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October 27, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


See the source image

California Governor Gavin Newsom

photo – CALmatters




My experience from observation with politicians is that most of the time they lie and the rest of the time they don’t tell the truth.

They will write a piece of legislation that increases taxes and call it something like “Mom, The Flag and Apple Pie”

For example:  Congress recently passed, and our President signed, a bill called the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT OF 2022 in the amount of 737 Billion Dollars.  437 Billion of those Dollars are to be spent as an “investment” and 300 Billion of the Dollars are to be used for “Inflation Reduction” (keeping in mind that all of this money is borrowed money and borrowing money causes inflation).  Most of the $437 Billion Dollars is earmarked for Climate Change spending, i.e., buying Solar Panels, Windmills and related items mostly from China.  In other words, China is going to make a pile of money from our Inflation Reduction Act and the U.S. will be able to receive and install the Climate Change Windmills and Solar Panels sometime in the next 2-5 years (if all goes well).  In the process, China, who thumbs its nose at the Paris Climate Accords, will pollute the environment in the process of producing these windmills, solar panels etc. while banking the 350 or so Billion Dollars from the American Taxpayers….  Money which will have to be borrowed and added to our 31 Trillion Dollar National Debt.  “MOM, THE FLAG AND APPLE PIE”.

Example #2:  California Infanticide Bill.  “Boy Wonder” Governor Gavin Newsom wants to reward the radical element of the Pro-Abortion crowd who supported him in his election by giving them a Post-Natal (labeled as Peri-Natal) Abortion period of 28 days after a live birth.  This legislation, in various formats, is already being attempted in other states.  Of course, being politicians, his Democratic Controlled Legislature can’t call it “The Post Live Birth Abortion Authorization Act” as that won’t set well with the voters so, being politicians they will seek a way to redefine existing law to achieve their desired goal.

What to do?  I know, says Assemblyman Foghorn.  We will introduce a “new” Bill and call it: California Reproductive Health AB2223.  We will fill this Bill with the usual “Boiler Plate” and “Legal Jargon” to the point the average person has no idea what it says and then we will “bury” in this Bill the following:

“This bill will delete the requirement that a coroner hold inquests for deaths related to or following known or suspected self-induced or criminal abortion, and would delete the requirement that an unattended fetal death be handled as a death without medical attendance. The bill would prohibit using the coroner’s statements on the certificate of fetal death to establish, bring, or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.”  You might want to read that again.  Slowly.

And then under SEC. 7.  Section 123467 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:

(a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their right under this article based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.

In plain English this means that in the event of a death of an infant in the 28 day period following live birth, and in the absence of obvious trauma like knife wounds, bullet holes or blunt force trauma, the attending coroner need not hold an inquest as to the cause of death, just issue a death certificate.  “The bill would PROHIBIT using the coroner’s statements on the certificate of fetal death to establish, bring, or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.”  The death could be assumed as a “crib death” or “sudden infant death without cause”.  Even if the mother caused the death by suffocation etc.

The “didn’t wannabe a mother” is happy because she can perform a post natal/perinatal self abortion with no chance of civil or criminal prosecution.  The coroner is “blame free” because he is only following the law as written by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.  The Legislature is smug and happy because they gave the Radical Pro-Abortion crowd what they wanted without calling it a Post Natal Abortion Law.  Law enforcement is blameless because no crime has been committed under  this new law.  The radical element of the Pro-Abortion crowd is happy because they got what they wanted.  The Governor is happy because he has secured the votes of those who wanted the Legislation passed.  “MOM, THE FLAG AND APPLE PIE”.

The loser in this little charade of course is the unwanted baby who is deceased.


For more information and clarification google:  infanticide-bill-ab-2223-passes-state-assembly/

Bob Bandy – October 2022







October 14, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


The above photo was taken at a “Drag Queen” performance for a group of children.  These Drag Queens are men masquerading as overly made up, sexually and suggestively dressed women flaunting themselves before 5-8 year old children.  These “Drag Queens” are being guarded by Anti-Government ANTIFA Radicals, funded in part by Anti-American zealot George Soros, armed with AR-15 rifles and flanked by an LGBTQ  Pride Flag.  This stirred up no interest from the Justice Department or FBI.

