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November 26, 2021 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


The news tells us that our Government is spending more and more dollars it does not have and uses phrases like “Don’t worry it’s all paid for” and we are going to “Tax the rich to pay for it”.  This is all just lies and propaganda and anyone with an I.Q. above room temperature knows its a lie and that even if they did tax the so called rich at 100% you could not finance all this spending for more than a month or two and then what?

Here’s what.  Our government has run up so much debt that it cannot afford to pay even the approximate 1% interest it is now paying on Government “Treasuries” (Debt Bonds) and there are not enough stupid investors that want to buy a $10,000 Government Bond paying 1% interest with inflation rates topping 5 1/2%.  Bonds with negative earnings potential after inflation used to be called “Junk Bonds”.

Even if we accept the lie that inflation is “only” 5 1/2%, a $10,000 Bond is worth only $9,450 post inflation value at the end of a year.  If you add back in the 1% interest the bond pays ($100) you end up with $9,550. 

Put another way, one year later it will take $10,550 inflated dollars to buy what $10,000 would buy you a year earlier.  Think of these bonds as financial quicksand.

Even though our Nations Capitol is obviously well stocked with unindicted Fiscally Criminal Legislators,  Only a moron would invest in a Ponzi scheme like this and these folks are not stupid enough to invest in their own legislative malfeasance.  So, what’s a government to do?

Here is what your government is doing.  Using a shadow term like “Quantitative Easing” the government continues to issue debt bonds under cloak of darkness which are being purchased with a lot of “smoke and mirrors” by the Federal Reserve system who is simply printing the money and putting it into circulation to “pay” for all the government spending.  This of course creates more and more inflation.  As time goes by you end up with an inflation spiral that makes all those dollars you worked so hard to save worth less and less.   In post WWI Germany it got to the point it took a wheelbarrow full of virtually worthless currency to buy a loaf of bread.  In Venezuela the citizenry are forced to eat their pets or starve.

Sort of makes you want to invest your life savings in Government Junk Bonds that lose a net of 4 1/2% in value each year doesn’t it?

Inflation caused by governments monetary incompetence, if not criminal misconduct, has the effect of a cruel tax on the poor and the elderly who have to buy the more expensive groceries, gasoline  Etc. Etc. Etc. 

Governments in history have long used inflation to cover their fiscal lack of discipline.  Governments don’t file Bankruptcy, they just create fiat money that is worth less and less and less.   From Rome to post WWI Germany to Venezuela.  The result is always the same.  Those with fixed incomes or savings get hurt the most.  Poverty and misery run rampant.  Government does a lot of finger pointing and grandiose speeches but lacks the courage to do what is needed.   Fiscal discipline.

The following excerpt is from a piece I wrote in April of 2011 under the title of:



… I am thinking of starting a new Political Party which I would simply call the Math Party.  To become a member of the Math Party you would only have to believe in the simple laws of mathematics.  If you wanted to run for elective office representing the Math Party you would have to demonstrate that you can get at least a ‘B’ on a Third Grade Math quiz.   And, if you wanted to run for President under the Math Party Banner you would have to show us your Third Grade Diploma.  The real one.

You see, I have become absolutely convinced that no political party now representing us in Washington D.C. (or for that matter Sacramento, California) can do Third Grade Math.  They sure can’t add or subtract.  In fact, they act more like a teenage boy with the keys to dad and moms new car,  a bottle of Jack Daniels Old No. 7 Brand and a credit card.  When asked to solve a relatively straight forward math problem like, say, doing a budget for the country that does not involve spending money we don’t have, they instead come up with a plan to “reduce the deficit 12 to 16 years “down the road” (when they are no longer in office).

So what do you think?  Would a political party that believes in the simple laws of mathematics have a chance?  Or, have we all become addicted to believing in the Tooth Fairy and just want to hope that Uncle Sugar in Washington has a bottomless checkbook?


