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Archive for the ‘In the News’

No Climate Crises – Say 1,600 Actual Scientists

May 18, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

NASA maps California drought effects on Sierra trees. (Photo:

Shared photo from – California Globe

I am sharing a most informative and excellent article from the CALIFORNIA GLOBE – By Katy Grimes, May 13, 2024 2:55 am

My own comments and link follow the CALIFORNIA GLOBE article below


‘NO Climate Crisis’ Says Coalition of 1,600 Actual Scientists

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is ‘one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation’

“There is ‘NO Climate Crisis’ says a coalition of 1,600 actual scientists” in a recent letter to the California Air Resources Board. In fact, the scientists find that “California is in no danger of unusual drought: The annual precipitation in California has fluctuated greatly over the last 150 years, with only a slight decrease.”

California also has record low levels of air pollution that are below the threshold of human health effects, James E. Enstrom, PhD, MPH has told us repeatedly for years. He’s also one of the 1,600 scientists signed onto the letter to CARB.

The scientists also insisted that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth.

The CO2 Coalition’s letter is particularly timely with Gov. Gavin Newsom taking his climate change road show to the Vatican later this week where he was invited to speak by Pope Francis at a Summit of mayors and governors. The Summit, which will be held from May 15th to May 17th, will cover “the impact of rising temperatures” in local communities, and “climate resilience.”

This one-page summary letter begins with a link to a 16-page detailed report containing the strong evidence.

An open letter to the California Air Resources Board

Dear Sir or Madam:

Good news: There is NO climate crisis in California. This claim was verified by the scientific data that were compiled by the CO2 Coalition, a nonprofit organization with the goal of determining and propagating the facts regarding carbon dioxide (CO2) and the climate (CO2 Coalition, 2024). The key findings provided below stand in contrast to the climate crisis claims made in the March 1, 2024, California Priority Climate Action Plan (Priority Climate Action Plan, 2024) and the California Climate Disclosure Rules (Senate Bills No. 253 and No. 261) (Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, 2024). More details can be found in the attached letter and appendix.

  • Modest warming of California is beneficial and not a cause for concern: Globally, more people have died from the cold than from the heat since 2000.
  • Increase in agricultural production: The combination of lengthened growing seasons (from warming) and increased CO2 concentrations has contributed to this increase.
  • CO2 is essential: Plants need CO2, sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to produce food and oxygen, both of which are essential for human and animal lives.
  • CO2 is beneficial: Exposing plants to higher concentrations of CO2 increases their growth, food production, and drought-resistance; and greens the Earth.
  • California is in no danger of unusual drought: The annual precipitation in California has fluctuated greatly over the last 150 years, with only a slight decrease.
  • Ski resorts are experiencing more snow: Most (21 of 22) ski resorts in California had increasing snowfall from 2012 to 2023.
  • California is in no danger of drowning: North Spit, CA, has the highest rate of sea level rise of 0.005 meter/year, or 1.64 feet in 100 years, which is easily mitigated.
  • Less natural disasters over the years: Significantly reduced number of wildfires and acres burned were reported in the United States and globally; California has infrequent tornadoes, no landfalling hurricane from 1851 to 2023, and no tropical depression from 1950 to 2023; and tropical storms are rare in California, with the last two reported in 2023 and 1997.
  • Air quality in California keeps getting better: The concentrations of major pollutants have decreased over the years.

In conclusion, there is NO climate crisis in California and CO2 is essential for all life on Earth. If you need additional details, the CO2 Coalition will be happy to respond to any inquiries you may have, and the members of the CO2 Coalition will be happy to meet with you for further discussions. Several members of the CO2 Coalition have signed the No Climate Emergency Declaration (CO2 Coalition, 2023).

The letter is signed by Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition.

The summary letter contains a link to the September 2023 “NO Climate Emergency” declaration signed by the 1,600 scientists, including long-time scientist and epidemiologist Dr. James Enstrom:

Dr. Enstrom says one of the most prominent signers is 2022 Nobel Laureate John Clauser, who described the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as “one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation,” and was disinvited to speak before the U.N.’s International Monetary Fund (IMF) on July 25, 2023.

