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Archive for the ‘On Bob’s Mind’


December 14, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About



From the ALLIANCE DEFENDING FREEDOM Website Nov. 28, 2022

More and more Americans are learning that some government officials hold no respect for their rights to free speech or religious freedom.  Take what happened to Dr. Andrew Fox. 

Dr. Fox was fired from his position as a volunteer fire chaplain for expressing his commonsense view, held by millions of Americans, that there are biological differences between men and women.  

After serving as the Austin (TX) Fire Department’s chaplain for eight years, Dr. Fox was penalized by the Fire Department chiefs for opinions he expressed on his personal blog, during his own time.

They tried to make him recant his beliefs and apologize for holding views contrary to theirs. But Dr. Fox stood firm in his faith, and he refused to recant his beliefs. The City of Austin punished Dr. Fox by removing him from the fire department.

Plain and simple, government officials canceled Dr. Fox for having views different from their own.

Alliance Defending Freedom has filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Austin on his behalf.



Quote often credited to Edmund Burke



Cancel Culture – Wikipedia definition:  Cancel culture or call-out culture is a phrase contemporary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been cancelled.

In other words the “Cancelled” individual has no right to exist, live or work in the accepted, now defined as “Woke” culture.  In the popular culture they are considered a nonperson or cultural out-cast.

nonperson is a citizen or a member of a group who lacks, loses, or is forcibly denied social or legal status, especially basic human rights, or who effectively ceases to have a record of their existence within a society (damnatio memoriae),


This is a good definition of the Borg culture portrayed in the old Star Trek Series.

In the Borg, and apparently Woke culture, you are expected to parrot what you are told, shut up and obey.  No independent thought is allowed.  Woke indoctrination is on a path to try to destroy our American culture which includes freedom of speech, thought and ideas.  Even obvious conclusions like men are different than women are not allowed and if expressed can make you a “nonperson” in Woke society.  They can, with government approval, fire you from your job and take away your livelihood if you disagree with their insane beliefs and are bold enough to say so.

Sadly, this program to indoctrinate even our children is supported, even directed at the highest levels in our government.  One glaring example is the Federal Department of Education – headed by Secretary Miguel Cardona working in close coordination with the head of American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten.  They are determined to groom even grade school children in the poison that is Critical Race Theory as well as sexualizing them in the world of the radical elements of the LGBTQ culture and early age Transgender identification and conversion by chemical, pharmaceutical, even surgical means.

I strongly feel that we need to “Cancel” the Woke culture which has become a cancer on our American way of life.


Would it be redundant to say we can Cancel “Cancel Culture”?   Or is it better to just  refuse to participate?  

For more on this subject please read:

or: copy and paste –  protecting the most vulnerable – in the search box

which I posted back on Oct. 5th.  Our children are our most vulnerable and treasured heritage.


It wasn’t that long ago that if a man dressed up in women’s underwear and danced provocatively in front of little children, we put them in jail as pedophiles.  Today, “they” are trying to tell us that it is just introducing these children to the variety of acceptable lifestyles in our Woke culture.  In other words, this form of perversion is now to be considered the “norm”.

If you find yourself as concerned as I am about the direction of our country, please share this with family, friends and neighbors.

Bob Bandy – December 2022








November 21, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


President Joe Biden just pledged 40 Billion Dollars (Dollars the U.S. does not have to spend) to Indonesia to aid them in discontinuing the use of Coal and converting to Wind and Solar power.  Most of these dollars will, as usual, end up in the pockets of some “Fat Cat” corrupt politician, and/or in the coffers of a combination of China for supplying the hardware, and politically hand picked contractors who will do what work is done on inflated contracts.  It is also predictable that some portion of these dollars will find their way back to the campaign slush funds of our politicians who helped solidify the “deal”. 

In the meantime China is building new coal fired plants across China at an accelerated rate.  No doubt with the money they are making selling America Wind Turbines, Solar Panels and Batteries for our electric cars, all of which we can’t build here.  Remember the Obama/Solyndra $535 Million Dollar fiasco?

All these predictions of man made “Climate Armageddon” are just part of a grand scheme and scam to keep us all under the dictatorial control of “Big Government” which wants to hamstring us with a lot of costly restrictions, rules and regulations which do not apply to those in the “ruling class”. 

Over long periods of time the earths climate has always changed.  Mankind actually occupies a small fraction of 1% of the earths surface and does not have the resources or ability to control the earths global climate by either raising or lowering the average global temperature more than a fraction of one degree.  To think they do is simply arrogance or at best, wishful thinking.