Today I have lost all hope of there ever being any fiscal responsibility in government and am putting my efforts into figuring out ways to survive the coming monetary collapse and chaos.

Bob Bandy –  November 2021



November 12, 2021 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

To be clear from the beginning, I believe Black Lives Matter.  Not an issue for me.  What is an issue is the integrity of the Black Lives Matter Organization.  

Read On

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Our current situation explained........'

Soros – Obama – Biden – Harris

From an internet posting

What connection does the Black Lives Matter Organization have to do with the above?

It’s all about manipulation. 

Once the Black Lives Matter Organizers,  including their Marxist Leader manipulated our government and major corporations into meeting their demands and contributing Billions of dollars into their “Foundation”.  They have since, for the most part, seemed to have just faded into the shadows. 

Oh, there are a few die-hards showing up as supporters for mostly George Soros funded ANTIFA riots and other destruction in places like Portland, Seattle, Milwaukee etc. for public demonstrations, damage and other devastation. 

But it seems that once the founder(s) acquired their palatial homes, things have quieted down.  Can anyone point to what changes the now well funded BLM organization has made in the tattered lives of the residents of the hell hole ghettos of Chicago or other major inner city slums?

It seems to happen over and over and we never learn.  Huge amounts of dollars are either coerced or pledged with good intentions by government and major donors, such as corporations, for what is universally accepted as good causes and yet very little of that money produces noticeable results.

Some years ago Jesse Jackson and his “Rainbow Push Coalition” extorted Millions and Millions of dollars from corporations with very little in the way of tangible results.

People like Bill and Hillary Clinton have turned massive charitable spending into an art form for enriching themselves.

When Port-Au-Prince in Haiti was devastated by a massive 7.0 Earthquake in 1993 over 13 Billion Dollars was pledged to help rebuild the City and surrounding area.  Several Billion of these dollars were “flushed”, and I use the word intentionally,  through the Clinton Foundation to rebuild housing and infrastructure in Port-Au-Prince.  Very little housing was rebuilt and the infrastructure remains a shambles to this day but the money disappeared into the “black hole” of the Clinton Foundation.  One can’t help but wonder how many of these dollars ended up, directly or in-directly in the “Pleasure Palaces” of folks like Jeffrey Epstein?  

So where have all the Billions of dollars donated to BLM gone?  Or did the Organization just use the riots, burnings and threats of violence as a way to manipulate huge amounts of cash into their coffers for the private use of the leaders?

Your government does much the same thing.  And government does it on steroids.  A large amount of  those dollars that you work so hard for and must spend for your daily living is extorted from you in seen and unseen taxes.  An unforgiveable amount of this ends up in the pockets of the “Ruling Class”, Bureaucrats and their supporters while you are taking out a second mortgage on your over taxed home to buy a tank of over taxed gasoline  for your over taxed automobile so you can get to your job and pay more taxes.

Criminals hold you up with a gun.  Organizations like BLM, The Clinton Foundation and Government do it by manipulation and corruption, even coerced authority.  As the saying goes:  You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.

Bob Bandy – November 2021

The Problem With Critical Race Theory Dogma

November 01, 2021 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

I became acquainted with this mans writings and works a few days ago.  I agree with his thoughts and words and could not say them any better so I will not try, simply reprint them here from the website I found them on.


Delano Squires

Delano Squires

“there is a “narcissistic classroom cosplay that involves two groups in the elite, privileged class: White liberals seeking absolution for sins that they didn’t commit; and Black liberals seeking empathy for injustices that they didn’t endure.”


Why Christianity And Critical Race Theory Cannot Coexist

We honor God when we acknowledge all members of the human race have equal worth. We dishonor Him when we ascribe certain sins to people based on skin color.


The Left Claims To Care About Black Lives While Abandoning Them

Street violence can’t be fixed overnight, but progress can be made when the left begins to value black lives regardless of what is threatening them.


