Many sources now claim that this Transgender “mania” sweeping the country has become America’s new “Religion” and it requires we “bow down” to its creed or face being “cancelled”.
The Transgender Theology is based on the doctrine that you can be your own God and decide what gender you want to be. This is a Big Lie and any first year Biology Student knows that you can mutilate your body, attempt to attach new body parts, change your wardrobe, infuse any and all manner of chemicals and do anything else you can think of but, at the end of the day you cannot change your DNA or your basic biology.
California seems to have been especially infected and on the verge of complete capitulation to the Transgender Cult “Holy” ordinances. There is now pending in the State Legislature legislation that would criminalize as a felony, any parental “interference” in the gender transition of a child by pharmaceutical or surgical means. In other words, if the parent of a minor child tries to prevent the castration or mutilating of their own child they can face being charged as a felon and possible prison time.
If this legislation passes and, as a parent, your Johnny or Mary has a Transgender Activist and predator grade school teacher who convinces the little nine year old that they would be happier by changing gender, this teacher can “make it happen” without parental consent or “interference” under penalty of California law. You see, California has previously created a law that says they have jurisdiction over minor children in the state. Put another way, your children are property of the State of California in legal and health matters and they consider “Gender Care” a matter under their jurisdiction. Puberty Blockers, Castration, Mastectomies, whatever it takes, the State of California would have final say, not parents.
I am horrified by this and the thought of placing our most precious and vulnerable children in the hands of a teacher or bureaucrat with a “New Religion” agenda to make permanent and life altering changes in their lives makes me sick and angry beyond words.
I am hearing and seeing in the news that other states are working on or considering similar legal positions. If we want this horror to stop, all of us must confront our legislators and elected officials as well as local school boards and demand that they not prey on our children. We must do it fearlessly, tirelessly and consistently. Class action lawsuits could be a method of deterrence as well as punitive lawsuits for damages against individual “groomers”, “activists” and “predators”.
Our children are our most precious asset and bond with the future. If you agree with this article, share it with as many others as possible including the above mentioned legislators, elected officials and school boards. Do it now. In some places tomorrow may already be too late for the damage they are causing.
“It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” Luke 17:2
“…… government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
For regular readers of my articles, many might get the impression that I dislike government in general and also those who work in government. This is not the case. Most of the people who work in government are like you and I; working at a job to support our families with a hope of someday a comfortable retirement in our “golden years” with an adequate pension for our needs. Most government workers endeavor to do a good job and should be thanked for doing so. They are not the problem.
The “problem” with most government agencies is structural. I will explain: In my perfect world government should be responsible for National Defense, limited International Diplomacy and as a mediator to provide cohesion in those cases where there are conflicting interests between the individual states. (Move the United Nations Headquarters to North Korea and cancel our membership). Almost all other matters should be handled by the individual states and many of their functions should be contracted out with specific requirements, results and limitations – not the “blank checks” we often give to Government Departments and Services. Police and Fire Protection, Public Education, Health and Sanitation services, Emergency Services, Highway Maintenance, Water and Waste Management Services etc.
With government, not just Federal but all too often State and Local, a perceived problem is not handled with a meeting, finding a solution and then a plan to solve the problem on a contract basis at a specific cost within a specified time period by an independent contractor. Government invariably decides the “problem” is a crisis that demands the creation of a whole new Branch of Government headed up by a Czar or Cabinet Secretary, a big new budget, buildings, employees, office furniture, a fleet of vehicles, endless new regulations, an annual budget with a built in annual increase of usually 10% or more. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “A Government Agency is the nearest thing to eternal life we will experience on earth”. Once such a Branch of Government is created it has no incentive whatever to actually solve a problem and put all these people out of work. That does not make them evil, just self serving which is a natural human trait. The end result is horribly inefficient and these agencies end up going on year after year, growing in size and budget and too often not producing any tangible result.
A True Example from an article I wrote and originally published in 2012
(April 2012) Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the Department of Energy during the Carter Administration? Bottom line is, we’ve spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency…. the reason for which not many who read this can remember!
The Department of Energy was instituted on 8/04/1977, TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. Now it’s 2012 —- 35 years later —- and the budget for this “necessary” department is $24.2 Billion a year. It has 16,000 Federal Employees and approximately 100,000 contract employees and look at the job it has done! 35 years ago 30% of our oil consumption was foreign imports. Today 70% of our oil consumption is foreign imports….. Great job! Good old Federal bureaucracy. (And we could supply all our oil needs from the USA)….
(2023 update) The Department of Energy proposed budget for 2023 is $48.2 Billion Dollars and it has 14,000 full time employees.