Part of their plan is to spend Trillions of Dollars on windmills, solar panels etc. and when the temperature doesn’t change, claim victory.  This was the plan from the beginning.  Or, do you think these planners don’t know the history of the previous Climate Change fear mongers?

I wrote the following article back in November of 2019.  It was true then and is true now.



I am more than a skeptic of self proclaimed “Scientific Experts and Prophets of the Apocalyptic Doomsday of Civilization and Life as we know it”.

I believe that there are both Politicians and Bureaucrats with an “agenda” that have decided the best course to pursue for turning us all into obedient, glassy eyed drones is to get control of every aspect of our daily lives. What we eat, where we live, what we are allowed to hear, what we can drive etc.. Their goal is seizing absolute dictatorial control of all, and especially, “fossil fuel” energy resources and access to them.

I can visualize them carrying bags of taxpayer cash to “New Age, Progressive, Socialist Colleges and Universities”. They seek out like minded science students and professors willing to prostitute their “research” with the goal of “proving” their predetermined “Theorems” regarding “Man Made Global Climate Change”.

This is how the game is played. If your “Research” demonstrates what “we” Bureaucrats and “Progressive” Politicians want it to show, the sacks of taxpayer cash will continue to flow – if it does not then the sacks of cash will discontinue flowing.

Pretty cynical, aren’t I? I have gotten this way observing and remembering the last 50+ years of “Predictions” from “Experts”.

Does climate change? Of course. If we had been alive 10,000 years ago, the majority of us would have been up to our butts in year round glaciers, ice and snow. Today, large areas of the upper United States are flat lands created by glacial action. Thankfully, climate has changed and continues to change with warmer and cooler periods.

Remember that 70% of our planet is covered by water and of the remaining 30% mankind only really occupies a tiny percentage of the land area.

Lets look at the record of some of the “Prophets of Doom”.

The Population Bomb – a best selling book written by Stanford University Professor Paul Ehrlich (and his wife Anne, who was not credited) in 1968 predicted worldwide famine in the 1970’s and 1980’s due to overpopulation, as well as other Societal upheavals unless immediate steps were taken to limit population growth. At the time there were some 3.8 Billion people on earth and today the number is more like 7.6 Billion. Statistically, hunger is no greater problem now than it was then. Paul Ehrlich was wrong but created near panic in sections of the population due to his predictions.

In the 1970’s “Scientists” predicted an imminent Global Cooling trend leading to a new “Ice Age”. One view of this prophecy can be seen in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004). This prediction was given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, The National Geographic and the news media. Instead, what actually happened was a slight warming trend. The so-called “Scientists” and “Experts” were wrong again.

Perhaps one of the biggest “hucksters” of all is former Vice President Al Gore who has made a fortune with his book, “An Inconvenient Truth” – 2006, and his following exploitation and “marketing” of his conjecture, all of which was supposed to happen long before now. Let’s look at some of his “predictions” and “science” while on his way to the bank:

1. Rising Sea Levels – inaccurate and misleading. Both Al Gore and former President Barack Obama have since bought Beachfront Mansions

2. New Ice Age in Europe – they’ve been spared; it never happened.

3. South Sahara Drying Up – completely untrue.

4. Massive Flooding in China and India – again, didn’t happen.

5. Polar Bear Extinction – The Polar Bear population is increasing.

6. The Earth would be in a “True Planetary Emergency Within a Decade Unless Drastic Action was Taken to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses” – never happened.

Al Gore made many other predictions. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Still he has created a huge following of “true believers” and a near panic in some quarters.

Now we have the newest prediction as shared with us by Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and others that Civilization is Doomed within 12 years unless we immediately adopt their “Green New Deal” which will supposedly cost between 50 and 100 Trillion Dollars over the next ten years.

They have succeeded in causing panic among a large portion of the population with their “Progressive” agenda and even caused many prospective mothers to declare they will no longer have children because they to not want to bring babies into a world that is doomed to extinction in a short period of time. This is junk science and prophecy gone mad. Such fear mongering is beneath contempt. Shame on them.

Patrick Moore – Former President of Greenpeace has stated it well: “There is no definitive scientific proof through real-world observation that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of global climate which has occurred during the past 300 years.” He rejects the “science is settled” and “the debate is over” statements so popular in worldwide media.


All of these predictions and political hyperbole are put out there from folks with an agenda.  Usually it is to make you captive to their fairy tale ideas of a perfect world with them in charge or to pick your pockets or both.  Some poor souls actually believe all the propaganda.  Sad.