The Left’s Vision Of Equity Will Cripple A Generation Of Minority Students

It is impossible to simultaneously lower standards and raise performance. The people who believe merit is racist will leave this generation ill-equipped to interpret and deal with the complexities of life.


Dear Democrats: Stop Treating Black Men Like We’re Stupid Or Lose More Votes

It is deeply insulting to assume black men in general are less attuned to their own political interests than any other group is. But that’s what leading Democrats keep doing.


It’s Time For The Conversation About Black Lives To Stop Focusing On White People

Too many black leaders continue to proclaim black problems only matter when caused by white people and white thoughts are more important than black actions.

Delano Squires

Delano Squires has written about race, religion, relationships, and culture for “Black and Married with Kids”, “The Root”, and “The Grio”.  He holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and an MPP from The George Washington University. Follow him on Twitter @DelanoSquires.


If I were to add anything at all that is related to the above, it is my belief that the only difference between “Cancel Culture” and “Ethnic Cleansing” is in spelling.  They both have the same goal.  

Bob Bandy – November 2021



October 21, 2021 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

The following article is reprinted from the Babylon Bee, one of the best satirical sites on the web and in publication.  The article is humorous, satirical, factual and I find it frightening as I think on it.   My comments follow – Bob

First, the Babylon Bee article.  It is indeed satirical and humorous.  Enjoy!




Reprinted from the Babylon Bee.

WORLD—The arms race is heating up between the U.S. and China. Just last week, China revealed its brand new “space nukes”, which are capable of easily nuking any country on the planet. The United States responded swiftly to the provocation by unveiling the world’s first trans admiral.

“China, you’ve been warned,” said Biden to a Chinese food delivery person he mistook for President Xi. “Our transgender admiral is fully armed and operational. If you cross us, we will unleash the full fire and fury of this deadly weapon upon you, make no mistake.”

Military experts say that while a space nuke is somewhat impressive, it pales in comparison to the awesome power of diversity. “With Rachel Levine serving as admiral, nations around the world will bow before the terrifying might of our transgender empowerment,” said General Milley. “We must pursue peace through strength. Strength of inclusivity.”

Biden insisted that there is no weapon yet conceived that can top Admiral Levine and that he will gladly accept China’s preemptive surrender.

Admiral Levine was not available for comment as she was getting her prostate examined.

The Babylon Bee


Folks:  What are we doing as a country? 

The Chinese are indeed developing and placing space based nuclear weapons while at the same time casting hungry eyes on Taiwan and putting the pieces in place to make a move in that direction.

North Korea is again firing missiles  into the sea off South Korea.

Russia is eyeing making a move on the Ukraine with no fear of the United States interfering with any such move.

America’s former allies no longer trust the United States to keep its commitments, treaties and promises following the debacle of our sad, humiliating, poorly planed and botched withdrawal from Afghanistan under the sorry leadership of our Joint Chiefs of Staff and fumbling, bumbling Secretary of Defense.  These folks are more focused on “diversity”, “inclusivity” and destroying the former racial harmony in our military by imposing the culturally divisive poison of the flawed “Critical Race Theory” propaganda than they are on maintaining the worlds best military machine which they inherited.  The worlds mightiest military is being converted into a “paper tiger”.

In the process many of our best career military personnel are leaving the military under forced vaccination rules and other politically correct and required  indoctrination.

To further divide us, our Secretary of State has reinstated the Obama legacy of a worldwide apology tour begging the United Nations to forgive us for all our misdeeds.

Our current attorney general is more interested in putting peaceful, unarmed protestors in prison while labeling parents who want a voice in school curriculum and speak up at School Board meetings as “Terrorists”.

For the last 10 months our country has encouraged invasion by illegal migrants who are on arrival being put on planes and buses and relocated without documentation or papers to cities throughout the country who neither want them nor are equipped to deal with them.

There is a very large, and growing segment of our population who no longer trust our election system or the sanctity of the ballot box.  I know I do not.  Do you?