The above photo is a group of Pro-Life demonstrators doing a “sit in” at an Abortion Clinic.  Recently a man was arrested by the FBI/Justice Department for singing a Hymn during a “sit in”.  This man is facing a possible 11 year prison sentence for his “crime”. 

The above photo is a group of parents at a School Board meeting protesting against the sexually explicit books and curriculum found at their grade school children’s Library and in their study materials.  At one point the Justice Department labeled them as “Terrorists” and instituted investigations pending prosecution.

The above photo is of the remains of a Pro-Life office destroyed by Abortion Rights Activists.  No interest in investigating this from the FBI or Justice Department.

This is Ma & Pa of the Clinton Crime Family.  They live the “jet set high life” in good part from funds flushed through their “charitable” “Foundation”.  No IRS Audits here.  Nothing to see.  Instead these IRS folks will concentrate their efforts on “Joe or Jill Sixpack” hoping to find a math error on his/her Tax Return so they can run up thousands of dollars in fees, penalties and legal costs.  Maybe even file a lien on their home or property and ruin their life.

This is a photo of the “mostly peaceful” riot and looting of Madison, Wisconsin where millions of dollars in damage was done in the name of “racial justice”.  Part of the damage included the looting and burning of stores owned by people of color.  What few looters and burners who were arrested were quickly released and any criminal record “expunged”.  No need to bother the folks at Justice Department or the FBI.  This kind of destruction is allowed if your cause is politically correct.  To bad about all the good folks who lost everything.

This is a photo of a third trimester fetus in the womb.  Those who favor abortion without any restraints don’t like this photo because it makes the near born look “too human” in appearance.

I could go on but have probably stirred up enough hornets nests for one day. 

No Adults, No Rules, No Mercy.

(Lord of the Flies)

Bob Bandy – October 2022


October 05, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


I am sure there are some out there who are going to be angry with me for what I am writing.  That’s okay.  Be angry.  I am past angry, I am outraged with what I see is happening in some of our schools nationwide to the young, vulnerable and innocent youth of America.  Our children are more important than your opinion of me.

First, let me say that I am not a “Gay Basher”, I do not hate Gay People or other members of the LGBTQ community.  I have worked with, shared food with and respected many of this group for many years.

I am writing about the latest militant activist generation of this group coming out of our new “WOKE” Colleges and becoming “Educators” in our Grade Schools with an agenda to indoctrinate and recruit CHILDREN into the Gay and Transgender elements of our society.

We do not allow CHILDREN to buy guns, get drivers licenses, serve in the military, be doctors or work in dangerous jobs for a reason.  They are not mature enough to make life changing decisions about something they do not understand.  Children do not understand sexuality and fall easy prey to teachers whom they respect. 

What I am witnessing that has me so irate is what is happening in some of our schools with the youngest and most vulnerable of our children.  I am talking especially about little ones in the K-6th Grade.

There are many well documented reports:

  • I have seen on television video clips of strident, militant LGBTQ Grade School Teachers bragging about how they love sharing their “orientation” with their grade school students.  “Teach them while they are young”.
  • Giving children instruction on how to choose their own preferred pro-nouns and choice of sexual identity.
  • Children in grades 3-6 being given graphic pictorial curriculum on sexual body parts and their functions – even reports of how to perform oral sex on one another.
  • Giving CHILDREN the knowledge of full acceptance of all types of sex in the LGBTQ community. 
  • Full support for those CHILDREN who decide they are Transgender and how to “transfer” to the sex of their choice.  In many locations the schools are making available the pharmaceuticals and other resources for CHILDREN, PRE-TEENS and EARLY TEENS to pursue these life changing decisions, often without parental consent.
  • In many, many locations throughout America Schools are restricting or prohibiting parents from access to these curriculum or any parental rights to exclude their own child from these materials.
  • A school is forced to permit a “suddenly” “Transgender” boy access to the girls Locker Room and Showers.