Let us assume as a given that all 14,000 of these Department of Energy employees (and their families) are all wonderful, dedicated to the Departments Mission of making the the United States Energy Independent and you would just love to live next door to them and share a Bar-B-Que on the weekends. Ever wonder what these 14,000 employees do every day? Is there power flowing out of the Department of Energy Headquarters Building into the nations power grid? Maybe you could ask them at your next Bar-B-Que?
The Administration is now running around the world begging for oil from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, “whoever”, while our current Administration has sold a million barrels of oil out of our National Strategic (Emergency) Oil Reserve to China.
The Department of Energy was formed in 1977 with the mission to make the United States less dependent on Foreign Oil. If we kind of average out their annual budget over the last 46 years they have spent something in the lofty neighborhood of a Trillion Taxpayer Dollars and the U.S. is now going “hat in hand” to unfriendly nations begging for them to produce more oil for us. This despite the fact the United States has enough energy reserves to supply our needs for at least 200 years. We just need to pump it out of the ground. This appears a little too complicated for these 14,000 employees to figure out. Guess they will need to write a few more hundred pages of “Regulations”.
In all those near 46 years the United States reached Energy Independence for a brief period of time near the end of the Trump Administration when the Government got the, excuse me, “hell out of the way”, and gave the nation’s energy producers a window to produce not only enough energy for our own use but also excess energy we could export to the world.
I’m still waiting to hold in my hand the bright, shiny thing produced for me by the Department of Energy!
This is your Government at Work. How do you like it so far? Want more Government Agencies on a “Mission”?
Government Poverty Programs have produced, you guessed it, Poverty. In California programs for the Homeless have, you guessed it again, produced more Homelessness.
In FY 2023 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $1,494 billion, (That is near 1 .5 Trillion Dollars) including $890 billion for Medicaid, and $604 billion in other welfare. Have we seen any improvement in our inner-city ghettos, homelessness, reductions in crime or drug use?
In the meantime our $68 Billion Dollar Federal Department of Education Public Schools programs are focusing on Indoctrination and not Education. While children in China are learning about math and science our children are being taught about personal pro-nouns and being groomed for trans-gender medical procedures in the third, forth and fifth grades by activist teachers and a curriculum that their parents are denied access to.
I could go on and on. So you see, it is not the people who work in government, it is just the nature of too many available/deficit borrowed taxpayer dollars and not enough fiscal discipline and common sense.
This is an Anti-Catholic (and Christian) Hate Group dedicated to the destruction of the Church and its religious beliefs, moral standing on abortion and commitment to the fact that there are two genders. Come-on “Sisters”, you attack Christianity because Christians do not react with violence. “Sisters”, let’s see you “grow a pair” and attack Mohammed and Islam in the same way! I’m waiting.
Male “Drag Queens” are sexualizing our children with their performances at schools, libraries, public events, even churches. We used to put these pedophiles and perverts in jail where they belong.
Anheuser-Busch – Target and many other major Corporations have decided to “bow down” at the altar of “WOKE” and are paying a price for it. It was recently disclosed that Target Corporation made a donation to an effort to destroy Mount Rushmore. As these companies “come out of the closet” we want to be sure and recognize them by taking our spending dollars to their “Non-Woke” competitors.
I remain mystified why any High School Graduate with an I.Q. higher than room temperature would indebt themselves $100,000 or more for a degree from one of our “Frankfurt School” “Marxist Inspired” former Institutes of Higher Learning to emerge with a degree in something related to “Gender Studies”. A College degree with little marketable value causing many of them to gravitate to teaching grade school children that are 6-10 years old where they can groom the most vulnerable and innocent among us in their Dr. Josef Mengele inspired genetic experimentation as practiced on the Jews confined at Auschwitz. I can only hope that the victims of their “Gender Fluid” agenda who undergo surgical and pharmaceutical castration and mutilation return at a later date to sue these misguided gender fanatics into bankruptcy for destroying their youthful innocence and the joys of a normal childhood. These “Monsters of the Gender Midway” deserve nothing less.
Scientific Fact: Biologically, Scientifically, Medically and at a DNA level there are two, and only two genders. Male and Female. The term Transgender is not a gender. It is a psychological and medical term describing a state of mind and being that is confused. It is a real symptom and condition that formerly (prior to current recruiters) affected less than 1% of the population. At a Biological and DNA level you cannot change your gender. You can cut and patch body parts all you want but you only end up with physical sort of “Frankenstein” mutilation. What is left is what you were born with only scarred and battered and usually with some mental anguish attached.