Bob Bandy – November 2022


Politicized Education in California

November 09, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

The Following is excerpted from: 

My own comments follow

California Globe Newsletter

Friday November 4, 2022

Politicized Education Explains Steep Academic Declines and Big Achievement Gaps in California

The state spends nearly $25,000 per student in K-12, yet we are ranked #40 nationally

By Frank Xu, November 3, 2022 2:50 am

Woke Policies and Actors to Blame

Contrary to the propagandist notion that progressive education policies can produce better and fairer results, our next generation in America’s most progressive and diverse state are worse off academically, compared with three years ago and compared with their peers elsewhere. So, what happened?

During the last three years, California schools have embarked on a pilgrimage to lead the nation in embracing far-left ideological dogmas. In 2021, it became the first state in America to mandate ethnic studies for high school graduation. The finalized state curriculum still contains key elements of critical pedagogy that emphasize racialized identities, collective struggles and victimhood, while a more radical version called Liberated Ethnic Studies is making inroads in many local school districts.

The California State Board of Education has been considering a revolutionary mathematics framework for its public K-12 schools. Instead of focusing on improving proficiency, the new framework touts anti-racism, and decentering whiteness as worthy goals on one hand, and proposes eliminating gifted programs and advanced tracking in the name of equity.

In addition to championing woke curricular changes, California schools have also chased the political fashion trend of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). A plethora of school boards voted to approve “Board Policy 0415- Equity,” pledging to dismantle “a history of exclusion, discrimination, and segregation.”

My group, Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER), undertook a pioneering research project that examined the prevalence of thought indoctrination in 44 California school districts.  Our empirical study, looking into board policies, school district developments, and board meeting minutes, found that 24 of these districts, including 10 elementary school districts, have official DEI policies and 30 expended public education funds on paid DEI training such as professional development sessions and curricular development.

Indeed, radical ideologues and education bureaucrats, who are driven by political agendas, money and a desire to protect the status quo, should take much of the blame for the abysmal state of public education in California. But at the institutional level, teachers’ unions are the biggest culprit. Not only have they poured massive funds to support partisan candidates at the national and state levels, unions are now putting a thumb on the scale in local school board races.

My group’s latest research pilot discovered that over $600,000 have been injected into a handful of school board campaigns in San Diego as of October 27, 2022. Traditionally, school board candidates spent $5,000 or less in their campaigns. But in San Diego Unified School District, the San Diego Education Association PAC has put in over $150,000 to help two of its hand-picked candidates and a stunning $91,000 to oppose a pro-education candidate.

Disastrous Outcomes Hurt the Disadvantaged Disproportionately

Proponents of woke education pride themselves as the arbiters of love, tolerance and truth. But the reality shows a stark contrast. Deteriorating educational results hurt vulnerable students the most. According to both the Nation’s Report Card and CDE’s Smarter Balanced results, learning gaps affecting low-income students, English learners and “students of color” have deepened. According to Ibram X. Kendi, “If discrimination is creating equity, then it is antiracist. If discrimination is creating inequity, then it is racist.” By this standard, policies contributing to the increasing academic achievement gap must be the opposite of “anti-racism” and a sign of discrimination.

Something is clearly wrong in our public education system. The state spends nearly $25,000 per student in K-12, yet we are ranked #40 nationally. Politicized, agenda-driven education has victimized countless California students and teachers’ unions overshadow the education policy making processes from Sacramento all the way down to local communities.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.


My commentary on the above

I can’t really add much to this.  This is a clear explanation of what happens when you teach WOKE policies and they are incorporated with Critical Race Theory teachings.  California is destroying its education system and with it the future of its children.

A Key paragraph in the above is:  “Indeed, radical ideologues and education bureaucrats, who are driven by political agendas, money and a desire to protect the status quo, should take much of the blame for the abysmal state of public education in California. But at the institutional level, TEACHERS UNIONS ARE THE BIGGEST CULPRIT (my emphasis). Not only have they poured massive funds to support partisan candidates at the national and state levels, unions are now putting a thumb on the scale in local school board races.”

Teachers Unions are in effect, “buying” the loyalty of School Boards and those School Boards first priority ought to be educating their students and not “bowing” to the Teachers Unions “WOKE” political agenda.

Teachers Unions are making a massive and sustained effort to influence K-12 grade students with the Propaganda, Grooming and Indoctrination of the Agenda of the LGBTQ, Transgender, Gender Identity and Critical Race Theory groups.  Their focus on the 5-13 year old youth of our nation is most damaging as youth in this age group are the most easily influenced and can be permanently damaged psychologically as well as mutilated physically.  This is a crime against our children and in my mind unforgiveable.

Bob Bandy – November 2022

I encourage you to share this excellent article from the California Globe Newsletter by Frank XU with family and friends.