It goes on and on and on.  Every day some new attack on our rights under the constitution.  

It is becoming more and more obvious that our leaders are intentionally on a path to either destroy our country as it was founded or turn us into a second rate communist nation patterned after China, North Korea or Cuba.  Otherwise their actions make no sense at all. 

Are we becoming slaves to an Idiocracy or prisoners on a ship of fools?

If you agree with my thoughts in this article, please forward and share it with your family, friends and neighbors.  Thanks!

Bob Bandy – October 2021


October 01, 2021 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


I wrote the following article some three and a half years ago (March 2018) under the title “Tipping Point”.  At the time I felt the United States was losing its way and approaching a time when the freedoms we had all taken for granted would be lost to a “dark time” of national insolvency (bankruptcy), hyper-inflation, tyranny, socialism and eventually communism as we see it ruling places like Cuba;  where there is a small ruling class of brutal dictators and the rest of the population living in abject poverty and misery.  In my mind slavery in all but name.  It is happening here, now, in real time.  The “Tipping Point” being a majority population that believes in a “Santa Claus” central government and is too blind to see what is happening and no longer able to take care of themselves.  Have we reached a “point of no return” on this road to destruction?  



“When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over”-Tocqueville 1838.


Along with a good many other people I feel despair when I see a disaster happening right in front of me and I can do nothing to stop it.

One example is a friend who becomes addicted to a drug that will destroy their lives.  You can see it happening but no matter what you say or try to do, they will not turn away from the addiction.  It becomes the most important thing in their life.

This happened in my own life with a friend who became addicted to alcohol.  We tried to help him over an extended period of time but the addiction was too much and ultimately alcohol meant more to him than his life.

I have heard that “Meth” (methamphetamine), sometimes called “Crystal Meth”, is so addictive that as high as 99% of first time users will become addicted.  “Street Wise” Drug Pushers will give away “free” samples knowing they are creating a future paying clientele for their life destroying commodity.

Anything that creates an addiction also creates a form of slavery.

National Parks have signs that say “Do Not Feed The Animals”.  The reason for the signs is that they know that if you feed the animals many (or most) of them can become addicted to the food provided for them “free” and will lose the ability to feed themselves in the wild. 

I am not the only one seeing this happening in our country.

The United States is divided into opposing forces in the quest for the hearts and minds as well as the future of the American people. 

One group feels that American citizens will ultimately be happier, with greater self respect and knowledge of the real  joy of freedom,  if they are independent of the need to have government take care of them and prefer the pride of taking care of themselves with government restricted to the role of providing a National Defense and Public Safety – primarily protection from foreign enemies and domestic criminals – along with Emergency Services plus care for the Biblical “Widows and Orphans”.

The second group, much like the “Street Wise Drug Pushers” seeks to achieve power by first creating and then feeding the addiction of a voter base to government provided “free” programs to provide for their daily needs.  This group, either unwittingly, or under the misguided notion of charity (using other peoples money) seek power for themselves and in the process to build a dependent, addicted class of “clientele” to the governmental “pushers” of  dependency.

This second group will do anything to grow their power by creating a majority voter base.  Either by conversion of existing needy groups or importing new clients for supposedly “free” government services. Their plan is to achieve, maintain and expand a majority voter base to keep them in power and control.  Power and control being this groups own addiction and drug of choice. 

Which group is achieving the greatest number of new voters?

What I see, fear and observe is a greater and greater number of people who are, by choice or self inflicted circumstances, unable to care for themselves and are willing to become slaves to a more and more dominate and corrupt State and Federal Government holding out a false promise of security based on debt and the confiscation, often at gun point, of “other peoples property and money”. 

Government confiscation of personal property, including land for redistribution is happening in South Africa as this is being written.  Is the United States a candidate for something similar?

I am very much afraid that we have already passed the “tipping point” and the majority have become the “glassy eyed” drones of the “pushers” of government dependency.

