ? Have you forgotten this is the place where 98% of our political leaders give the rest a bad name?
(Bob Bandy – Feb. 2013)
As Yogi Berra reportedly said “It’s Like Deja Vu All Over Again”
I find myself re-visiting what I wrote “back then”.
Living in a surreal world with an empty suit “President” totally under the control of a Pelosi-Schumer Crime syndicate, who are in turn directed by a shadowy “Star Chamber” of “Deep State” far left “Progressive Marxist’s” bent on the destruction of our way of life, our Constitution and our Rights under the Constitution. All under the false flag of Social Justice.
I firmly believe all of these folks have achieved the current state of affairs as the result of, in my opinion, a very skillfully orchestrated, and expertly executed, Coup d’etat fraudulent election, almost assuredly with the help of an unfriendly foreign power. I am not alone in this opinion.
So what can we do? We can peacefully, legally, persistently and loudly “Push Back” at every opportunity. For example we do not have to allow our children to be indoctrinated with Marxist ideas in our schools.
Always keeping in mind the so-called “Progressive’s” are going to do everything in their power to shut us up and shut down any opposition to their schemes.
Just something to think about and consider as a call to action before the America most of us love is gone forever.
Bob Bandy – May 2021