It is obvious to folks of all political persuasions that our President, Joe Biden’s mental acuity is fading rapidly. I say this not in derision but in some measure of pity.
Soon, members of his ruling party will need to make a decision to invoke the 25th Amendment to the Constitution regarding incompetency of the President. I would guess this decision is on the near horizon and will be exercised sooner rather than later.
When that happens the Vice President, Kamala Harris will be sworn in as President.
This is a person who also ran for President but did not secure a single delegate in the primary races. She was unable even to carry her home state of California. Her former paramour, Willie Brown, previously California State Assembly Leader and San Francisco Mayor, would not endorse her. She does not have the backing of a significant portion of the Democratic Party.
Many believe that though Joe Biden supposedly chose her for a running mate because she “checked off two boxes” as both a woman and “minority’, the real reason he chose her is because he perceived her to be an even weaker leader than he is.
If placed in the Presidency we can expect President Kamala Harris to begin to fade away in a very short time. The powers that be in her party will need to find a way to give her a final “nudge” to the sidelines. Perhaps with help from the Bill & Hillary Cartel. Or, perchance you think Hillary will look with favor on Kamala becoming the first woman president? The Clinton’s have a knack for making no longer wanted folks to exit stage left.
When this happens, and I don’t expect a lengthy time in the Oval Office for Ms. Harris, the party will need to again invoke that convenient 25th Amendment and remove her from office.
Lets see. Under the Constitution who is next in line for the Presidency?
Drum Roll please………….
You got it. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi.
Timing is of the essence. Keep in mind the Democrats need to complete this plan of succession before the 2022 mid-term elections when it is just possible they might lose control of the House of Representatives.
Anybody out there want to try and convince me that this was not the Party Plan from the beginning?
The Biden Administration recently announced they were forming a new department within the Justice Department. A “Pre-Crime Investigation Bureau”. The goal of this new agency is to identify, investigate and monitor individuals and groups who might engage in activities that would threaten the tenure of those in power.
A sort of Americanized version of the KGB or other “Secret Police” type internal “Spy Network”. North Korea, eat your heart out. In this way they can target and eliminate individuals and groups that don’t agree with their Utopian Progressive Movement before those individuals or groups can act.
They will be “making a list and checking it twice” to make sure you and I don’t wobble from the official government dogma.
For example: Were you ever a Donald Trump supporter? You just made the list. Were you now or ever a neighbor of a Donald Trump supporter? Bingo! Were you ever at a Trump Rally? Gotcha!
Ever been to one of those Pro-Second Amendment Rally’s? Home run, move to the top of the list.
Are you a supporter of requiring voters to provide identification at the polling booth? That will make you an instant target of investigation.
Are you one of those that believe “Critical Race Theory” should not be “force fed” to our children, is divisive and in fact a textbook definition of Racism in and of itself? Expect a visit from a “Pre-Crime SWAT Team”.
If you are suspected of any of the above, or numerous other Anti-Progressive – dare I say Marxist – violations of the ruling Party’s ideology, you can expect a very thorough “anal” examination of your life and movements.
Remember, “Big Brother” has their spy’s, cameras and microphones everywhere, including in your home. Is that really just a regular mirror or is there a camera or spy behind it? Is there a microphone in that flower pot? Is that a Sparrow on the window sill or one of those new drones? Had a feud with relative or neighbor who just might share one of your “sins” with some “friendly” government agent or agency?
You see, now you no longer need to commit a crime to be investigated or prosecuted. Government plans to “nip it in the bud” by taking you out while its still in the Pre-Crime state. You may not have committed that crime but “Big Brother” knows you will commit a crime, you just don’t know it yet.
Of course the Biden Administration is only doing all this for your own good.
Feel better now? Maybe you might want to share this good news with a neighbor or friend.
Obi-Wan Kenobi at Mos Eisley Spaceport
(1977 Star Wars IV)
Watching Star Wars IV with my wife the other night for the umpteenth time, I was again amused at Obi-Wan Kenobi’s comment to Luke Skywalker on their arrival at the Mos Eisley Spaceport. Obviously Obi-Wan never visited Washington D.C..
Sometimes it is better to find humor and satire than it is to become despondent.