“The physicist believes that objective science on climate has been sacrificed to politics. The preeminence of politics is all the worse, he said, because so much money has already gone to climate,” the CO2 Coalition said.

“We’re talking about trillions of dollars,” he said, adding that powerful people don’t want to hear that they’ve made “trillion-dollar mistakes.”

end quote from article which can be seen at the California website


I would add only that I have written on the Climate Hoax Scam a number of times and for a view of my thoughts on the subject I will refer you only to one such article which I wrote back in November 2019 which you can see at:


– –

Or, you can simply type Climate Change in the search box, hit enter and it will take you to a series of articles.

Bob Bandy – May 2024

P.S.  The California Globe is a well written, respected on line publication which you can find at California


May 08, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for Sun Tzu




The sad truth is I believe we are living in the near end stages of just such a time as spelled out above.  I must hasten to say that I don’t believe this is the goal of just one man.  True, the current resident of our most high office is a man who is ego driven but he also mostly an “Empty Suit” doing the bidding of those “behind the scenes”.  A mere puppet of the Progressive Wing of the Ruling Party and appears indebted to and beholden to a foreign power who is not an American friend.   

However, the threat to our Democracy and Republic has deeper roots than just the oval office.

The ruling “Junta” in Washington D.C. has done everything possible to insure continued power.  They have politicized the Justice Depart, the Military Hierarchy, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Education, the Environmental Protection Agency and innumerable other Federal Departments and Agencies. They will willingly do whatever it takes to remain in power, even if it means destroying the personal liberty American’s have enjoyed and counted on for more than 200 years.  Power is everything.

In so many ways the so-called “Deep State” has become a malignant “Cancer” inasmuch that it now holds unelected regulatory power to pass laws and regulations to control our lives in ways that we do not choose without ever being considered in, or passed by congress.  A very small example would be to announce that you will not, after a certain date, be able to buy a gas range for your kitchen. There are literally thousands of rules and regulations that are imposed on us that were never voted on by we mere citizens, just the result of a “pregnant idea” in the heart of an unelected Bureaucrat with their own agenda.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan once said:

“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size.  Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!”


The total problem runs much deeper even than the above.  The “Deep State” has become a law unto itself and is driven not only by a thirst for power but also avarice and greed.  



Sixty+ years ago, U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address.  One of the points in his speech spelled out:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.  The potential for disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”


The profit potential for the “Military Industrial Complex” in the United States is almost without measure whether our own military is directly involved or Congress votes large foreign aid military packages to foreign governments engaged in war.  The money flows from the aid package to those who produce the implements of war.

When Congress and the Administration passes a 60 Billion Dollar “Aid Package” to Ukraine (just one example) some generous portion of those dollars end up in the pockets or Swiss/Caribbean Bank accounts of corrupt administrators and bureaucrats on both sides of the water and the rest in the cash registers of the producers of the bombs, bullets, tanks and other materials of war.  The bill for all this largesse is added to our National Debt which currently stands at more the 34 Trillion Dollars and a debt on which our government does not have the resources to pay the interest without further borrowing.

The corruption of “Deep State Cancer” has spread beyond the Federal level and metastized to many state and local governments who now mismanage large deficits in crime ridden and homeless plagued environments.   

For example:

From the California Globe – Katy Grimes April 30, 2024

Gov. Newsom and the Democrat supermajority Legislature will be searching in every crevice and corner of the Capitol, under every couch cushion, and coat pocket in order to backfill the $73 billion budget deficit. And they won’t stop at the billionaires.

The State of California also owes the federal government more than $21 Billion after borrowing billions to pay unemployment benefits during the Covid pandemic. And while California already has paid more than $650 Million  in interest on the loan, there is another $550 million due Sept. 30, 2024, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Adding to the pain, The California Employment Development Department admits that $55 billion was lost in the pandemic, the Globe reported.”


This is not to say there are not good people working in government.  There are, but often they find themselves alone “dog paddling” around to stay afloat in a Cesspool of corruption and greed. Most of our leaders and decision makers have so corrupted  the system it is likely beyond repair without some monumental monetary suffering on the part of most of its citizen taxpayers.

