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Archive for the ‘Humor’


January 10, 2022 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

I have over the years posted some two hundred plus articles on this site.  while I appreciate all comments, both pro and con, time and space does not allow comments on all articles and I simply do not have time to read every comment.  I try to speed read as many as possible and the short pithy ones get most of my reading attention.   

My articles and website is much shared on the web, thank you, and I get thousands of comments on those articles where comments are allowed.  I cannot begin to publish all of them.  I say this because some articles elicit more comments than others.

The two articles I have received the most comments on are “Boiling the Frog”, which was my signature article for my book, and “Momma Tried” which I first published in August, 2019.   Since publication “Momma Tried” has received many thousands and thousands of comments and it is still one of the most shared and commented on articles from this site.  Some days I have received, and still receive, more than fifty comments on “Momma Tried”.

I am republishing it here because the message is still appropriate and our Civic Leaders don’t seem to have learned anything in the last two years.  Sacramento, California for example recently voted an 800 Million Dollar plan to deal with the homeless.  A major part of this plan includes relocating them to “new”, currently uncontaminated areas of the city, including residential areas and suburbs.  Other major cities continue with the same “brain-dead” plans they have tried before.

Hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends if you do. 





Recently while watching a documentary on prisons and prisoners, I saw a prisoner with “MOMMA TRIED” tattooed across his chest.

It got me to thinking. And, no I am not talking about the unfortunate homeless living on the streets.

I am talking about the City Administrators of these cities, like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and, yes, sadly Sacramento and too many others.

Yesterday, I heard on the news that San Francisco was going to provide elevator operators in buildings because the “homeless” have been using elevators as public toilets.

I am ashamed to admit that in a moment of anger I would like to take these so-called “Administrators” and “Guardians” of their citizenry, and have “MOMMA TRIED” tattooed across their foreheads.

Their first duty is to provide the citizens of their city with safety in a clean, healthy environment – not hold meetings and talk about grandiose plans which will cost a gazillion more taxpayer dollars and in the end not produce the desired result. I have heard on the news that the State of Washington has spent a Billion (with a “B”) Dollars on homeless plans and the situation on the streets of Seattle are, if anything, worse.

Here is a two step plan to clean the streets:

First, provide Charter Buses to relocate these poor, miserable people living in filth and degradation to new, clean and prosperous locales. May I suggest places like Marin County (home of Nancy Pelosi), Malibu, Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Hollywood and other places filled with those smart, politically connected folks who believe they have all the answers for all problems. Be sure they arrive with a nice box lunch, map of the area of their new “home” and a crisp new $100 bill.

Second, using scrapers, loaders and dump trucks, remove the debris and trash from the streets. Then Fire Hose the remaining human waste and filth into a containment location (similar to the ones required on construction sites) and have it “sucked” up and disposed of in a sanitation facility. Preferably one in Marin County etc..

After completing these steps put up signs (in multiple languages) that henceforth the streets will be water-blasted on a regular basis for public health and safety reasons on an unannounced basis as needed. Then do it.

Problem solved at far less cost than all those “solutions” provided by those “Administrator” meetings.

Sorry about the “MOMMA TRIED” tattoo crack. Most of those Administrators foreheads are probably too narrow for it anyway.

Bob Bandy – (August 2019)


December 28, 2021 By: bob Category: Humor


This is written under the category of “Humor” for a reason.

We all need to lighten up a little and learn to laugh at ourselves.

The Federal Government and various Colleges and Universities have spent Hundreds of Millions of taxpayer and student loan dollars on “Gender Studies” and research over a period of years.

It is rumored that the “final” conclusions from all this fact finding and money spent were  so  surprising and perhaps controversial, and may I say for those doing the studies a shock  that they decided to bury the report in a previously abandoned Nuclear Missle Silo in the mid-west guarded round the clock by heavily armed troops.

Never the less, and despite all the care given, a single copy of this report fell into the hands of a “whistle blower” who has leaked it to our undercover agent.

To the great consternation of all the researchers it was finally concluded and scientifically established  that, contrary to all publicly pronounced protocol and human wishes, there are two and only two genders.  Male and Female.

Despite the efforts of some states and localities to encourage parents of newborns to leave blank the gender line on newborn birth certificates so that said newborn can come back at a later date, after they have decided what gender they want to be (from a creative list of 20+ options) and fill it in with the self chosen gender of their choice.  However, that newborns true gender will remain the same as it was at birth at a biological, chromosome,  genetic and DNA level throughout his or her life.