Makes that cabin in the woods look pretty good.

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” Thomas Jefferson


Bob Bandy – October 2021



September 27, 2021 By: bob Category: In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

photo: PNN


In the News:  Last Thursday, September 23rd,  California’s “brain dead” Governor, Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 173 into law.

“The bill forces the California Department of Justice to reveal information identifying firearm and ammunition purchasers to a research center at the University of California, Davis or any other university that requests them. This information includes many personal details like the buyer’s name, place of residence, date of birth, what, where, and when they have made firearm-related purchases, and much more.”

How long do you think it will take some gun control zealot at one of these University “research Centers” to make these supposedly Constitutionally Protected Private Information lists available to members of the press and anybody else who wants to use them for political purposes?

These idiots won’t even care that they are providing potential gun thieves not only a shopping list but also a road map for locating just the firearms they want, free for the stealing.

This is what living in an Idiocracy like California is all about.  I hope citizens and trial lawyers sue our governor and legislators for all the deaths and destruction that will be carried out against law abiding gun owners.

Knowing that he is putting lawful gunowners, their families and property at risk of death, injury or loss would make Gavin Newsom criminally liable for signing this legislation.  If he makes claim to not knowing something this obvious would make him “brain dead”.

The complete article follows:


BREAKING: CA Gov Launches Revenge Strike on Gun Owners

(Big League Politics) – California gun owners will soon have personal and normally private information released to “gun-violence researchers” across the country, with Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signing Assembly Bill 173 into law on Thursday.

The bill forces the California Department of Justice to reveal information identifying firearm and ammunition purchasers to a research center at the University of California, Davis or any other university that requests them. This information includes many personal details like the buyer’s name, place of residence, date of birth, what, where, and when they have made firearm-related purchases, and much more.

“This bill would name the center for research into firearm-related violence the California Firearm Violence Research Center at UC Davis,” the bill’s text reads. “The bill would generally require that the information above be made available to the center and researchers affiliated with the center, and, at the department’s discretion, to any other nonprofit bona fide research institution accredited by the United States Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, as specified, for the study of the prevention of violence.”


With the state of California already recording all gun and ammunition transactions performed by licensed firearm dealers in a state registry, the infrastructure for sharing the personal information of firearm owners is already set up. This law expands that level of record-keeping even further by requiring the registration of “firearm precursor parts.” The registry will soon be made available to Universities all around the state.

The Reload reported that the primary sponsor of the bill, Assemblymember Phil Ting (D.), did not respond to a request for comment.

Various pro-second amendment activists decried the bill.

“Although the stated intent of this legislation may be to prevent violence, the data that the bill would require DOJ to release includes the personal and confidential information of lawful firearm owners who legally purchase ammunition and firearm parts,” Roy M. Griffith Jr., Legislative Director at the California Rifle & Pistol Association, said in a letter to Governor Newsom. “The identities and confidential personal information of individuals should only be provided by DOJ or other state entities to law enforcement agencies when conducting an investigation that has a specific need for it. No other entity – not even research institutions – has sufficient justification to have access to an individual’s private information.”

Griffith also pointed out the extreme lack of transparency in how members of the state government chose to pass the bill.

“This language amended into a ‘budget bill’ in the final week of the legislative session, providing no opportunity for review or public comment,” Griffith said. “Democracy truly has sunk to an all-time low in California!”

“We are in support of the study and research of illegal firearm-related crime to prevent violence, however, this can be done without violating the constitutional rights of all Californians!” he said.

California is well known for having some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, with many arguing that much of the legislation inherently violates the second amendment of the United States Constitution. Another recently contested law was the state’s requirement to undergo a federal firearms background check for a simple ammo purchase, which was blocked and then reinstated in the state’s court system on April 23, 2020. The case remains ongoing.


This is outrageous and life threatening.  Please share this article with gun owning friends, their families and any other person you might feel is interested.

Bob Bandy – September 2021