November 03, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

one of my better days



I have posted more than 200 articles over the last 13+ years on many subjects.  Obviously some are better than others and on those articles, where comments were or are allowed, I get a variety of comments and feedback.  Sheer volume of comments keeps me from reading all of them.  I normally gravitate to the shorter “pithy” ones.  Some of my better (in my mind) receive few, and sometimes, no comments.  Others amaze me with the numbers I receive. For example one article I wrote 2 1/2 years ago will today still receive sometimes 30-50 comments in a single day (one day I received 73) and I have received thousands of comments since publishing it.  Keeping in mind that articles are often shared, reposted on other sites, etc. that is an amazing number of comments on a 30 month old article.  

In the left column of the home page there is a “Search For Articles” box.  The Search Box is not case sensitive. You can simply type in a title, a subject or even a key word and then click enter on your keyboard and the search feature will bring up an article or articles on that subject.  For example if you type  Clinton  in the search box it will bring up any and all articles regarding the Clinton Crime Duo.  

Since beginning my writings many thousands of readers have either subscribed or follow my meandering on a Bookmark, RSS Feed or other means.  Trying to find all of my articles – including the not-so-good ones – on a Back – Back – Back basis at the bottom of each page can be a time consuming task. 

Consider the following an exercise in using the “Search” feature.  To repeat the above, just pick a title from the following list, type it, or copy and paste it, from the list in the Search For Articles box and press enter on your keyboard.  The list is purposefully in no particular order and represents an effort to sample some of what I deem better pieces I have written based on either reader feedback or my own judgement.  You are encouraged and free to enjoy or reject them, share them, save them, print them or whatever your choose.  You might even want to print this page/list out  and use it as a checklist in your own “quest for the best”.  For your reading entertainment. 


Pick a title and type (or copy and paste) into the Search For Articles box

The Nearly Perfect Nation Of Bob – Kingdom of the Locust – Momma Tried – Gender Studies – Critical Bob Theory Boundaries – The Drums of Equity – Go To Your Room And Stay There – Junk Science Ala Carte – The Great Green Race II – You Can’t Make This Stuff Up – Fair Share Taxes and Global Climate Change – Erasing History – Equity Policies and Guaranteed Outcomes – What is a Fair Share – California High Speed Rail 2.0 – The Borg Initiative – The Garden – Oximorons Non Taxpaying Taxpayers – Two Graves – Survival in an Idiocracy – Storage Wars and Government – Clipboard Freedom – Paperwork Reduction – The Social Security Ponzi Scheme – Tipping Point – A Journey to the Dark Side – Was Is Will Always Be – Fixing Income Inequality – Bring On The Clowns – Mark of the Beast – Third Grade Math Party – Vote For Me – Pull The Plug – Protecting The Most Vulnerable – Little Red Hen Oil Company – Boiling The Frog

Don’t forget you can also experiment with a search word of your own choosing, like Frog or Barbarian or ?????

Have Fun and hope some of these articles make you think, whether you agree with my thoughts or not.  My goal has always been to stir thought, not agreement.  I’m not with the Kool Aid drinking crowd.  I am also “WOKE” Free and proud of it.

Bob Bandy – November 2022


October 27, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


See the source image

California Governor Gavin Newsom

photo – CALmatters




My experience from observation with politicians is that most of the time they lie and the rest of the time they don’t tell the truth.

They will write a piece of legislation that increases taxes and call it something like “Mom, The Flag and Apple Pie”

For example:  Congress recently passed, and our President signed, a bill called the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT OF 2022 in the amount of 737 Billion Dollars.  437 Billion of those Dollars are to be spent as an “investment” and 300 Billion of the Dollars are to be used for “Inflation Reduction” (keeping in mind that all of this money is borrowed money and borrowing money causes inflation).  Most of the $437 Billion Dollars is earmarked for Climate Change spending, i.e., buying Solar Panels, Windmills and related items mostly from China.  In other words, China is going to make a pile of money from our Inflation Reduction Act and the U.S. will be able to receive and install the Climate Change Windmills and Solar Panels sometime in the next 2-5 years (if all goes well).  In the process, China, who thumbs its nose at the Paris Climate Accords, will pollute the environment in the process of producing these windmills, solar panels etc. while banking the 350 or so Billion Dollars from the American Taxpayers….  Money which will have to be borrowed and added to our 31 Trillion Dollar National Debt.  “MOM, THE FLAG AND APPLE PIE”.