Save your money. Attend Bob’s School of Gender Studies. It is 100% guaranteed accurate and costs nothing.
Our once Greatest Military in the world which was loved by our allies while feared by our enemies is being destroyed by its current leadership with their WOKE agenda and focus on Racism and so called “Equity”. Our current Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are both Political Activists, not true Military Leaders. They are destroying our Military’s ability to attract and retain the personnel to defend our country and seem more like they are putting together a “Milktoast Brigade”. I spent ten years in the Army National Guard. Six years in a Combat Infantry Brigade and four years in a Medical Brigade. Not once in all those years did I ever encounter anything like a racial incident. I have many friends who spent years, some of them entire careers in the Military and they all tell me the same thing. To this day I can go into a Military Hospital or facility and feel nothing but comradery. Our Military exists to protect our country and destroy its enemies. It is not a place for social experimentation.
Definition: Artificial intelligence (AI): the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. Note: Many prominent Engineers and Scientists, such as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, have warned that the use/misuse/unleashing of Artificial Intelligence may pose a significant risk to humanity.
The Biden Administration has announced that it plans to use Artificial Intelligence to design and implement Government Programs with “Equity” as “Their” primary objective. I find this not just “Scary” but absolutely “Terrifying”. Here is why:
We seem to be at a crossroads of having the politicized, corrupt ruling class administrators in charge now, or a plethora of artificial beings, programed by the politicized, corrupt ruling class, using these robotic beings to achieve their goal of total power over our lives. Scared yet?
I, and most reasonable thinking American’s, define “Equity” as “Equal Opportunity”. We all should have equal opportunity to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness in our own way. Government, and particularly the current Administration, defines “Equity” as “Equal Outcomes For All” (except the Ruling Class and Rich).
Every time this has been tried in history it has produced a privileged Rich Ruling Class and Equal Poverty and Misery for everyone else. Example: Cuba. And now they want to hand this “Fools Dream” off to Soulless Artificial Intelligent Robots for design and implementation! It is more than possible that these empowered “Intelligent” Robots just may decide that our planet is polluted/infected with too many “carbon based” humans and embark on a crusade of cleansing. Or, am I just being paranoid? Do we really want these “Machines” in charge of managing our lives and destiny?
The average citizen has little idea how much of what is essential to our daily lives is controlled now by satellites and computers in the managing and distribution of food, water, energy, waste removal, national defense and a great many other things we take for granted on a daily basis. Do we really want Artificial Intelligent Entities with their own agenda to have access to, and control of the tools and necessities of our very survival?
If it becomes a “Battle of Wits” between those in the current Administration “Braintrust” in Washington and the latest generation of Artificial Intelligent Robots, who can replicate themselves without human help, I know where I would be putting my money.
About a year ago I wrote an article on the subject of government “Equity”. It was titled “THE DRUMS OF EQUITY” and it is repeated below:
WHENEVER the efforts of our politicians fail to produce the results of their campaign promises, and their schemes and plans just produce more debt and inflation, they seem to always fall back on a demand for “Equity”; defined by them as “Equal Outcomes” for all citizens. Or, in their dreams, everybody has the same amount of “stuff”. They compound their rhetoric most often by claiming that anything less than full “Equity” is somehow “unfair”, “racist”, “unjust” or pick a similar negative term. It seems their goal is to make us all equally poor, except for them, the ruling class.
Congress has a congenital habit of exempting themselves from the legislation they impose on we lowly tax payers. Example: The “Affordable Care Act”. It did not apply to Congress or their staff.
Under our Constitution it is clear that what the goal for American’s is, and should be, “Equal Opportunity”.
Opportunity is a noble goal and we should all strive for that. Among human beings, Equity of outcome is not possible and, I would argue, neither a reasonable nor a desirable target.
Earlier on, back in February 2014, I wrote a satirical humor article to spoof how silly government dreams of “Equity” are and it is repeated below:
The government says it wants to “fix” the problem of unequal pay and income. They say too few are paid too much (the evil rich) while too many are not paid enough (victims of the rich). The goal of the government is to equalize pay for all citizens.
Based on the governments track record of “fixing” things like the War on Poverty, our Public Education System, the Postal Service, Amtrak, and the growing National Debt, I am not sure we want them to try to “fix” income equality. Or anything else.
I have a vision of what a likely government “fix” will look like.
First they will establish what is a reasonable amount for everyone to be paid. For sake of this discussion lets say they decide on $60,000 a year. That would be $5,000 a month.
Here is a plan that I am sure would appeal to every bureaucrats heart. All residents of the United States of working age (18?) would receive a “salary” of $5,000 per month from the government who would function as the payroll department for all employers. A “single payer” system under complete control of the government and IRS. We could all become cogs in the wheel of the Proletariat masses.