Are you angry yet?  Many people are very upset about what is happening but afraid of the power of those “pushing” this agenda, including Teachers Unions and the National LGBTQ Community.  Fear of being “Cancelled”, reprisals from employers, even government agencies that are in the “pockets” of the above powers.

We, me, you and all our fellow citizens and neighbors need to be (non-violently) pounding on the tables at School Board Meetings, writing, calling and challenging our elected leaders at all levels and speaking out boldly against this monstrous abuse of all our CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, NEIGHBORS CHILDREN and all CHILDREN everywhere. 

The above is pure evil.  Our CHILDREN deserve to be children and play as children.  They must not be rushed into the world of adult sexuality and the adult decisions that come with it.

Children our our most treasured and vulnerable asset.  We must protect them.  Be angry with me if you wish.  Hate me if you wish.  But, if you agree that our children must be protected, please share your thoughts, copies of this and similar articles with your family, your neighbors, your School Board, Educators/Teachers,  your elected officials, anybody who will listen and help stop this madness.

For those readers of Faith – Pray for our Children.


Bob Bandy – October 2022


September 21, 2022 By: bob Category: Humor, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


Pancho Villa and His Army of the North


Recently I was thumbing through some old Mexico Revolutionary currency I have and came across the below 20 Peso Currency Note which reminded me of a colorful and  interesting piece of historical trivia .  It inspired me to write the following, hopefully poignant bit of possible conjunction of purpose by rulers and leaders with similar goals. 

Pancho Villa had a long and colorful career and there are many stories and contradictions in his biography.  There are numerous  books available and even a Google search is rich with different accounts of his life.  Records of his early life are at best sketchy and often contradictory.  It does appear that in his formative years he worked at various jobs from mining to being a Mule Skinner to soldier in the Mexican Army.

He was an early supporter of Mexican President Francisco Madero,  a successful General, a ruthless Revolutionary Leader, a “Bandit”, for a time supported by America, later renounced by President Woodrow Wilson, pursued by American General Pershing (unsuccessfully), Train Robber, “Robin Hood”, “De-facto” Governor General of the State of Chihuahua,  Commander of his Army of the North, etc. etc..  His complete history is diverse to say the least.

Historically many considered him a hero of the Mexican Revolution, others a vicious outlaw who considered himself a sort of Robin Hood.  He led his armies to many victories including the famous battle for Zacatecas against a seemingly overwhelming Federal Army force.  He also robbed trains for the Silver Bullion they carried and in at least one case his forces killed all but one person on a train including a sizeable number of innocent civilians.

So, depending on your sources and viewpoint he was either a “good guy” Robin Hood or a vicious, heartless “Bandit” killer.  After the Revolution was over the Mexican Government “retired” him to a large Hacienda Rancho which they gifted to him.  He was assassinated in July 1923 in his 1919 Dodge on his way back to his Rancho.

I give to you this very brief and limited biography by way of introduction to an often reported story of how he sometimes raised money to pay for his “Army”.  His troops wanted to be paid in gold and silver because Mexico was “awash” in paper money of little value.  Pancho Villa and his troops would ride into a town or village, go into the local bank and demand all their gold and silver but then tell the “victims” of their visit that “We are not bandits and are not stealing from you.”  “We are paying for your gold and silver with this money” and then leaving the banks with bundles of currency printed under the authority of his “Army of the North” for the State of Chihuahua.  They created virtually bales and bales of this currency and it was, as you can guess, worthless.  You could say it was Pancho Villa’s way of “laundering” money – bad for good.