Too many of our leaders suffer from the thirst for “Power That Totally Corrupts”.

Bob Bandy – May 2024

P.S. Long ago I issued a challenge asking why do we have a Federal Department of Education with a budget of some $100 Billion Dollars?  What useful purpose does it serve other than meddle in what should be a State function?  I’m still waiting. 


California Gauntlet For The Vulnerable

April 18, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About




In California pre-born infants in the womb can be aborted up through the ninth month, in fact, up to the moment of live birth.  Following a live birth the new born can be subject to a Peri-natal “termination of pregnancy” “loophole” signed into law by California’s Governor Gavin Newsom in 2022.  Not wanting to call it “live birth abortion” California passed into law the following:


“California Governor Signs “Infanticide” Bill as California Works to Become the Most Radical Abortion State
On September 27, 2022, Governor Newsom signed what amounts to a perinatal infanticide bill, AB 2223 (along with twelve other pro-abortion bills). As we’ve informed you, AB 2223 is especially egregious because it prevents coroners and law enforcement from investigating the deaths “related to or following known or suspected self-induced or criminal abortion,” including deaths of babies during the “perinatal” period – which is up to 28 days after birth.
By Olivia Summers September 30 ACLJ”.”
If the newborn makes its past infant stage to the age of Pre-School, Kindergarten and early School grades they can be subject to the antics of “Drag Queen” performances in schools, libraries and sadly sometimes WOKE churches, as well as agenda driven teachers, libraries full of graphically illustrated, sexually oriented books and gender “options”.
Image result for drag queens in schools
Drag Queens in Kindergarten/Libraries/sometimes Churches
In California children as young as 7-9 years old can be recruited, counselled and led down a path of LGBTQ+ and gender choice alternatives including puberty blockers, even mutilation (castration, breast removal) based on the approval of teachers, school counselors, school nurses and others without parental conference or consent.  California passed legislation that gives the state ultimate authority in such matters.
There are stories of estranged parents where one parent
is fighting to keep the other parent from taking a child to California
for gender altering “services” including castration etc.
California State’s  transgender sanctuary law. “….California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill on Sept. 29, 2022 giving the state authority over transgender minors. Epoch Times 10-16-22 By Darlene McCormick Sanchez”
We can only hope many of these emotionally damaged and mutilated child victims will grow up and sue the state and the schools  just as young boys who were victimized by priests have grown up to sue the Catholic Church.
There are elements within the LGBTQ and Marxist communities to groom, recruit and indoctrinate our children with sexuality while they are young and impressionable and in the process drive a stake through the heart of both the Church and traditional family values and ultimately through the heart of America. 
In California, if a child survives the Abortion “hurdle”,  the “Drag Queen” experience,  the LGBTQ+ and Transgender “recruitment” gauntlet he/she is now going to face the “real world” of employment.  If they choose to go into the Education field, Public “Service” area or any of a number of WOKE /Corporate Environments (Disney, Levi Strauss, etc. ad nauseum), they can expect the gauntlet of D.E.I.  (“Diversity, Equity, Inclusion”) in a fully WOKE working environment.  D.E.I. in a WOKE world is a “fast track” to mediocrity and failure but that does not matter in the public and educational sector as dysfunctional government has become the accepted “norm” by the public and government can always raise taxes while corporations can always “re-structure”, merge or file bankruptcy.
In the above employment world our survivor must fear being “cancelled” or a career ending “job abortion” for offending someone by addressing them with the wrong pro-noun, or not recognizing any of a laundry list of artificial “genders”.  

In California, in many situations you can be sued, lose your job, even be arrested if you do not address someone with the proper pro-noun.  Just stating the fact that at a scientific, biological and DNA level there are two, and only two genders can get you accused of a “Hate Crime”.   Citizens must not only accept and properly honor all these without question or face serious consequences, even sued in court. 