Don’t worry, if you like your current job, you can keep it. That’s a promise.
Your education does not matter. Your age does not matter. Race, religion, political party, type of work, skill level, work ethic, level of responsibility, or experience. None of these matter. Unions could be eliminated, you wouldn’t need them. No merit or performance pay, everybody gets paid the same. Movie stars, Presidents, Barbers, Plumbers, Soldiers, Dog Catchers, Burger Flippers, Brain Surgeons, etc.
Visualize a Baseball Team under this system. The owners, the managers, star players, beginning players, bat boys, groundskeepers, peanut vendors, everybody gets exactly the same pay.
As desirable as this sounds in providing equal pay for all of us it would have the added benefit that the IRS could withhold their “fair share” before we see our paycheck with no need for us to ever file an annual return. Who could possibly object to such a fair and equitable solution? Consider this, we would all get paid the same no matter how lousy a job we do. Just like members of Congress.
If every citizen received the same amount of pay every month, do you think we would all have the same bank account at the end of the year? Or would some have a fat bank account, another a new car and still another a giant hangover?
Perhaps governments next task is to require equal outcomes for all of us? It should be easy. A plan to devolve all of us to the lowest common denominator. Call it government approved cookie cutter equality.
An American melting pot filled with glassy eyed, average room temperature IQ automatons.
An old saying but fits government plans and “good intentions”: “Be Afraid – Be Very Afraid”
Following his tenure as the Worst Mayor in America, where our Governor turned the once beautiful city of San Francisco into a homeless, drug and crime infested place from which business and those with the resources are fleeing, America’s Worst Governor is well on the path to turning the “Golden State” into a giant homeless encampment with corporations, producers and working taxpayers creating windfall profits for moving companies and with the Babylon Bee saying U-Haul named the Governor “Salesman of the Year”. The following is only a limited and small list of what he has done and is doing to California.
Excerpt from California Globe May 18, 2023 by Katy Grimes:
“Newsom also blurted out that he blames California’s now-annual-wildfires on fossil fuel companies. Wasn’t it only a couple of years ago the governor accused PG&E of causing wildfires, and placing profits over safety? So now it’s fossil fuel companies?Governor Shapeshifter is trying to blame fossil fuel companies for a deadly crisis the government created by imposing environmental laws that have made forest management nearly impossible.And, with his oil and gas ban looming in the near future, he clearly needs a boogey man.” End Excerpt
Governor Newsom champions California as a “Sanctuary State” where illegal immigrants cannot be questioned as to their legal status and his Legislature is now proposing Unemployment Benefits for Illegal Immigrants. Senate Bill 277. He also supports voting rights for Illegals.
Our governor encouraged and gave tentative approval for the State Legislature to propose an Eight Hundred Billion Dollar “Reparations” plan for citizens of California. He was forced to change course in the face of a Thirty Billion Dollar Budget shortfall.
Governor Newsom proudly sponsored and signed into law legislation that gives the State of California jurisdiction for “Gender Affirming Care” over minor children. In plain English this means that if a School Teacher and School Nurse decide little 9 year old Johnny identifies as a girl he can be receive “Gender Affirming Care” by Pharmaceutical or Surgical Castration without parental consent.
On September 27, 2022, Governor Newsom signed what amounts to a perinatal infanticide bill, AB 2223 (along with twelve other pro-abortion bills). AB 2223 is especially egregious because it prevents coroners from investigating the deaths “related to or following known or suspected self-induced or criminal abortion,” including deaths of babies during the “perinatal” period – which is up to 28 days after birth.
Governor Newsom continues to support the California High Speed Rail project. State transportation officials tacked on an additional $5 billion to the budget for California’s high-speed rail project, according to a 2022 business plan report, bringing the total projected cost to $105 billion. This fiscal “Black Hole” was, is and will always be a money pit to nowhere. It has never hauled a single passenger a single mile and was originally budgeted at $40 Billion Dollars and scheduled for completion in 3-5 years when the project began in 2015. For more information type High Speed Rail 2.0 into the search for articles box and hit enter. or:
In June, Governor Newsom signed the Budget Act of 2022-2023 into law, which included a historic $200+ million investment in reproductive health care (Abortions through and including the 9th month and now through the 28 day “Perinatal” period are considered Women’s Health Care in California). Most of these dollars will go to Planned Parenthood for services and new Security measures to protect their facilities and personnel. No dollars were budgeted to protect Pro-Life Centers or their services.