At this time our Nations Capitol is surrounded by a metal fence topped with razor wire and several thousand armed troops.
This leads to the question: Are the troops there to keep the residents in or to keep we citizens out?
If it is to keep the residents confined in, then I applaud the action and would suggest we even add to this population inmates now occupying other jails and prison facilities from around the country. I am sure all these folks would feel right at home and extend “Professional Courtesy” to one another since they share the same moral standards. The thieves, perjurers, scoundrels, snitches and riff-raff from the nations jails should find comfort and acceptance with the assortment of clowns, criminals, lunatics and riff-raff who inhabit Congress. A sort of mutual admiration society and win-win situation.
If the goal of the fencing and the troops is to keep “us” out, one would have to wonder why? Is there something they don’t want us to see?
Remember the Cantina scene in Star Wars IV?
Could this be our Congress at work?
Could that be Nancy Pelosi center stage behind the podium?
Just think of the opportunity of having the whole “Washington Cartel” of corrupt and morally bankrupt politicians “corralled” behind wire and troops in one place with the exits sealed. Add to that the joy of them rubbing elbows with their “own kind” from jails and prisons around the country. Something to dream about.
On a more serious note.
Right now, today, Congress seems bent on taking away rights guaranteed by the constitution – Free Speech for example.
At this time, today, we still havethe Right Guaranteed in the First and Fourteenth Amendment to Freedom of Association.
There are two types of freedom of association: the right toexpressive associationandthe right to intimate association.
Additionally, the First Amendment protects a right to associate and a right not to associate together.
In “Country Boy English” this means I have the right to associate with those individuals, groups, businesses and organizations I want to associate with and equally important I have the right to Not associate with individuals, groups, businesses and organizations I choose not to associate with for any reason I choose.
I look for Congress and various groups to try to reduce or eliminate this Right of Association but am hopeful any such effort by them might be one that would be hard to police and enforce. For myself, I am prepared to take a stand on this Right of Association no matter the cost.
In the process of living in the current hostile environment coming out of our Nations Capitol, and sadly many States Capitols, I am encouraged by the lessons taught in that Classic Film: Fiddler on the Roof. The goal is to keep your faith and endure, all the while enjoying life to the fullest extent possible in a challenging environment.
Bob Bandy – March 2021
I have squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises, all lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. Paul Simon – The Boxer 1969
With full credit to the author and to the Babylon Bee. I love it.
Author Frank T Rutherford hits the nail on the head with this piece.
Op-Ed: Today’s Youth Simply Don’t Have The Work Ethic To Build The Gulags Needed For Their Communist Ideals
When I was young, there wasn’t nothing scarier than the Commies. They were out there, waiting to destroy all freedom and destroy all the world in a nuclear holocaust. You know, a real problem — not like everyone worrying about it getting a couple degrees hotter because of some so-called global warming.
Now, we thought we ended Communism in the ’80s, thought we strangled the last of them for their bad economic ideas, but we were wrong. Because we raised our kids wrong (part of letting everyone go hatless), they’ve started to embrace Communism. Suddenly we got Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in government — full of Commie evil — and the red menace is back.
Initially, I was excited. After Communism, we didn’t really have a good enemy. No one thought them Islamic terrorists were going to actually take over the world. Communists are a real enemy — worthy of America — but then all my hopes were dashed when I took a good look at these new Commies.
They suck.
They’re all just a bunch of lazy, whiny morons. I mean, the Commies of old were stupid and evil, but they at least knew enough to be a threat, like how to build a gulag. I doubt these Commies could build a desk from IKEA without having their mom help them. And they ain’t building no nuclear bombs, because they haven’t read any books on nuclear physics. I doubt they’ve even actually read Marx — ‘cause it ain’t got no wizarding school in it. All these Commies want to do is whine about how they have to pay rent.
Could you imagine Rambo going after these Commies? They’d just be running for their safe spaces. They ain’t going to take over the world; I doubt that Ocasio-Cortez could tie her own shoes without making a mess of it. And they ain’t going to execute dissidents — they’re just going to get you kicked off Twitter then order themselves some avocado toast and call it a day. They are a disgrace to the Commies from the good old days — whom I hated but have respect for.