I find some humor in this story because at one time the United States was on a Gold and Silver Standard and currency was issued and payable at the United States Treasury in real Gold and Silver.  The United States went off the Gold Standard in 1933 and officially ended the Silver Standard in 1935 though they continued minting 90% Silver coins until 1964 and “Silver Certificates” were then discontinued and no longer redeemable in Silver the following year.  What followed was a “fiat” currency and coinage backed up by a Federal Reserve system. 

Now, the United States is considering a “digital” currency which would be “loaded” on a credit card like instrument for wallet or purse.  This digital currency would be monitored electronically and under the complete control of the government who could leave you “penniless” with a few keystrokes on a computer by a bureaucrat should you anger the government in any way.  I wrote about this in a previous article: “A Joe Biden Digital Currency Future?”  If this happens there would be a date certain that all remaining paper currency in circulation would be de-monetized and no longer “legal tender”, i.e. as worthless as Pancho Villa’s State of Chihuahua paper notes.

So.  What is the difference in what Pancho Villa did and what the U.S. Government is in the process of doing?  Has our own Federal Reserve System and Treasury simply studied history and set a path to “rob” the citizenry using a method perfected by Pancho Villa?

Not so funny:  Could there be a time in the not too distant future when a well armed FBI or IRS “Army” rides up and knocks on your door to tell you it is no longer legal for you to own gold or silver (which you control) because the government needs it in the interests of “National Security”.  But, not to worry, they are not stealing your gold and silver and will pay you for it with “Digital Dollars” (which they control).  Hmmmmm.  You think it can’t happen? 

Something to think about.

Bob Bandy – September 2022


September 08, 2022 By: bob Category: In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Joe Biden is planning a new digital currency.  Here’s why you should be very worried. 

By Justin Haskins – Contributor – – 03/26/22

Excerpts from article follow my introduction – complete article available online at



I have been reading and hearing for some time bits and pieces of desire from our government to retire the “Greenback” Dollar and replace it with some form of Digital Currency.  A Currency that will let Government track every Nickel that you spend and what you spent it on.  One day at the Bank for example I was informed by Wells Fargo that they no longer accept Cash Deposits into Personal Checking Accounts.  On multiple occasions we have encountered while shopping various businesses  that accept only Debit or Credit Cards.  No Cash.  Also various reporting services have commented on the subject.

So, “What would a digital dollar be like?” “Unlike the current dollar, a central bank digital currency would not exist in physical form, meaning you wouldn’t be able to go to a bank or ATM and withdraw it. It is important to understand that the digital dollar would not be similar to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.”
In the following article from The Hill  I have made bold those areas I find most concerning.   – Bob
Joe Biden is planning a new digital currency.  Here’s why you should be very worried. 
By Justin Haskins – Contributor – – 03/26/22

On March 9, the Biden administration released an executive order (EO) instructing a long list of federal agencies to study digital assets and to propose numerous reports about their use and proposals to regulate them.

If the United States were to adopt a digital currency like the one discussed in Biden’s executive order, it would be one of the most dramatic expansions of federal power ever made, one that could put individuals and businesses in grave danger of losing their social and economic freedoms.  Among other important actions, the White House executive order directs several federal agencies, including the Treasury Department, to study the development of a new central bank digital currency (CBDC) and to produce a report within 180 days of the EO discussing the potential risks and benefits of a digital dollar.

The order further directs the Treasury Department, Office of the Attorney General and Federal Reserve to work together to produce a “legislative proposal” to create a digital currency within 210 days, about seven months.

Unlike the current dollar, a central bank digital currency would not exist in physical form, meaning you wouldn’t be able to go to a bank or ATM and withdraw it.

It is important to understand that the digital dollar would not be similar to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies operate on blockchain technology, which is decentralized by design. No group or individual can truly control cryptocurrencies once they are launched.

Digital dollars, on the other hand, would be traceable and programmable. The Federal Reserve (or some other designated entity) would have the ability to create more digital dollars whenever it sees fit, and, depending on how the legislation is written setting up the currency, the dollars could be formulated to have various rules and restrictions built into their design.