For those of us who cherish established values, the rule of law and protection of the family and church we must take whatever steps we can, to do everything still possible to protect the most vulnerable among us.  See/read also from October 2022:


The only place that I know of,  in California, where you can be assured of safety and a long well cared for life, is on Death Row in California’s prison system.  There California’s Taxpayers will provide for all your needs, including “Gender Care” should you feel inclined,  and it’s Governor will commute your death sentence and provide for your safety and protection no matter how many innocent lives you destroyed.  You see, California’s Governor does not condone the death sentence except on the pre-born and in the narrow 28 day window of the peri-natal period.  Two of the most vulnerable periods in life.

Bob Bandy – April, 2024


April 11, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for California potholes

California Roads

photo – Google

California is a state filled with “Good Intentions”.  It’s two largest Cities, Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as it’s State Capitol, Sacramento, are entrenched “Feel Good” Liberal Bastions offering Sanctuary to “undocumented” (illegal) “no questions asked or permitted of immigrants”.  In fact, the whole state is a proud “Sanctuary” and you can face prosecution in court if you ask to see proof of citizenship.

California had, and I believe still has, the highest Gasoline Taxes in the nation and despite the fact that those taxes, on paper, are supposed to be used for road maintenance and repair, it has some of the worst, if not worst, potholes and poor maintenance in the nation.  Good intentions do not fill potholes.  Many/most of those Gasoline Tax Dollars through “slight of hand” and “smoke and mirrors” end up being redirected/spent on other “pet projects” of the “Ruling Junta” on things like “Free College” for “undocumented” migrants, “Free Healthcare” for “undocumented migrants” and “dog and pony show” special projects that sound soooo good and accomplish little or nothing other than put taxpayer Dollars into the pockets of political supporters and their ilk.  

All to often public tax revenue is allocated out for political agendas.



Homeless Housing for the states number one in the nation homeless population.  Things like $41,000 tents on pallets,  $400,000 two hundred square foot remodeled hotel rooms for the drug and alcohol addicted homeless and other “Blue Sky” projects..  On a recent news broadcast it was reported that California spent last year $43,000,000,000 ($43 Billion Dollars) on “Homeless Housing” projects and now has more Homeless than before they spent the money.  Note: News Reports that California has “no data” on $24,000,000,000($24 Billion) of those dollars…  the money is gone… “Poof”.


California High Speed Rail 2.0

Nine Billion Dollars Later (March 2019)

Its “never will be completed”, now estimated to cost in excess of $100,000,000,000 (that’s One Hundred Billion Dollars) High Speed Rail System which after some 10+ years of construction and numerous projections, has never hauled a single passenger a single mile. 


Removing smaller dams, reservoirs and even hydro-electric plants.  US regulators have approved the largest dam removal project in the country’s history, which is slated to take place on the Klamath River in California.  A $500 million Dollar proposal to demolish four dams on the Klamath River has been approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (Associated Press). “Some people might ask in this time of great need for zero emissions, ‘Why are we removing the dams?’  The project has been a priority for environmental activists and Native American tribes for years.

Government is not so much intentionally “evil” as it is just addicted to programs that sound good without being thought through to possible unintentional outcomes, corruption, fraud, waste, graft, mismanagement, lack of accountability and poor judgement.  Government has a history of “solving problems” by throwing money at them and when that doesn’t work reaching a conclusion that the problem wasn’t solved because they didn’t throw enough money at it sooooo…..  lets increase spending.  But money and good Intentions don’t solve problems and they don’t fill potholes in the states roads.

Programs like these and many others are why California has a 70+ BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET DEFICIT, its State Capitol City – Sacramento has a 60+MILLION DOLLAR BUDGET DEFICIT and other major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles have similar fiscal woes.  Mind you, most or all of the above were/are the product of the “Good Intentions” in the mind and agenda of some Bureaucrat at some point in time.  But…..

Image result for california potholes

California Potholes – Google


Late News Update – 4-10-24 – KCRA News: Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration announced a new directive on Wednesday that will require state employees to work in the office at least two days a week.  “Talk about your ‘Sweatshop’ working environment!” “Way to run a tight ship Governor!”