What those Commies need to do is stop shouting about Russia and Trump and go talk to Putin and ask him nicely how to be big, good, scary Commies. They need to put down their phones and stop their tick-tocking and learn how to be proper, evil Commies — the threat America deserves. And then they need to come back here and try to destroy this country and its freedoms properly — Red Dawn style — so we can have the big war against Commies this country needs.
They need some self-respect. And then I’ll finally strangle them. For being Commies.
President Elect Joe Biden has announced that he will be putting John Kerry in the position of “Special Envoy on Climate Change”. An interesting choice.
In the past John Kerry has been unkindly likened to the butler “Lurch” in the old Addams Family series (1964-66). I say unkindly but in many ways the part of Lurch, played by actor Ted Cassidy, demonstrated more charm and wit than former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry seems to possess.
In my own mind John Kerry appears more like a humorless and inept caricature of Cosmo Kramer from the Seinfeld Series (1989-98).
An unremarkable Senator and never more than a “Yes-Man Bobblehead” for the inept foreign policy of the Obama Administration. He bumbled and stumbled and fumbled his way from one assignment to another serving as Secretary of State (2013-17).
“Jan 15, 2020 The Boston Herald· John Kerry, sucking up to the Iranians, is ending his long political career the way he began it, and that is by befriending the country’s enemies.”
Again – Jan 15, 2020 The Boston Herald – “If the mullahs in Tehran want to get on President Trump’s good side, they could start by returning the billions they extorted from a willing Barack Obama.”
Thank you John Kerry for doing your part.
Other than what he has been spoon fed as “Pablum” Climate Change propaganda from “Man Made Global Climate Change” so called “experts”, I suspect he has little to no knowledge on the subject.
“Experts”, for example like our former Vice President and self made charlatan Al Gore who predicted the end of civilization as we know it by the year 2000 unless we did exactly as he told us to do. We didn’t and it didn’t. In the process he made himself a multi-millionaire and bought a beach front mansion with his get rich quick charade which he still peddles to this day to his Kool Aid drinking sycophants.
I seriously doubt that John Kerry can set a temperature on his own heating and cooling system without help.
“Does climate change? Of course. If we had been alive 10,000 years ago, the majority of us would have been up to our butts in year round glaciers, ice and snow. Today, large areas of the upper United States are flat lands created by glacial action. Thankfully, climate has changed and continues to change with warmer and cooler periods.” (see “Junk Science Ala Carte” – SPTW November 23, 2019).
The fact is our planet is 70% covered in oceans and of the remaining 30% man occupies a tiny fraction of 1% of the land area and lacks the ability to effect the climate by more than an almost immeasurable amount. Natural Solar cycles and volcanic action contribute much, much more to climate change.
But if, repeat if, John Kerry really thinks he can make a difference then let him take on the real polluters, China and India who have been all but exempted from the Paris Climate Accords till the mid 2030’s. If he can’t do that then what can he hope to do other than eliminate a lot of jobs here in the United States.
Fact is, the United States does not have now, and will not have even 75% of the ability to provide our electrical and energy needs from solar and wind sources until at least 2050.
Have any of these “Green New Deal” zealots told us how, if you put everybody into electric cars, those cars and their batteries will have electricity pumped into them at the end of each day and from what source?
Of course, a Biden choice like John Kerry seems to be the “norm” for the coming Biden/Harris presidency which appears to be trying to re-create the Obama Administration. Is former President Obama going to have a desk in the Biden Whitehouse?
Shall we be looking forward to Obama 3.0? Ambassador Hillary Clinton? Secretary of State Michelle Obama?
Our Constitution was written in great part to provide a guarantee to all Americans certain Rights and Freedoms. The First 10 Articles/Amendments to the Constitution spell these out clearly.
While a number of these Amendments are under attack by various groups, organizations, companies and quasi-government agencies as well as on the campus’s of many of our Colleges and Universities, this writing is particularly directed at the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.
Article I – First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Companies like Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and many College’s and “Movements” have now decided they should be in charge of what we are allowed to read or say and have developed their own “Truth Bureaus” and filters on what is, and is not allowed to appear in print or spoken in public forums and, coming soon, in your homes and private gatherings.