It was also established that the term “Trans-Gender” is not a gender.  It would be more appropriate to title it the “Wannabe Gender”.  An example would be large, strong athletic males who “wannabe” dominate in women’s sports.   It simply describes those of one gender who desire to be a member of the other gender for any of a number of reasons.  Despite wardrobe changes, good intentions, bad intentions, “plumbing” changes, hormonal treatment and all manner of “smoke and mirrors, if a self styled “Trans-Gender” has the cruel misfortune to die in such a way as the only option to identify them lies with a medical examiner and DNA analysis, the final report will show they were either male or female.  There is no such thing as Trans-Gender DNA.  Sorry.

Dogs, cats, horses, cows, chickens or people.  There are two genders. 

You can have all the fun you want, even invent new social constructs and groups but…


Too bad about all those hundreds of millions of dollars spent on research.

……. God created mankind…… male and female He created them.     Genesis 1:27

Bob Bandy – December 2021



November 26, 2021 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About


The news tells us that our Government is spending more and more dollars it does not have and uses phrases like “Don’t worry it’s all paid for” and we are going to “Tax the rich to pay for it”.  This is all just lies and propaganda and anyone with an I.Q. above room temperature knows its a lie and that even if they did tax the so called rich at 100% you could not finance all this spending for more than a month or two and then what?

Here’s what.  Our government has run up so much debt that it cannot afford to pay even the approximate 1% interest it is now paying on Government “Treasuries” (Debt Bonds) and there are not enough stupid investors that want to buy a $10,000 Government Bond paying 1% interest with inflation rates topping 5 1/2%.  Bonds with negative earnings potential after inflation used to be called “Junk Bonds”.

Even if we accept the lie that inflation is “only” 5 1/2%, a $10,000 Bond is worth only $9,450 post inflation value at the end of a year.  If you add back in the 1% interest the bond pays ($100) you end up with $9,550. 

Put another way, one year later it will take $10,550 inflated dollars to buy what $10,000 would buy you a year earlier.  Think of these bonds as financial quicksand.

Even though our Nations Capitol is obviously well stocked with unindicted Fiscally Criminal Legislators,  Only a moron would invest in a Ponzi scheme like this and these folks are not stupid enough to invest in their own legislative malfeasance.  So, what’s a government to do?

Here is what your government is doing.  Using a shadow term like “Quantitative Easing” the government continues to issue debt bonds under cloak of darkness which are being purchased with a lot of “smoke and mirrors” by the Federal Reserve system who is simply printing the money and putting it into circulation to “pay” for all the government spending.  This of course creates more and more inflation.  As time goes by you end up with an inflation spiral that makes all those dollars you worked so hard to save worth less and less.   In post WWI Germany it got to the point it took a wheelbarrow full of virtually worthless currency to buy a loaf of bread.  In Venezuela the citizenry are forced to eat their pets or starve.

Sort of makes you want to invest your life savings in Government Junk Bonds that lose a net of 4 1/2% in value each year doesn’t it?

Inflation caused by governments monetary incompetence, if not criminal misconduct, has the effect of a cruel tax on the poor and the elderly who have to buy the more expensive groceries, gasoline  Etc. Etc. Etc. 

Governments in history have long used inflation to cover their fiscal lack of discipline.  Governments don’t file Bankruptcy, they just create fiat money that is worth less and less and less.   From Rome to post WWI Germany to Venezuela.  The result is always the same.  Those with fixed incomes or savings get hurt the most.  Poverty and misery run rampant.  Government does a lot of finger pointing and grandiose speeches but lacks the courage to do what is needed.   Fiscal discipline.

The following excerpt is from a piece I wrote in April of 2011 under the title of:



… I am thinking of starting a new Political Party which I would simply call the Math Party.  To become a member of the Math Party you would only have to believe in the simple laws of mathematics.  If you wanted to run for elective office representing the Math Party you would have to demonstrate that you can get at least a ‘B’ on a Third Grade Math quiz.   And, if you wanted to run for President under the Math Party Banner you would have to show us your Third Grade Diploma.  The real one.

You see, I have become absolutely convinced that no political party now representing us in Washington D.C. (or for that matter Sacramento, California) can do Third Grade Math.  They sure can’t add or subtract.  In fact, they act more like a teenage boy with the keys to dad and moms new car,  a bottle of Jack Daniels Old No. 7 Brand and a credit card.  When asked to solve a relatively straight forward math problem like, say, doing a budget for the country that does not involve spending money we don’t have, they instead come up with a plan to “reduce the deficit 12 to 16 years “down the road” (when they are no longer in office).

So what do you think?  Would a political party that believes in the simple laws of mathematics have a chance?  Or, have we all become addicted to believing in the Tooth Fairy and just want to hope that Uncle Sugar in Washington has a bottomless checkbook?


Today I have lost all hope of there ever being any fiscal responsibility in government and am putting my efforts into figuring out ways to survive the coming monetary collapse and chaos.