California is a State where you will not be jailed for stealing as long as you keep the total value of the items you steal to less than $940. They can write you a ticket/citation but it is only a Misdemeanor and not a Felony. There have been documented cases of thieves filling up shopping carts with items worth “only” a few hundred dollars and then giving Store Security the finger on their way out of the parking lot. By the way, Shopping carts are now “free” in California.
I could go on and on with the destruction and grief Governor Newsom has brought to California. The point of this being he now dreams of doing to America what he has done to San Francisco and California.
A good friend of mine recently returned from a visit to his brother in Arizona and related to me that the Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Baker, California was 100% in use with a long line of electric vehicles along the highway waiting to get into the station for a re-charge before crossing the desert. Sounds like fun doesn’t it. Waiting for perhaps 1-3 hours to recharge your vehicles battery while you roast in the sun.
It got me to thinking of a satirical spoof article I wrote some 5 1/2 years ago about living in California with a far out in left field governor prepared to destroy the state in his quest to pursue the Climate Change Scam being forced on our states citizens. And, he wonders why the exodus from California continues and is gaining momentum. As Bugs Bunny used to say: What a maroon. This while he blows past 100 Billion Dollars on California’s High Speed Rail to nowhere which has never carried a single passenger a single mile. (in search box type – California’s High Speed Rail 2.0 and hit enter).
My 2017 article follows below.
I have information from reliable but nameless and secret sources that the State of California is very near announcement of a two fold plan for a Fair Share Universal Tax to help fund the War on Global Climate Change.
First, in recognition that exhaling releases carbon dioxide gas which is a contributor to Global Climate Change, every resident or visitor to the State of California will be required to have a micro chip implant that will both monitor and report each time they exhale to the State of California.
This data will be forwarded to the Franchise Tax Board who will calculate the tax due and be responsible for collecting the scheduled tax from “Breathers”. At the time of this writing the tax rate being considered is one tenth of a cent per exhale. This may seem a paltry sum until one calculates that the average adult respiratory rate is about 15 times per minute or 900 times per hour. Do a little math and the average cost of exhaling in California will be about 90 cents an hour or $21.60 a day.
This tax can be avoided by simply no longer exhaling and residents and visitors can take comfort in the fact that inhaling is still free. At least for now.
For the Second phase of this battle consideration is being given to the fact that methane is also a contributor to Global Climate Change and it is the responsibility of all of us to pay our Fair Share Tax in the battle to monitor and reduce the release of this gas into California’s breathable air resources.
It is also a scientific fact that flatulence is a major contributor to the release of methane into the atmosphere. Therefore, California is creating a new agency to monitor and tax the unwanted release of this gas. To fund this Board and its employees a new source of revenue will be created through the establishment of a Flatulence Air Resource Tax. (the acronym for this is “California F.A.R.Tax”)
Under development is a new monitoring device to be worn by all residents and visitors on the rear upper portion of the thigh which will sense, tabulate and report to the Board all releases of methane gas by the wearer.
The Board will then forward this information to the California Franchise Tax Board who will be responsible for billing and collecting the approved tax. At this writing a rate of $1.00 per release is under consideration. Think of it as an exhaust gas tax.
Taxpayers can avoid this tax by simply not releasing any methane gas through the monitored process.
The State agency for this Board is reporting some difficulty in recruiting, hiring and training workers who will be responsible for checking and monitoring individuals at random to be sure they are wearing the methane release and sound monitoring device and that it is working properly.
Formal announcement of this new Fair Share Tax and implementation of monitoring should be released through the media within the next 60 days.
All tax rates are subject to review and increase depending on Battlefield Assessment Reports from the ongoing War against Global Climate Change and subject to review and correction by former Vice President Al Gore.
What could possibly go wrong? ( Bob Bandy – Nov 2017)
And the governments Climate Change Follies continue at a state and federal level.
This site contains 190+ articles/essays written over a period of about twelve years.
In full disclosure I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I am registered as “not affiliated” with any party. Mostly, I would like government to leave me alone and stay out of my wallet.
I am against racism in any of its forms, oppose violence, abhor hypocrisy and especially despise being lied to. Maybe that is why so many of my “rants” are directed at the folks in the “Halls of Power”!
For a bit more about me, my values and a little history of my early life in California just type Journey into the “Search” box on the left side of this page and hit enter on your keyboard.
These articles are a kind of diary of my thoughts and views of happenings in our culture at the time of their writing.
I usually try to find some humor in what is happening but that is not always possible.
Feel free to like them, hate them, share them or forget them. The choice is always yours. Hope you get a smile or two.
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Bob Bandy
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