Expect Churches, especially Christian Churches to become even more restricted or very tightly monitored and regulated. Already Pastors and Ministers must be careful of what is said from the pulpit for fear of bringing on the wrath of the Dark Lords in Sacramento, Washington D.C. or headquarters of powerful, influential groups with their own social agendas.
I am quite sure that they would censor our very thoughts if and when it becomes possible and I believe they are working on it in their “Dark Chambers of Horror”.
It’s all about control. Think George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and “Big Brother” (published 1949 by Secker & Warburg).
Can a “Borg Progressive Collective Society” be far behind? (in the Search box type – The Borg Initiative – for an article I wrote back in March 2019 on the theme of central command and control .
This could all seem like just a scary intellectual exercise if the potential impact on our freedom was not so deadly serious.
So how do we deal with this seemingly unstoppable march to control what we are allowed to say, write and eventually even think? I’m not sure. So far I have come up with three possible scenarios.
#1. Go ahead and speak your mind. Expect to be sent to a Chinese Communist inspired “Re-education Labor Camp” sponsored by a Consortium backed by Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, the “Deep State”, Hollywood, “Mainstream” Media, “New Age” Academia and “Uber Billionaires” like George Soros. After some time at one of these camps you will emerge as a glassy eyed drone chanting a Mantra of how much you love Political Correctness, all the while with downcast eyes and carefully folded hands while closing each repeat of the approved Kumbaya Mantra with a soft “Yes Master”. You will no longer be burdened with the need to think for yourself.
#2 Go off the “Grid” and move to a remote place in the frozen tundra of Alaska, a place in the desert or deep woods or any other hard to reach location. None, or only minimum communication with this “Progressive Approved United States”. My personal favorite is the “Cabin in the woods with a good dog, fishing gear, good guns, my wife and a minimum two year supply of staple goods. However, as attractive as this option sounds I must admit my advanced years would make such a rustic retreat a real challenge.
#3 Pay someone to steal my identity. That way those in charge of our “Brave New World” of total Government Control could make life miserable for whatever poor soul is now stuck with my “old” identity. Since I live in California I could then clothe myself in secondhand clothing, wander into the nearest State office, tell them, in broken English, I am here ill-legally from an unnamed foreign land, without papers or documentation of any kind. Give them an untraceable name (remember no documentation is required). Maybe I could become Phineas Ulysses Phartswehl? In California it is against the law to question Citizenship and I can then demand directions to the nearest State facilities where I can receive free public aid, free housing and free medical care. California, with its “Open Borders” laws is a wonderful place to “get lost in” if you are “on the ‘Lam’. As a bonus, maybe whoever paid to take my “old” identity could help pay for all this with his tax money. Win-Win!
Given time I am sure I, or one of my readers could come up with other alternatives. Move to Paraguay anyone?
Just a thought but you might want to save this article to a thumb drive, separate hard drive or printed copy before Google – et-al decide to have the ghouls in their “Truth Bureau” edit it for content and you end up with a page of “Kumbaya” implanted on your mind.
This site contains 190+ articles/essays written over a period of about twelve years.
In full disclosure I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I am registered as “not affiliated” with any party. Mostly, I would like government to leave me alone and stay out of my wallet.
I am against racism in any of its forms, oppose violence, abhor hypocrisy and especially despise being lied to. Maybe that is why so many of my “rants” are directed at the folks in the “Halls of Power”!
For a bit more about me, my values and a little history of my early life in California just type Journey into the “Search” box on the left side of this page and hit enter on your keyboard.
These articles are a kind of diary of my thoughts and views of happenings in our culture at the time of their writing.
I usually try to find some humor in what is happening but that is not always possible.
Feel free to like them, hate them, share them or forget them. The choice is always yours. Hope you get a smile or two.
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Comments are only open on a limited number of articles. Even so, the sheer number of comments submitted are simply impossible for me to read though I do try to scan them and approve as many as possible. All comments with embedded websites either have the website address removed or are not allowed. I just don’t have the time to “proof” unknown websites to allow or remove the ones I deem unfit for my site. I get literally thousands of comments per month and there are just not enough hours available to read each one. Thank you for your understanding. Bob
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Bob Bandy
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