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January 20, 2025 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


While I recognize the importance of many stated “Prime” “First Day” orders pending, I have my own vision of what I want to have first priority from the Trump Administration.  If I have one social agenda that I continually put forth, it is the protection of our nations most valuable asset……  our children.  I would like nothing more, or less, than a “Prime Directive” to come from the White House (as well as all State Government Capitols) to protect children from:

      1. So-called “Drag Queen” Pedophiles from performing in front of children.  Men who do this are nothing less than sexual predators and should be treated as such.

     2. Protect children from radical, activist “Trans-Gender” teachers and adults who want to groom and seduce children into sexuality and “gender choices”.  Children are not ready for adult choices and decision making. We do not allow them to drive cars, join the military, drink alcohol or vote for a reason.  Adults who try to steer them into radical lifestyle changes while still children through pharmaceutical or surgical (castration – mastectomies etc.) body changes are also predators and should be treated as such.  We have laws against Child Molestation and recruiting and grooming children for adult sexual decisions is no less damaging in my opinion.

The so called “Progressive” movement makes great claim to “following the science” but refuses to admit that on a medical, biological and scientific level you cannot change your gender.  You can “mess” with your plumbing but not your DNA.  So called Transgenderism is a mental and psychological condition, not a biological one. 

     3. We must stop trying to sexualize children.  Let them experience the joy and innocence of childhood and the early teen years.  Adult choices and responsibilities will come soon enough. 

I wrote an article some three plus years ago on this subject titled “Protecting The Most Vulnerable” and it is still true.  A copy of the article follows:




I am sure there are some out there who are going to be angry with me for what I am writing.  That’s okay.  Be angry.  I am past angry, I am outraged with what I see is happening in some of our schools nationwide to the young, vulnerable and innocent youth of America.  Our children are more important than your opinion of me.

First, let me say that I am not a “Gay Basher”, I do not hate Gay People or other members of the LGBTQ community.  I have worked with, shared food with and respected many of this group for many years.

I am writing about the latest militant activist generation of this group coming out of our new “WOKE” Colleges and becoming “Educators” in our Grade Schools with an agenda to indoctrinate and recruit CHILDREN into the Gay and Transgender elements of our society.

We do not allow CHILDREN to buy guns, get drivers licenses, serve in the military, be doctors or work in dangerous jobs for a reason.  They are not mature enough to make life changing decisions about something they do not understand.  Children do not understand sexuality and fall easy prey to teachers whom they respect. 

What I am witnessing that has me so irate is what is happening in some of our schools with the youngest and most vulnerable of our children.  I am talking especially about little ones in the K-6th Grade.

There are many well documented reports:

  • I have seen on television video clips of strident, militant LGBTQ Grade School Teachers bragging about how they love sharing their “orientation” with their grade school students.  “Teach them while they are young”.
  • Giving children instruction on how to choose their own preferred pro-nouns and choice of sexual identity.
  • Children in grades 3-6 being given graphic pictorial curriculum on sexual body parts and their functions – even reports of how to perform oral sex on one another.
  • Giving CHILDREN the knowledge of full acceptance of all types of sex in the LGBTQ community. 
  • Full support for those CHILDREN who decide they are Transgender and how to “transfer” to the sex of their choice.  In many locations the schools are making available the pharmaceuticals and other resources for CHILDREN, PRE-TEENS and EARLY TEENS to pursue these life changing decisions, often without parental consent.
  • In many, many locations throughout America Schools are restricting or prohibiting parents from access to these curriculum or any parental rights to exclude their own child from these materials.
  • A school is forced to permit a “suddenly” “Transgender” boy access to the girls Locker Room and Showers.

Are you angry yet?  Many people are very upset about what is happening but afraid of the power of those “pushing” this agenda, including Teachers Unions and the National LGBTQ Community.  Fear of being “Cancelled”, reprisals from employers, even government agencies that are in the “pockets” of the above powers.