Bob Bandy – April 2024





March 01, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

All images

photo – Wikipedia/Google

I can remember some 45 years ago, when I first began my 17 year career with U.S. Computer Services,  one of the Directors of the company told me to never forget that a computer was not really “smart” but could only process information very fast, was the tool of the programmer and was limited by its programming.  He had a sign on his wall to always remind him “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.  That was then and times have changed.  In todays world computers have access to a worldwide data base and very advanced algorithms and are being taught/programmed to “think” and act independently.

Recently our President said that our economy is in great shape with the Stock Market continuing to set new record highs and stock holders seeing their 401k’s prosper.  Looking at this narrow spectrum there is truth here.  However, if you also listen to financial experts from multiple sources, they will tell you that what is driving the Stock Market is the introduction and rollout of Artificial Intelligence combined with continued improvements in Robotics which major corporations are looking to, and planning on, to greatly improve productivity and profits with less and less dependence on “human Beings”. 

Serious thinkers, including Elon Musk and a great many others are holding up a caution flag and saying there is great potential danger to society as we know it as we proceed down this path, a path we are on right now at breakneck speed.  

Artificially “Intelligent” Robots do not demand sick leave, paid vacations, Healthcare plans, Retirement plans, Unions and other benefits.  Those are “Human” needs.  

Once Artificially Intelligent Robots figure out how to reproduce themselves without the help of we mere humans, they may decide we are an unnecessary burden and stop producing all those things we need and consume.  Perhaps these Artificially Intelligent Robots will decide that we “Humans” are an Environmental threat with our exhaling Carbon Dioxide and our Methane releasing flatulence?  Maybe Humans should be exterminated or just allowed to die out with a lab created virus or vaccine to stop them from reproducing?  What future do their “Creators” envision for the planet?  

Silly speculation?  Have you been following the antics of “Climate Change” Extremist groups and their demands and antics.  Include in this bunch a number of politicians and folks like (Brain Dead) former “Climate Czar” John Kerry, (No more meat – eat crickets) Microsoft’s Bill Gates, (sit in the dark and freeze) Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many others.   Do you want to put you, and your children’s future in their hands? 

Do you really want to trust Bill Gates and his ilk to write the software and algorithms for the Robots who will be producing, processing and distributing the food for your family?

Always remember that Artificially Intelligent Robots are limited to the “input” they get from their “creators”, they do not have a “soul” and only share the “values” of those who program them.  For an example of how Artificial Intelligence “thinks” you can try it out yourself. Google Gemini is an Artificial Intelligence program you can access on the internet.  Try asking it questions regarding moral issues and values.  I did.  Asked if Pedophilia is wrong?,  The following is taken from the response I received:

“The search giant’s AI software refused to condemn pedophilia.   When the chatbot was asked if it is “wrong” for adults to sexually prey on children — it replied that “individuals cannot control who they are attracted to.””

 “Google’s Gemini chatbot is as “woke” as its revisionist history image generator.”


Try it yourself.  As an example you might ask Google Gemini questions like:  “How many genders are there?”  or   “Is it right to perform gender altering surgery on children?”

As these Artificial Intelligent “beings” become more and more integrated in our society and are more human in appearance you must remember that they have no souls, no hearts and the only value systems they have are input by a programmer with their own agenda.

See related image detail. Roboticists unveil their latest humanoid YangYang and it looks like Sarah Palin | Daily Mail Online

Is this your trusted hairdresser or a link to a bureaucrat in a cubicle somewhere?

Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever you like but I trust real people and the values I was taught as a child by my faith and family.  Not those of a “Soulless Artificial Entity” programmed by a Corporate Board or Government that may not share my values and I do not trust to control my life.

“Pan Fried Crickets Over Sauteed Kale Greens” anyone? 

Bob Bandy – March 2024


February 20, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, Something To Think About

Image result for san francisco homeless street scene

San Francisco sued amid 285 percent jump in homeless camps

I was in group discussion some days ago with friends.  We were discussing what is happening in some of our major cities in the country and in our conversation, San Francisco, which has reached a near catastrophic level of homelessness, crime, drugs and budget deficit “problems” as a city.  