For example, a digital dollar could be crafted to restrict fossil-fuel use, to give bonuses to people for spending at particular businesses, to enact de facto price controls by disallowing users from spending too much on particular products, or even to redistribute wealth.

In one report about the development of a central bank digital currency published by the Federal Reserve in January, the Fed outlined a few examples of possible “design choices” for a digital dollar, including that “a central bank might limit the amount of CBDC an end user could hold.”

Biden’s executive order states that the CBDC and other policies governing digital assets must mitigate “climate change and pollution” and promote “financial inclusion and equity.”

In fact, “financial inclusion” is mentioned five times in Biden’s order, and “equity” and “climate change” are mentioned four times each.

There are many reasons to believe Biden’s plan for a digital dollar involves a design that will give the federal government and/or Federal Reserve control over much of society and the economy.

Further, in a background call with reporters about the executive order, a “senior administration official” (the name was curiously removed from the White House transcript) promised that in creating a new digital currency, the Biden administration will “continue to partner with all stakeholders — including industry, labor, consumer, and environmental groups, international allies and partners.”

Why would labor unions, industry organizations and environmental groups be involved in the development of a new currency — unless, of course, there is a plan to program that currency to advance various causes special-interest groups care about?

Even more stunning, in a 2021 question-and-answer session about the development of a digital dollar, David Andolfatto, a senior vice president and economist in the St. Louis Fed’s Research Division, was asked whether the Fed could “assure us [the public] that these digital currencies won’t ever be used to tell us when, how or where our money can be spent?”

If the Fed has no plan to use a future central bank digital currency to control Americans’ behavior, Andolfatto’s response is incredibly bizarre, to say the least.

“In life one can’t give absolute assurances of anything,” Andolfatto responded before suggesting that “the best we can hope for” is for Congress to “respond to the electorate’s concerns” about privacy.

It’s clear that the Biden administration and Fed are working together to create a controllable, traceable, programmable digital currency. And if they are successful, life in America might never be the same.

Justin Haskins ( is the director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute



Anytime I hear the words “Inclusion”, “Equity” or “Climate Change” from a bureaucrat – I “shudder”

This is a bit longer than my usual postings but incredibly important to understand.  If our government implements such a plan you would no longer have control over your own financial resource, merely a “digital” card (like a credit card) that would give you limited access to “your” government controlled money.  Ultimate control would reside in Washington DC and some Bureaucrat setting at a keyboard somewhere can decide “Bob” should not be spending these dollars to buy gasoline for his car because it could contribute to “Climate Change” and with a few keystrokes the card would not work at a gas pump.  Think about this.  And you could not dig out a few “Greenbacks” to make the purchase because all paper (and coin) currency will have been demonetized and now “worthless”.  All of this of course because “Government knows best” and must control every aspect of our lives.
Ronald Reagan once said that the scariest words in the English language are; “We are from the Government and are here to help you”.
Bob Bandy – Part I – September 2022
“so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name”  Revelations 13:17  (NIV)


September 02, 2022 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

30k+ Trailer Truck Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash



If you wanted to make a list of what ails California it would be a very long list.  Basically we have a state that is completely under the control of one very far left party under the leadership of an ego-centric, far left policy devotee with unbridled ambition, no common sense and who displays little in the way of personal integrity – example – “The French Laundry” incident. 

A man, who as Mayor of San Francisco, turned the Pearl of the West Coast into a drug and crime ridden pest hole littered with homeless encampments and despair.  Now he appears bent on doing for the rest of California, as Governor, what he did to San Francisco.

I am copying below a well written article from the California Globe that well outlines coming disasters because of poor decisions by our Governor and one party ruled Legislature.  The article is by Karen Anderson, dated September 1, 2022  and can be found on their website: 



An Unhappy Labor Day for California Workers

‘California state lawmakers just can’t keep their laws off our livelihoods’

By Karen Anderson, September 1, 2022 2:45 am

Labor Day pays tribute to America’s workers, but here in California, job-killing legislation and regulations continue to harm independent professionals, small-business owners and essential workers across the state.