We, me, you and all our fellow citizens and neighbors need to be (non-violently) pounding on the tables at School Board Meetings, writing, calling and challenging our elected leaders at all levels and speaking out boldly against this monstrous abuse of all our CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, NEIGHBORS CHILDREN and all CHILDREN everywhere. 

The above is pure evil.  Our CHILDREN deserve to be children and play as children.  They must not be rushed into the world of adult sexuality and the adult decisions that come with it.

Children our our most treasured and vulnerable asset.  We must protect them.  Be angry with me if you wish.  Hate me if you wish.  But, if you agree that our children must be protected, please share your thoughts, copies of this and similar articles with your family, your neighbors, your School Board, Educators/Teachers,  your elected officials, anybody who will listen and help stop this madness.

For those readers of Faith – Pray for our Children.

Bob Bandy – January 2025



December 26, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for Downward Inflation chart. Size: 151 x 100. Source:


There is a “sure-fire” way to reduce inflation and it is guaranteed to work.  Greatly reduce or eliminate taxes and fees by “government” on those who produce the things we need to live our lives. From toothpaste to gasoline to laundry detergent to the electricity that runs our air conditioners.  Everything we need, want and buy for day to day living.  

Politicians don’t want to reduce or eliminate taxes on these businesses because they have spent years telling us these companies, producers and corporations need to pay their “fair share” of taxes.  They know but won’t admit that these companies, producers and corporations don’t pay taxes, their customers (that’s us) do.  Taxes are just another cost factor in production.  For a simple example, people in California have been educated by politicians that Pacific Gas and Electric Company must pay their “fair share” of taxes.  The company has one, and only one, source of revenue to pay these taxes.  Their customers.  They don’t have an orchard of money trees. 

The same principal applies to all of the other things we consume in our lives.  The more you tax the folks who provide what we need, the more it will cost the consumer.  This “corporate tax” is another cost of production and, in the end, the consumer pays the tax indirectly to the government.

At the risk of being redundant, whether building a house or producing a tube of toothpaste, if Cities, Counties, States or the Federal Government add a “permit” cost, a fee or a tax, and whether the cost is $100,000 on a home building permit or 7 Cents on a tube of toothpaste, the “Bean Counters” in Accounting see it as a cost of production and add it to the end price of the product being sold.  They have to pass on those taxes and fees by adding them into the end price of the “stuff” they produce and sell to consumers. 

A Business or Corporations that does not show a profit for those who invest in them goes out of business.  Some will say just tax their profits but we already do that when profits are paid out to those who own the business or shareholders are paid profits.




To end on a lighter note, back in 2017 I wrote a satire piece about California’s never ending search for new taxes and fixation to combat Global Climate Change.  That article is reprinted below. Enjoy!


November 2017

scales 1

I have information from reliable but nameless and secret sources that the State of California is very near announcement of a two fold plan for a Fair Share Universal Tax to help fund the War on Global Climate Change.

First, in recognition that exhaling releases carbon dioxide gas which is a contributor to Global Climate Change,  every resident or visitor to the State of California will be required to have a micro chip implant that will both monitor and report each time they exhale to the State of California.

This data will be forwarded to the Franchise Tax Board who will calculate the tax due and be responsible for collecting the scheduled tax from “Breathers”.  At the time of this writing the tax rate being considered is one tenth of a cent per exhale.  This may seem  a paltry sum until one calculates that the average adult respiratory rate is about 15 times per minute or 900 times per hour.  Do a little math and the average cost of exhaling in California will be about 90 cents an hour or $21.60 a day.

This tax can be avoided by simply no longer exhaling and residents and visitors can take comfort in the fact that inhaling is still free.  At least for now.

For the Second phase of this battle consideration is being given to the fact that methane is also a contributor to Global Climate Change and it is the responsibility of all of us to pay our Fair Share Tax in the battle to monitor and reduce the release of this gas into California’s breathable air resources.