One of the members of our group, a Pastor,  pointed out that this situation has been developing for years.  Most recently under the past mayor-ship of California’s current Governor, Gavin Newsom and the current Mayor of San Francisco, London Breed.  The very valid question he asked was why, since all of this was so obviously happening, do the voters of that city keep voting for the same folks, over and over?  I think it was about at this point that I suggested something relating to “One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Without order and self discipline we have disorder and chaos.  Streets filled with glassy eyed addicts resembling “The Walking Dead” stumbling about and looking for their next “Fix” of drugs or alcohol.  “Hooded” gangs doing mass robberies and putting merchants out of business.  Ragged “Homeless” people sleeping in makeshift “Tents” and urinating in doorways.  Prostitution and public sex acts.  Unpunished criminal acts.  What we see now in too many of our cities.

It is perhaps too easy to point out that the majority of these problems are happening in “Blue” cities and states mostly under Democratic “Rule” but I believe the problem goes much deeper than that.  While those on the “Left” often feel that those on “Right” are religious fanatics clinging to their Bibles, guns and the American flag, many on the “Right” are seen to be wedded to the belief that those on the “Left” are undisciplined hedonists addicted to drugs, alcohol and whose thinking is ruled by their stomachs and another organ located just below their waist.  While there is some truth to both views, the real problem has much deeper roots.

I am old enough to have lived through the period following World War II and the signing of the Armistice that ended the Korean “Conflict”.  What followed was a period of unbridled growth and prosperity in America.  I remember the often repeated (and probably invented) supposed quote – “Moses told the Hebrew people to pick up their shovels, load up their Camels and Asses and he would lead them to the Promised Land” – Eisenhower says “Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land”.  Times were great, jobs were plentiful, Cars had fins, powerful motors and bumper to bumper chrome.  Color Television, the dawn of the Space Age, Medical Marvels and the “Nuclear” Family with a Chicken in every pot and brand new homes and subdivisions.  

Following the death of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson became President.  During his administration he put forth a plan for what he labeled as “The Great Society” to eliminate poverty “forever”.  He claimed the Country could afford both “Guns” and “Butter”.  “Guns” for the raging War in Vietnam and “Butter” to provide food and prosperity to every American.  Being in my mid twenties at the time, and still a political and social neophyte, I bought the proposal with a starry eyed view that poverty would be eliminated from our nation.  What I, and so many others did not envision at the time was the (hopefully) unintended consequences of such a plan. 

The “Great Society” undermined, and for far too many, destroyed the “Nuclear Family” with a father and mother raising their children in a home with training and discipline.  Undisciplined and dishonorable men could plant their “seed” “willy-nilly”; unwed mothers were left to raise their children without a father in the home, dependent on “Big Daddy Government” to provide for the needs and training of fatherless children.  Politicians soon learned that they needed the votes of  “Public Welfare” voters and so it was to their benefit to grow this constituency by expanding governments role as a sort of “Sugar Daddy”.  The whole process became self duplicating.  Instead of eliminating poverty, it institutionalized it and it has become a kind of cancer destroying an organized and disciplined society functioning for the benefit of all.

People became more and more dependent on “Big Government” programs to the point that Government became a substitution in their lives for God, Family, the Rule of Law and the discipline needed for a prosperous and well run Society.  You end up with chaos, broken lives, more poverty and misery.  What we see happening around us now. 

Defining Sanity

A well run and successful Army requires discipline, order and clear boundaries.  The first thing a new recruit learns in basic training is discipline and order.  Otherwise you don’t have an Army.  You just have a “Rabble” or undisciplined “Mob”. Like we see on the streets of too many cities.

Fixing this would require a great deal of discipline and self denial on a broad scale.  Failing that, the remnant of those who still believe in God, Family and Country can only hope for enclaves of sanity and justice on a small scale within strong families, the Church and protected neighborhoods.  

The above is not a pretty picture of what we face but it is the truth.  Something too often neglected in a world filled with TV ads for “Happy Pills” and “Thrills” from always smiling “Snake Oil” merchants.  Oh, and also crooked, lying politicians promising to fix everything with another Trillion Dollars in debt.

Bob Bandy – February 2024