Turning on the news it is almost overwhelming the amount of Taxpayer Dollars that have been found being wasted by “The Deep State Bureaucracy”. While outright theft and fraud is surely criminal, many times the waste is founded in incompetent management and/or the tendency of any created department to want to become immortal long after their stated purpose in existing has become an exercise in futility or simply unneeded.
Mismanagement and wasted resources is not totally the province of Government. The following is an absolutely true story from personal experience and I will share it with you to emphasize the point.
Before I took an early retirement/exit from the Corporate World I worked in management for a fair sized company in the computer software, hardware and billing industry business. One day I was called by one of the companies Directors and told they had an employee whom they were looking to promote but performed an important function in inventory control of many millions of dollars worth of computers and computer parts and asked me to spend some time with him to find out all he did, how he did it, what was involved and in general begin the process of finding a suitable replacement for him.
I was familiar with this employee and knew him to be intelligent, reliable and loyal. In working with him I found that he was responsible for maintaining an accurate inventory count of the “on hand” computer hardware, from large main frame systems to all the affiliated components including replacement parts. His job was to do a rotating monthly hand count of what was available and produce a series of reports (from A to J) by category and distribute this report to the Corporate President, Vice Presidents, Directors and some related Managers monthly.
After becoming familiar with his work process I decided it would be a good idea to visit with all the management personnel on the distribution list of this report and get their input on what they liked about the report and what changes could be made to possibly improve it.
What I found out was that of all the folks on the distribution list for this report, not a single one of them ever even bothered to read it. They all believed they were just receiving a “courtesy copy” probably of value to someone else. They all either threw it away or recycled it. In visiting with our Corporate Vice President of Accounting I found out that the company some years previously had automated the system with an Accounting Tracking Program which maintained the inventory on a Purchased, Sold or Scraped basis with an occasional “spot check” if a question came up. After notifying the Director of my findings, I recommended we simply discontinue the report for 30-60 days and see if anybody in the Corporate “chain” complained about not getting it and if no-one did, to simply eliminate the position and save the $45,000 (plus Benefits) salary for use elsewhere. He agreed and that is what we did. I would like to say again that the employee did nothing wrong, just faithfully did as he had been instructed year after year. He went on to become a valuable asset in his new position. Up until DOGE I do not remember hearing of government ever doing what I have described above.
I document the above to demonstrate that, whether in Corporate America or Government, sometimes the employee is not at fault for wasted Payroll/Budget Dollars. Often Government and Corporations fall into a pattern of doing things from habit or routine without questioning whether the task(s) being performed are really necessary or could be completed in more efficient less expensive ways. I will hasten to add that in my years with the company I also found waste and corruption in many other ways. One example: employees who were kept “on board” simply because they had threatened management with litigation if terminated and Corporate Management made the “Money” decision that it was cheaper to keep that employee in a “Do Nothing” job than to pay the likely legal costs of a protracted legal battle disputing untrue but damaging allegations. I remember one employee for example who was given the created title of “Postal Liaison Manager” whose only duty was to fraternize with the Postal Employees we interacted with.
The above is only a tame, sometimes innocent example of how Government and Corporations can waste Taxpayers and Shareholders Dollars through sometimes sloppy, but often just poor management and oversight. To get into the “Big Bucks” ratholes, pure fraud, graft and corruption you have to ask yourself how does Senator Foghorn or Congresswoman Leghorn begin their career in Government nearly broke with a Salary of $100,000+ and end up over a period of time with $75,000.000 (that’s 75 Million) Dollars in the bank. Or, for a really screaming, record breaking example of waste and fraud, you might look at something like California’s “High Speed Rail” project which has seen 100 Billion Dollars spent without a single railcar ever moving a single mile down the track and the “Blue Sky Project” has made California a laughing stock “working” on something that from the beginning was simply a payoff to Organized Labor (especially the Operating Engineers Union) for supporting the Democratic Party.
But not to get “off track” of the “Congressional Path to Personal Prosperity”, let us get back to Senator Foghorn. Here is how the game can be played. The good Senator attaches, for his vote on a piece of pending Legislation, provision within the Legislation for a grant (from Taxpayer Dollars) of $2,000,000 (That’s Two Million Dollars) go to a two man “Research Team” in a Banana Republic to study the effect of Transgender Surgery on Frogs with a clear, quiet, understanding from said pending recipient that a generous portion of those funds will find their way back to his re-election campaign bank account or some other “slippery” way into his “Retirement Fund”. Or maybe a “Commission Check” (wink, wink) is sent to a numbered account at an “Offshore” Bank or Brokerage House. Hence our Senator Foghorn, or Congresswoman Leghorn turns their “Public Service” into a “Gravy Train”.
Are they all a bunch of crooks. No, but sadly, there is a too small a number of “Good Ones”. And, there are also many others in positions of power who use their position to enrich themselves through graft and corruption at the Taxpayers expense.
I would like to see Congress pass a law that each member of House of Representatives and the Senate be required to make public their financial net worth when the are sworn into office and an annual updated report of their financial net worth each year they are in office “Serving the Public”. I know, “Fat Chance” this will ever happen.
“Do Nothing Jobs” – “Kickbacks” – “Insider Trading” – “Sweetheart Deals”
The following is a typical example – Both Parties have many such members
Life can be good in the “Swamp”!
Bob Bandy – March 2025