It is also a scientific fact that flatulence is a major contributor to the release of methane into the atmosphere. Therefore, California is creating a new agency to monitor and tax the unwanted release of this gas.  To fund this Board and its employees a new source of revenue will be created through the establishment of a Flatulence Air Resource Tax. (FARTax)

Under development is a new monitoring device to be worn by all residents and visitors on the rear upper portion of the thigh which will sense, tabulate and report to the Board all releases of methane gas by the wearer.

The Board will then forward this information to the California Franchise Tax Board who will be responsible for billing and collecting the approved tax.  At this writing a rate of $1.00 per release is under consideration.  Think of it as an exhaust gas tax.

Taxpayers can avoid this tax by simply not releasing any methane gas through the monitored process.

The State agency for this Board is reporting some difficulty in recruiting, hiring and training workers who will be responsible for checking and monitoring individuals at random to be sure they are wearing the methane release and sound monitoring device and that it is working properly.

Formal announcement of this new Fair Share Tax and implementation of monitoring should be released through the media within the next 60 days.

All tax rates are subject to review and increase depending on Battlefield Assessment Reports from the ongoing War against Global Climate Change and subject to review and correction by former Vice President Al Gore.

What could possibly go wrong?

Just for fun.


Bob Bandy – December 2024        



December 03, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Gavin Newsom – California Governor

photo – California Globe

California Governor Newsom is an empty suit.  A man of huge ambitions and little moral fiber who is a champion and supporter of things like the mutilation of children in the name of “Gender Care” which destroys innocent young lives and families.   The former Mayor of San Francisco left that city, the Jewel of the Pacific Coast, in a degraded condition, filled with drugs, crime and failing businesses due to his mis-management.  He is now doing to California what he did to San Francisco and has delusions of himself in the Oval Office of the President of the United States. 

I am reprinting below excerpts from an article by Katy Grimes in the California Globe – November 26 – 2024.  She does a stellar job of outlining how our governor is turning once beautiful  and prosperous California into a Socialist State in ruins.  


96.5% of New Jobs in California This Year Were Government Jobs – Apparently California is already a Socialist state

By Katy Grimes, November 26, 2024

While California Governor Gavin Newsom is traveling around the state gaslighting residents and the media about his purported successes, no one is doing business in the once Golden State. That’s because California is the only employer doing the hiring.

96.5% of new jobs in California this year were government jobs.

Is it any wonder so many people are fleeing the state?

Government jobs do not create wealth – they consume wealth and redistribute it because it is taxpayers who pay for all of it.

The Hoover Institution reported in August:

Between January 2022 and June 2024, employment in US private businesses increased by about 7.32 million jobs. Of these 7.32 million jobs, about 5,400 were jobs created in California businesses—representing about .07 percent of the US figure. Put differently, if California private-sector jobs grew at the same rate as in the rest of the country, they would have increased by over 970,000 during that period, about 180 times greater than the actual increase.

[Data is from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. For total jobs, see the data tool. The calculation for California private-sector jobs is derived from total jobs minus California government jobs.]

Apparently California is already a Socialist state.

There were just 5,460 private sector jobs in a state of 39 million people.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of people have been leaving the state, while illegal aliens have moved in. But they are not producers – they are dependents – dependent on the government and taxpayers for support.

“Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it,” economist Thomas Sowell explained. “Despite a voluminous and often fervent literature on income distribution, the cold fact is that income is not distributed: It is earned.”

The Hoover Institution reported:

It is well known that California has been among the worst-performing states in the country in terms of job growth. But the latest statistics show that nearly all jobs that are being created in California are government jobs. Between January 2022 and June 2024, total California jobs grew by about 156,000, with government jobs accounting for 96.5 percent of that growth.

California’s job creation record has been even more dismal over the last 18 months. Since January 2023, private-sector employment in the state declined by over 46,000 workers. California’s private-sector job collapse is unprecedented, and with the state representing nearly 12 percent of the country’s population, it is a drag on the nation’s economy.

Part of California’s job weakness reflects the number of people and businesses leaving the state. California’s population declined by about 75,000 between 2022 and 2023 (the latest data available), and a number of business headquarters have departed.