Example #2:  California Infanticide Bill.  “Boy Wonder” Governor Gavin Newsom wants to reward the radical element of the Pro-Abortion crowd who supported him in his election by giving them a Post-Natal (labeled as Peri-Natal) Abortion period of 28 days after a live birth.  This legislation, in various formats, is already being attempted in other states.  Of course, being politicians, his Democratic Controlled Legislature can’t call it “The Post Live Birth Abortion Authorization Act” as that won’t set well with the voters so, being politicians they will seek a way to redefine existing law to achieve their desired goal.

What to do?  I know, says Assemblyman Foghorn.  We will introduce a “new” Bill and call it: California Reproductive Health AB2223.  We will fill this Bill with the usual “Boiler Plate” and “Legal Jargon” to the point the average person has no idea what it says and then we will “bury” in this Bill the following:

“This bill will delete the requirement that a coroner hold inquests for deaths related to or following known or suspected self-induced or criminal abortion, and would delete the requirement that an unattended fetal death be handled as a death without medical attendance. The bill would prohibit using the coroner’s statements on the certificate of fetal death to establish, bring, or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.”  You might want to read that again.  Slowly.

And then under SEC. 7.  Section 123467 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:

(a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their right under this article based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.

In plain English this means that in the event of a death of an infant in the 28 day period following live birth, and in the absence of obvious trauma like knife wounds, bullet holes or blunt force trauma, the attending coroner need not hold an inquest as to the cause of death, just issue a death certificate.  “The bill would PROHIBIT using the coroner’s statements on the certificate of fetal death to establish, bring, or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.”  The death could be assumed as a “crib death” or “sudden infant death without cause”.  Even if the mother caused the death by suffocation etc.

The “didn’t wannabe a mother” is happy because she can perform a post natal/perinatal self abortion with no chance of civil or criminal prosecution.  The coroner is “blame free” because he is only following the law as written by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.  The Legislature is smug and happy because they gave the Radical Pro-Abortion crowd what they wanted without calling it a Post Natal Abortion Law.  Law enforcement is blameless because no crime has been committed under  this new law.  The radical element of the Pro-Abortion crowd is happy because they got what they wanted.  The Governor is happy because he has secured the votes of those who wanted the Legislation passed.  “MOM, THE FLAG AND APPLE PIE”.

The loser in this little charade of course is the unwanted baby who is deceased.


For more information and clarification google:  infanticide-bill-ab-2223-passes-state-assembly/

Bob Bandy – October 2022







October 14, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


The above photo was taken at a “Drag Queen” performance for a group of children.  These Drag Queens are men masquerading as overly made up, sexually and suggestively dressed women flaunting themselves before 5-8 year old children.  These “Drag Queens” are being guarded by Anti-Government ANTIFA Radicals, funded in part by Anti-American zealot George Soros, armed with AR-15 rifles and flanked by an LGBTQ  Pride Flag.  This stirred up no interest from the Justice Department or FBI.

The above photo is a group of Pro-Life demonstrators doing a “sit in” at an Abortion Clinic.  Recently a man was arrested by the FBI/Justice Department for singing a Hymn during a “sit in”.  This man is facing a possible 11 year prison sentence for his “crime”. 

The above photo is a group of parents at a School Board meeting protesting against the sexually explicit books and curriculum found at their grade school children’s Library and in their study materials.  At one point the Justice Department labeled them as “Terrorists” and instituted investigations pending prosecution.

The above photo is of the remains of a Pro-Life office destroyed by Abortion Rights Activists.  No interest in investigating this from the FBI or Justice Department.

This is Ma & Pa of the Clinton Crime Family.  They live the “jet set high life” in good part from funds flushed through their “charitable” “Foundation”.  No IRS Audits here.  Nothing to see.  Instead these IRS folks will concentrate their efforts on “Joe or Jill Sixpack” hoping to find a math error on his/her Tax Return so they can run up thousands of dollars in fees, penalties and legal costs.  Maybe even file a lien on their home or property and ruin their life.

This is a photo of the “mostly peaceful” riot and looting of Madison, Wisconsin where millions of dollars in damage was done in the name of “racial justice”.  Part of the damage included the looting and burning of stores owned by people of color.  What few looters and burners who were arrested were quickly released and any criminal record “expunged”.  No need to bother the folks at Justice Department or the FBI.  This kind of destruction is allowed if your cause is politically correct.  To bad about all the good folks who lost everything.

This is a photo of a third trimester fetus in the womb.  Those who favor abortion without any restraints don’t like this photo because it makes the near born look “too human” in appearance.

I could go on but have probably stirred up enough hornets nests for one day. 

No Adults, No Rules, No Mercy.

(Lord of the Flies)

Bob Bandy – October 2022