Janet Yellen
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in Senate Testimony before Senator Tim Scott (R – South Carolina) stated that she believes free access to abortion is good for the economy. Her message being that unwanted babies are a drain on economic resources and can add to inflationary pressures.
Fighting back sorrow and anger my thoughts turn to her logic. If terminating unwanted babies because their care is a potential burden to society, where else might she look for savings?
- Consider the hopelessly drug and alcohol addicted living in filth on the streets and by-ways of our major cities. The cost of public funds for maintaining them causes inflation and a heavy burden on society. Should we “terminate” them?
- Able bodied working age adults who refuse to work and instead live on various government programs paid for by working taxpayers. Their care and feeding no doubt is inflationary and offer further opportunity for Ms. Yellen.
- There is an element in the “Progressive” movement that considers our senior citizens a burden to society because of their healthcare and other needs. According to one New York Congresswoman it would be better if they would just die off and relieve society of the cost of keeping them alive. That should help with inflation.
- The State of New York does not allow the death penalty, except in the case of a near term, fully healthy, viable fetus in the womb of a healthy “mother to be” who decides the coming infant is unwanted and “inconvenient”, in which case it could be considered “good for the economy” if we terminate it’s life through abortion.
- In the same State of New York, if a young man who is a racist and murderer kills 10 innocent people, the most punishment for his crime he can receive is life in prison. There the taxpayers will support him for maybe 50-60 years at a cost of perhaps 80-100 Thousand Dollars per year. The cost of his incarceration no doubt contributes to inflation. How about if we just do a “post natal” abortion on him? There seems no logic in keeping this killer alive but terminating the life of the near born infant.
Excuse me, but what the hell are we doing to ourselves? Where are our values? I seem to remember a Commandment that says “Thou Shalt Not Kill”.
Consider the richness and joy the very young and the elderly bring to our lives. Should we consider their lives expendable if they become inconvenient, a burden or no longer wanted?
Are we as a people just careening down the road to our own destruction as a nation and society?
If we pursue Ms. Yellen’s train of logic, we must consider where this kind of thinking has led nations in the past.
History from 1941 brings to mind a regime that sought a “Final Solution” to an unwanted population whom they considered harmful and costly to their society. Does the name Heinrich Himmler ring a bell? During the Holocaust the German economy seemed to “boom” for a couple of years.
I do not suggest and do not believe Gas Chambers and mass Crematoriums are in her thoughts, so perhaps Ms. Yellen would instead lead us down the Soylent Green path where unwanted citizens can receive a kind of “Post Natal” Abortion and be turned into Soylent Green Protein to feed the drones of what is left of society.
“Let Them Die And Decrease The Surplus Population”
Ebenezer Scrooge – Charles Dickens’ – A Christmas Carol
Think about it.
Bob Bandy – May 2022