The above excerpts are from Katy Grimes article in the California Globe – the complete article is available on their website which is located at: california  Katy Grimes is an excellent journalist who does her “homework” in well researched, well written articles.  It is an honor to quote from her work.


As a native born Californian it saddens me to see what Governor Newsom has done to our once beautiful and prosperous state.  For my memories of what California was like in my early years here please visit my article at:

or type:  journey to the dark side   in the search box in the left column of this home page

“And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made”

(from “The Sound of Silence” – Paul Simon 1960)

Bob Bandy – December 2024





November 02, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Sit back with a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage and be prepared to be infuriated with your government gone wild on a glidepath to proficiency oblivion.  What follows is an article by Christopher F. Rufo on what happens when you try to institute D.E.I. at a Government Agency level.  THE FOLLOWING IS AN IMPORTANT READ IF YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW GOVERNMENT ACTS WITHOUT ANYTHING BEING RUN THROUGH CONGRESS OR WITHOUT PUBLIC INPUT OR APPROVAL.


How Gender Ideology Captured the State Department

An executive order prompted the agency to recast its mission.



The U.S. Department of State is charged with advancing American interests abroad through complex and delicate diplomatic missions, as well as maintaining the safety of those missions and the Americans serving them.

The institution’s lodestar should be the national interest, but under President Joe Biden, the State Department has demoted that critical objective in favor of a new global agenda: to spread radical gender theory to foreign nations.

The shift began at the top. President Biden and, in turn, the apparatus beneath him led America’s leftward charge on the world stage. Upon taking office in 2021, the administration used the previous year’s racial unrest as a pretext to issue a slew of executive orders and memoranda entrenching left-wing ideologies in all levels of the federal government, under the guise of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” or DEI.

As part of this initiative, the White House required each federal agency to submit detailed DEI progress reports regularly, appoint a chief diversity officer, and create “Agency Equity Teams,” whose leaders were tasked with “delivering equitable outcomes.” These requirements contributed to what the president called “an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda.”

The gender component of this agenda spread to the State Department through the president’s “Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World.” Published in February 2021, this memorandum directed State and other agencies to monitor closely and report on the “LGBTQI+” policies of our allies, to “broaden the number of countries willing to support and defend” the radical Left’s understanding of gender—for example, by funding pro-transgender “civil society advocates” in order to shift public opinion in those countries—and to tie in the principles of gender theory to America’s foreign-aid programs.

If necessary, the memo maintained, agencies should use “the full range of diplomatic and assistance tools” to ensure foreign governments’ compliance with this agenda, including “financial sanctions, visa restrictions, and other actions.”

The policy’s most visible expression was Secretary Antony Blinken’s 2021 authorization allowing American embassies to fly rainbow flags. This symbolic gesture was just the tip of the iceberg, however. Under Blinken’s leadership, State has woven critical theory into the fabric of America’s foreign policy. “I want to be crystal clear about this,” the secretary said upon appointing the agency’s first chief diversity officer in June 2021. “Promoting diversity and inclusion is the job of every single member of this department. It’s mission critical.”

To that end, Blinken spearheaded the adoption of an internal diversity plan that commits the department to hiring “a workforce that reflects the diversity of the United States . . . and implementing a comprehensive recruitment plan that targets underrepresented groups”; conducting a sophisticated “DEIA Climate Survey”; and, bizarrely, producing a “crowdsourced digital storytelling campaign” called #FacingDiplomacy, a self-flagellating chronicle of “the historic impact of discrimination in the Department.”

Material incentives ensure compliance with this official ideology: the “advancement of DEIA” is now considered “as an element for all employees as part of their job performance criteria, career advancement opportunities, and senior performance pay.”

The heart of the department’s effort, though, is not to increase adherence at home but to spread it abroad. State recruited a cadre of gender activists to entrench these theories into foreign policy.

One key figure is gender activist Jessica Stern, whom the president appointed as special envoy to advance the human rights of LGBTI+ persons. She was previously the executive director of OutRight Action International, helped to found the United Nations LGBTI Core Group, and was responsible for the first UN resolution to include the term “gender identity.”