Bob Bandy –  November 2021



October 21, 2021 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

The following article is reprinted from the Babylon Bee, one of the best satirical sites on the web and in publication.  The article is humorous, satirical, factual and I find it frightening as I think on it.   My comments follow – Bob

First, the Babylon Bee article.  It is indeed satirical and humorous.  Enjoy!




Reprinted from the Babylon Bee.

WORLD—The arms race is heating up between the U.S. and China. Just last week, China revealed its brand new “space nukes”, which are capable of easily nuking any country on the planet. The United States responded swiftly to the provocation by unveiling the world’s first trans admiral.

“China, you’ve been warned,” said Biden to a Chinese food delivery person he mistook for President Xi. “Our transgender admiral is fully armed and operational. If you cross us, we will unleash the full fire and fury of this deadly weapon upon you, make no mistake.”

Military experts say that while a space nuke is somewhat impressive, it pales in comparison to the awesome power of diversity. “With Rachel Levine serving as admiral, nations around the world will bow before the terrifying might of our transgender empowerment,” said General Milley. “We must pursue peace through strength. Strength of inclusivity.”

Biden insisted that there is no weapon yet conceived that can top Admiral Levine and that he will gladly accept China’s preemptive surrender.

Admiral Levine was not available for comment as she was getting her prostate examined.

The Babylon Bee


Folks:  What are we doing as a country? 

The Chinese are indeed developing and placing space based nuclear weapons while at the same time casting hungry eyes on Taiwan and putting the pieces in place to make a move in that direction.

North Korea is again firing missiles  into the sea off South Korea.

Russia is eyeing making a move on the Ukraine with no fear of the United States interfering with any such move.

America’s former allies no longer trust the United States to keep its commitments, treaties and promises following the debacle of our sad, humiliating, poorly planed and botched withdrawal from Afghanistan under the sorry leadership of our Joint Chiefs of Staff and fumbling, bumbling Secretary of Defense.  These folks are more focused on “diversity”, “inclusivity” and destroying the former racial harmony in our military by imposing the culturally divisive poison of the flawed “Critical Race Theory” propaganda than they are on maintaining the worlds best military machine which they inherited.  The worlds mightiest military is being converted into a “paper tiger”.

In the process many of our best career military personnel are leaving the military under forced vaccination rules and other politically correct and required  indoctrination.

To further divide us, our Secretary of State has reinstated the Obama legacy of a worldwide apology tour begging the United Nations to forgive us for all our misdeeds.

Our current attorney general is more interested in putting peaceful, unarmed protestors in prison while labeling parents who want a voice in school curriculum and speak up at School Board meetings as “Terrorists”.

For the last 10 months our country has encouraged invasion by illegal migrants who are on arrival being put on planes and buses and relocated without documentation or papers to cities throughout the country who neither want them nor are equipped to deal with them.

There is a very large, and growing segment of our population who no longer trust our election system or the sanctity of the ballot box.  I know I do not.  Do you?

It goes on and on and on.  Every day some new attack on our rights under the constitution.  

It is becoming more and more obvious that our leaders are intentionally on a path to either destroy our country as it was founded or turn us into a second rate communist nation patterned after China, North Korea or Cuba.  Otherwise their actions make no sense at all. 

Are we becoming slaves to an Idiocracy or prisoners on a ship of fools?

If you agree with my thoughts in this article, please forward and share it with your family, friends and neighbors.  Thanks!

Bob Bandy – October 2021


August 19, 2021 By: bob Category: Humor

I have been encouraged to share some of my earlier articles from time to time.  The following humor piece is from 2012 and describes my idea of a nearly perfect government structure and organization.  Just for fun.




If I wanted to design the “perfect” place to live, and, if it did not matter how many folks I managed to infuriate and alienate in the process,  it would look something like this:

1. Government taxes at all levels could not exceed 10%.  I don’t think the government should ask for more than God does.  Everybody would pay the same rate of taxes.  The more you earn, the more you pay but the rate is the same.

2. Government would be forbidden budget deficits unless our nation faced invasion from a hostile foreign enemy.  At the time of this writing I cannot imagine a foreign government that would want to invade our country and assume our debt and problems.

3. All government services, except maybe national defense, would be put out to bid to private industry with specific performance requirements for payment and penalties for poor performance.  We might want to consider contracting out management of our national defense to Israel.

4. Those people and attorneys who file lawsuits and lose their case in court must pay the legal fees of the party they are suing.

5.  Convicted Felons:  First time offenders would spend their time in prison stateside in a cell watching and listening to endless re-runs of “Barney the Purple Dinosaur” (I love you, you love me etc.). Any time outside the cell would be in a physical labor environment (in pink jumpsuits).  Second time offenders would earn a trip to spend their time in a Mexican prison.  Three time losers would spend their prison terms in North Korea.  I am sure both Mexico and North Korea would be happy to provide the service at less than half what we taxpayers pay to maintain prisoners.  Surviving felons who commit a fourth offense will be parachuted into Taliban Country in Afghanistan armed with a Bible.