Currently awaiting passage in the California State Senate, the bill known as Assembly Bill 257, or the “Fast Food Accountability and Standards (FAST) Recovery Act,” seeks to install a 13-member council of unelected political appointees, with no business experience needed, to oversee California’s entire fast-food restaurant industry. Appointed by the governor and by a scant few individuals from the Democrat-led super-majority legislature, council members would come from labor advocacy groups, unions, and the very state regulatory agencies that enforce labor laws.

This posse of union-backed appointees would have absolute power to establish wage rates, working hours and other broad rules that could put a small restaurant or franchisee out of business. Layers of burdensome regulations will inevitably result in increased operating costs for restaurants, higher prices for consumers and fewer jobs. A provision that allows the Labor Commissioner to pursue “joint employer” claims could upend the franchise business model and prompt some brands to leave the state altogether.

Meanwhile, another board of unelected officials continues to wreak havoc on California’s trucking industry. The California Air Resources Board (CARB), which determines emission standards in California, is comprised of 16 members appointed mostly by the governor. In just a few short months on Jan. 1, 2023, nearly one-quarter of trucks serving Los Angeles-area ports will be prohibited from entering the gates when the latest round of CARB rules banning engines older than 2010 could sideline 80,000 trucks in California. Because of manufacturing shortages due to the pandemic, the dearth of new trucks being produced makes it almost impossible for fleets to comply by the deadline.

If CARB doesn’t put truckers out of business, Assembly Bill 5 will. Now in effect on the trucking industry after ongoing legal challenges came to an end this June, the anti-freelancer law AB 5 applies to 70,000 independent owner-operator truckers who can no longer conduct business as independent contractors in the state of California.

The double whammy of CARB regulations and AB 5 on trucking can be traced to cronyism at the Capitol. The author of AB 5, former San Diego Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, recently accepted a position as leader of the powerful California Labor Federation representing 2,100 unions. Not coincidentally, Gonzalez’s husband Nathan Fletcher served on CARB from 2019 to 2022, appointed by Gov. Newsom during the height of Gonzalez’s destructive AB 5 policymaking.

Since its passage in Sept. 2019, AB 5 has shattered the careers of hundreds of thousands of independent contractors across a vast array of professions — everyone from transcriptionists, performing artists and pharmacists to forensic nurses, mall Santas, music therapists, translators, video journalists and tutors. Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the California Trucking Association’s lawsuit against AB 5, more job destruction is on the way, threatening the already-tenuous supply chain.

Whether banning independent contracting, banning pre-2010 trucks, banning gas-powered lawn equipment used by gardeners and landscapers, or banning the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, California state lawmakers just can’t keep their laws off our livelihoods. The heavy-handedness of their decisions fails to take into account the economic realities for the average small-business owner or solo-preneur. On this Labor Day, Sacramento should instead start focusing on retaining small businesses in the state rather than creating barriers and burdens that are bankrupting the working class.


What is really frustrating is that the governor keeps coming out with ideas like mandating purchasing of electric cars (which the majority of Californians can’t afford) and then mandating “everything” be carbon neutral and, oh, by the way we don’t have the electric grid or infrastructure to support all of his mandates.  And then he wonders why there is a mass exodus from our state to places that are more business friendly with lower taxes.  Duh!

Seems to me California is well on the way to repeat the “brain-dead” High Speed Rail System which has wasted Tens of Billions of Dollars and never hauled a single passenger a single mile…….  and likely never will.  For a history of this doomed project use the article search box on the left and type in: California’s High Speed Rail 2.0 and hit enter or simply go to:     

for a series of articles on this “boon-doggle”.

Karen Anderson is right:  ‘California state lawmakers just can’t keep their laws off our livelihoods’

Bob Bandy – September 2022