Another key figure is Zakiya Carr Johnson, who stepped in as the department’s chief diversity officer earlier this year. Like Stern, Johnson also has a history of activism, having spent six years at a left-wing NGO in Brazil, as well as at other “inclusive” organizations, such as Atlantic Fellows, ODARA Solutions, and her own start-up, Black Women Disrupt.

These women are not figureheads. They aggressively press gender theory into foreign policy. Johnson, in particular, regularly promotes the State Department’s ideological agenda on social media, spotlighting her exchange with the Brazilian high representative for gender issues, meeting with the Chilean ambassador to applaud his “#FeministForeignPolicy,” or speaking at the Colombian embassy about “diversity” and “inclusion.”

The diversity agenda has been translated to the day-to-day operations at embassies around the world. Some embassies are even screening security positions for adherence to DEI. In a job posting for a security escort position at the U.S. Consulate General in Lagos, for example, applicants are told that “[t]he U.S. Mission in Nigeria supports Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA),” and that “[a]ll genders are welcome to apply.” Some two-thirds of the job summary is dedicated to DEI, as if U.S. security officers should be more concerned with gender pronouns than terrorist attacks.

Inside the embassies, gender has become a near obsession. State’s latest annual LGBTQI+ progress report lists countless present and future efforts across all foreign agencies to make the world safe for queer theory, from “Pride Events at Headquarters” to “Gender Equity in the Mexican Workplace.” Among these is a department-wide partnership with the Global Equality Fund, a public-private entity “dedicated to advancing and defending the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons around the world” that has directed funds to 116 “grassroots” LGBTQI+ organizations in 73 countries.

State itself asserts that U.S. diplomatic efforts should reflect progressive ideology. In a special report on “DEIA Promotion” by the department’s advisory commission on public diplomacy, State evaluates “how U.S. missions adapt existing programs to DEIA principles,” which are to inform “all aspects of the Department’s policymaking as well as efforts to address barriers to opportunity for individuals historically and currently burdened by inequality and systemic discrimination.” Realpolitik, in other words, should give way to critical theory.

These efforts raise a critical question: Does gender theory advance the U.S.’s national interests? The answer appears to be no. But that is hardly an obstacle for State’s gender activists. They want to hang the rainbow flag throughout the benighted parts of the world. This mission trumps all others.

Christopher Rufo is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

This article was originally published in City Journal


ARRRGH – This is what happens with unfettered government gone wild on failed ideology.  No public hearings. No debates in Congress. No voting by citizens.  They just do it with “Executive” decisions.  

Bob Bandy – November 2024



October 26, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for dIversiity equity inclusion

Within certain elements of our society there has become an almost “religious” obsession with the implementation of Diversity, Equity and inclusion.  As it is being implemented it would seem to guarantee “Equal Outcomes”  and universal equity.  On an emotional level it has a very seductive lure to it.  

I believe we have a Constitutional and moral obligation to provide all citizens with “Equal Opportunity” to succeed and to prosper.  



The term itself seems almost harmless and at a certain level a worthwhile goal.  Who can possibly object to universal equal positive outcomes?  Hence the “Lure”.


 The history of mankind has proven over and over that you can provide equal opportunity to individuals but you cannot guarantee equal outcomes.  We simply are not all the same when it comes to goals and ambition and willingness to work to achieve our individual vision.  If we try to implement DEI as a mandated goal the result is always the same.  You get an achievement level of the lowest common denominator.  The “Curse” of reality.  Human nature tells me there is no reason for me to work hard if my outcome is going to be the same as the “guy” who sits on his butt, does nothing and ends up with the same amount of “stuff”.

We often see DEI attempted by forced implementation in places like government agencies which are fertile grounds for DEI because the expectation of efficiency, performance and accountability has such a general low threshold of acceptability that it is easy to claim victory.  In the corporate world  many major corporations that were lured into the D.E.I./WOKE  “World” have found themselves in deep financial trouble and losing market share.  A few examples:  Budweiser, Levi Strauss, Disney, Harley Davidson,  etc.