6. “Public” schools would be contracted and attendance based on parental choice of school.  Uniforms and discipline with specific requirements for advancement and graduation.  Students not compliant with specific disciplinary and learning requirements would be placed in alternative career/trade school or military “opportunity” environments.

7.  Those citizens with real, medically diagnosed, physical or mental illness would be provided basic needs which would include medical care.  Drug testing mandatory for all public assistance.

8. Both parents of a child are responsible for providing for the needs of the children they bring into the world.  Public assistance provided only with drug testing and mandatory work requirements.  No food stamp credit cards.  Food provided on the basis of basic dietary requirements.  Violation of the rules would terminate participation in any public program and removal of children to supervised foster care.  Parents who drop out of the program will receive mandatory parental training at the North Korean or Iranian  re-education camp of their choice.

9. All public officials must live under the same laws, regulations and programs (such as Social Security and Healthcare) that they impose on all other citizens.  No exceptions and no exemptions.

10. Public employees would work under specific work contracts with clearly defined and limited benefits including defined retirement (401k type) contribution plans.  No lifetime pension and health care benefits.

I think I will stop here as I have probably managed to anger and alienate enough people for one article.  Are those torches and pitchforks I see out in the street in front of my house?


Come on, you know you want to smile at least a little!

Bob Bandy  (redux August 2021)

Cheer Up – Things Could Be Worse

August 04, 2021 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News

Some Times We Can’t Decide Whether To

Laugh or Cry or Scream in Frustration

Every time we think things could not get worse

in our nations Capitol, They get worse.

Poor Joe Biden.  Members of our Presidents own Political Party are beginning to view him as “well past his best if used by date”.  Sort of like that dish of tuna and noodle casserole you left in the back of the refrigerator……  two months ago.

President Biden began his career as a Political Prodigy at a prestigious college where, many believe, he earned a Masters Degree in Plagiarism  and a Doctors Degree in Prevarication  before launching his career as a Senator who became a Vice President and now President. 

Along the way he tamed the town bully with his steely eyed glare.  In fairness it must be remembered that Corn Pop had been warned that Young Joe was a Third Degree Black Belt Plagiarist.

Tough as nails Joe also was at Teddy Roosevelts side as they charged up San Juan Hill during the Spanish American War.

Working man Joe also managed to make time for careers in, among other things, Long Haul 18 Wheel Truck Driving and working deep beneath the earth as a “Hard Rock” Coal Miner.  Truly a man of many talents.

Building his reputation for inter-racial relations, Joe studied at the knee of his long time friend and idealogical soul mate, Democratic Senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia, a confidant and counselor with a long history in public and private service, including serving as a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.  From his friend Senator Byrd, then Senator Biden seems to have gotten his foundational knowledge in Critical Race Theory.

Serving with our President is his Vice President Kamala Harris who has become nearly invisible and being kept out of the public eye.

Her “Goodwill” trip to Central America was a political and media disaster with large crowds telling her to “Go Home”.  Poor Joe, not much help here. The mainstream media has shown one photo of  Kamala & her husband kissing.  Both wearing a mask.  Take that where you will.  But as Joe would say “Come on man!”

Other players in the White House Team include Anthony J. Blinken playing the part of Secretary of State.  I was always of the belief that the Secretary of States job was to be a Cheerleader for the United States, making sure our interests were protected worldwide and spokesman for all that is good about the United States.  Secretary Blinken seems to be carrying on the Obama worldwide apology tour and going “hat in hand” to the United Nations begging for forgiveness for our (non-existent) Systemic Racism. 

Other members of the Biden “team” include Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Army General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  A sort of “Frick & Frack” twosome of  Critical Race Theory “Kool-Aid” drinkers.  Both bent on turning the best fighting force in the world into a band of “hand-wringing” apologists for America’s greatness.  If I were still in the military (see closing comments), I would be ashamed  to serve under either of them.   

Closing Comments

On a more serious note and in closing I will share my own experience while in the Military.  I spent ten years total in the Army National Guard.  Six of those years in a Combat Infantry Unit and four years in a Medical Brigade.  In all of those years I do not remember there ever being a single instance of anything resembling a “racial” issue.  I served with members of all colors and all races.  We were soldiers.  Not white soldiers or black soldiers or brown  soldiers or oriental soldiers.  Just soldiers.  We served together, slept together, ate together and had each others back.  When we were called into a riot situation we stood shoulder to shoulder, color did not matter, in our minds we were all “green”.   To this day if I visit a military hospital or other place of service, I feel a kinship, comradery and spirit of belonging. 

In my world if I have a problem with someone, it is personal, race is never an issue.

Bob Bandy – August 2021