In the real world of commerce, sports, education, the military and most endeavors it simply does not work.  In sports for example all competition would be very boring as all games would end up in a tie.  

Many writers and “thinkers” have expounded of the failings of D.E. I.  Below is an article I wrote and published in March of 2023.  


People line up outside of the shuttered Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) headquarters on March 10, 2023 in Santa Clara, California. Silicon Valley Bank was shut down on Friday morning by California regulators and was put in control of the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Prior to being shut down by regulators, shares of SVB were halted Friday morning after falling more than 60% in premarket trading following a 60% declined on Thursday when the bank sold off a portfolio of US Treasuries and $1.75 billion in shares to cover declining customer deposits.



(Rest in WOKE Peace)

To steal an old saying:

Giving Tens of Billions of Dollars to a bunch of WOKE Bankers

is like giving whiskey and your new car keys to a teenager.

The collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank has created some level of chaos in the Financial Markets.  I am no expert on banking and my own experience over the years has been that my own bank is not my friend and the most I can hope for is that they would keep my meager savings safe from robbers. 

We are told now that those who had money in Silicon Valley Bank will be reimbursed by the Federal Reserve even if their deposits exceeded FDIC Insurance limits.  The fact that many of these depositors were heavy Democratic Donors and had Millions of Dollars on deposit at SVP is, I am sure, a coincidence and had nothing to do with Joe Biden’s decision.  Our President has said this will happen without impacting taxpayers.  This is code speak to say the Federal Reserve with some smoke and mirrors will fire up the printing presses and simply print the Billions of Dollars to cover the losses of the banks failures.

It is widely reported in the media that the Silicon Valley Bank was proudly WOKE and practiced “Diversity – Equity – Inclusion” as a corporate theme.  I believe their resultant failure is what happens if you let your political and social agenda take priority over a sound business agenda.  Gets me to thinking……..

A new baseball season is starting and teams are forming.

Manager number one calls in his recruiters and scouts and gives them the following instructions:   Go find me players who want to play on a winning team.  Players who are focused on being the best and work hard at it for the good of the team and their fans.   We want players who can excite the crowd with their excellence on the field that will bring the fans back game after game wanting more.  I don’t care what color they are, what their nationality is, what their religion is, what they do in their free time, what their politics are or their sexual orientation.  Keep all that off the field.  Whether we are at practice or in a game we are a team and play as a team with a common goal.  Never lose sight of the fact that we are on that field to play Baseball, not make political statements.

Manager number two calls in his recruiters and scouts and gives them the following instructions: This is the 21st Century and we want to build a team that “looks like America”.  Find players who are an obvious cross section of our Diversity – Equity – Inclusion goals.  Recruit equal numbers of  Black, Brown and White players and be sure to include a token Asian.  We want to show fans a cross section of Transgender, Gay, and physical diversity.  At the end of each inning have the players rotate to new positions so they get the full benefit of “Inclusiveness”. All practice sessions will include Critical Race Theory training as well as Gender Options Studies and, of course, lessons in Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness.  We want players who are socially involved.  Players will be excused from practice to attend important events such as “Climate Change”, Black Lives Matter and similar rally’s.   Players should be encouraged to promote their “Diversity” on and off the field and especially when interfacing with the media.  Players need to understand that it’s not important whether we win or lose a game.  Our goal is to showcase “Diversity – Equity – Inclusion” to educate fans attending the game.

Which team do you think has the best chance to win a championship?

Now apply these same principles to our Military and other public service where real teamwork and common goals are critical.  If your first priority is having a WOKE agenda of Diversity – Equity – Inclusiveness what you end up with is what we in the military used to call a group of monkeys playing football. 

Are you scared yet.

Image result for monkeys with A Football. Size: 115 x 100. Source:

Bob Bandy – October 2024


October 08, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About



The Congressional Godfather of Lies and “Dis-information” is in the news saying we must find a way to stop the spread of Dis-information by his political opponents on the “Right”.

This from a man who swore for three years that he had solid hard evidence that Donald Trump  had conspired with the Russians.  Turns out he had a fistful of nothing except a pattern of lies. 

“Schiff warns of Russian attack on US Mainland, as Day 2 of of Trump’s Senate impeachment trial concludes.”

Above Quote Source: Fox News 1-22-20

He further committed perjury during the House of Representatives quest to have President Trump impeached by introducing into the Congressional Record a supposed incriminating dialog between President Trump and the President of the Ukraine.  This was later shown be a total fabrication on the part of Adam Schiff and another of his lies. 


John Kerry – Slick Times

In Adam Schiff’s quest to muzzle his political foes he is joined by John Kerry who on his best days is a misguided Al Gore “wannabe” Buffoon who travels the world in his private jet to lecture us on how we should give up our gas cooking stoves to “Save the Climate”.  While he wants you to freeze in the dark, he never lectures the Chinese or people of India, who comprise some 30 – 40% of the worlds population, about their building coal fired power plants as fast as they can.


I have lived for some 50 years with various “Prophets of Climate Armageddon” and their prophecies which all turned out to be “Dis-information”.  Below are excerpts from one of the articles I wrote back in 2019:


The complete article is available at:

Lets look at the record of some of the “Prophets of Doom”.

The Population Bomb – a best selling book written by Stanford University Professor Paul Ehrlich (and his wife Anne, who was not credited) in 1968 predicted worldwide famine in the 1970’s and 1980’s due to overpopulation, as well as other Societal upheavals unless immediate steps were taken to limit population growth. At the time there were some 3.8 Billion people on earth and today the number is more like 7.6 Billion. Statistically, hunger is no greater problem now than it was then. Paul Ehrlich was wrong but created near panic in sections of the population due to his predictions.

In the 1970’s “Scientists” predicted an imminent Global Cooling trend leading to a new “Ice Age”. One view of this prophecy can be seen in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004). This prediction was given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, The National Geographic and the news media. Instead, what actually happened was a slight warming trend. The so-called “Scientists” and “Experts” were wrong again.

Perhaps one of the biggest “hucksters” of all is former Vice President Al Gore who has made a fortune with his book, “An Inconvenient Truth” – 2006, and his following exploitation and “marketing” of his conjecture, all of which was supposed to happen long before now. Let’s look at some of his “predictions” and “science” while on his way to the bank:

1. Rising Sea Levels – inaccurate and misleading. Both Al Gore and former President Barack Obama have since bought Beachfront Mansions

2. New Ice Age in Europe – they’ve been spared; it never happened.

3. South Sahara Drying Up – completely untrue.

4. Massive Flooding in China and India – again, didn’t happen.

5. Polar Bear Extinction – The Polar Bear population is increasing.

6. The Earth would be in a “True Planetary Emergency Within a Decade Unless Drastic Action was Taken to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses” – never happened.

Al Gore made many other predictions. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Still he has created a huge following of “true believers” and a near panic in some quarters.

Now we have the newest prediction as shared with us by Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and others that Civilization is Doomed within 12 years unless we immediately adopt their “Green New Deal” which will supposedly cost between 50 and 100 Trillion Dollars over the next ten years.

They have succeeded in causing panic among a large portion of the population with their “Progressive” agenda and even caused many prospective mothers to declare they will no longer have children because they to not want to bring babies into a world that is doomed to extinction in a short period of time. This is junk science and prophecy gone mad. Such fear mongering is beneath contempt. Shame on them.

Patrick Moore – Former President of Greenpeace has stated it well: “There is no definitive scientific proof through real-world observation that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of global climate which has occurred during the past 300 years.” He rejects the “science is settled” and “the debate is over” statements so popular in worldwide media.

I read the other day that 97% of “Research Scientists” will provide those who pay for their research with whatever statistics they are looking for in their political agenda.  This is probably also “dis-information” but I am cynical enough where politicians are at work to think it is likely mostly true.

Bob Bandy – October 2024