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Archive for the ‘Humor’

A New Hope

October 08, 2009 By: bob Category: Humor




Thinking outside the box.  Consider the possibilities.  We send House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (San Francisco Congresswoman) and Barbara  (call me Senator) Boxer on a mission of peace to the Taliban.

A win-win situation.  If the two of them will do for the Taliban what they have done for San Francisco, the State of California and the United States, the Taliban will be financially ruined as well as milItarily weakened  and we win.  If the Taliban decide to keep them and turn them into obedient  little Taliban women – we win.

If this works, as I believe it will,  we can send additional members of Congress (I have a list) on missions to other potential enemy nations to implement the same kind of  “stimulus” plans they have imposed here.  Maybe Harry Reid, Barney Frank and Charlie Rangel can do in Iran what they have done here in America.  Turn a recession into a financial disaster.  “Stimulate” unemployment and massive debt that Irans children and grandchildren would have to pay.  And, while it can be argued what we win in such a scenario, at least we would be rid of these members of Congress who seem determined to destroy our own country. 

Just a little fun daydreaming.

Bob Bandy

Pull The Plug

September 26, 2009 By: bob Category: Humor


Listening to “Colonel” Muammar al-Gaddafi at the United Nations I noticed a couple of things.  He looked and sounded like he was on a one day pass from the Shady Dunes Home For Dictators Beyond Their Prime.   Did you notice the papers he kept shuffling around in front of him with the scrawled childish looking (crayon?) notes on them?   The rambling, hour and a half long,  incoherrent speech seemed to have only two points.   One was his view that all nations are exactly equal, with Libya being the most equal.   The other was his vision  that the United Nations should be moved to Africa (Libya maybe?).

I will support “unplugging” the U.N. and shipping its carcas to Libya.  There this broken down stage can provide a circus clown platform for Loud Mouthed Tyrants like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela or  Hate Mongers like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (King Rat) of Iran to spew their drivel to the Kool-Aid drinking followers of failed ideologies

There is one condition.  Namely, that the U. S.  drop its own membership in this inept,  impotent, mostly America hating club, composed of too many wannabe crybabies with their hands out for goodies and who vote against the United States every chance they get.

And if they continue to come to the United States looking for Aid may I suggest we give the good “Colonel” and all his kind a tub of Kool-Aid and paper cups?

Forget Unplugging Granny.  Lets unplug the U.N.

Bob Bandy


Oh No! They Won’t Go!

September 16, 2009 By: bob Category: Humor

Cartoon by Syl Mateo

Cartoon by Syl Mateo

 California may have a new problem.  It seems  that a Federal Judge and California Governor Swarzeneggar have decided to release thousands of State Prison Inmates back into society.  Somehow word of what its like on the “outside” in California seems to have seeped into the protective environment of our penal system. 

As prisoners start calculating that they will be trading a life of free meals, free healthcare,  lots of leisure time with their friends,  no taxes and no responsibilities for what the rest of us face on a daily basis,  I’ve got a question.  What if they won’t go?  What happens if we force them to leave and in their desperation to get back “inside” they commit new crimes and then calmly remain at the scene of the crime demanding to be put back where the “livin’ is easy”?  

One idea might be that instead of releasing them, we transfer them to “Gitmo” (Guantanamo Bay – Cuba).  That way the Federal Government can release them and they (the Feds) will pay for relocating them to Bermuda, Palau or some other island paradise as they have done with many of the “detainees” (spelled “terrorists”) that they have set free in recent weeks.    Its an idea that works for me!

Bob Bandy

How Stupid Do they Think I Am And Do I Really Want To Know?

August 08, 2009 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News




One of my pet peeves is being treated like I am stupid.  I once worked for a company that kept cutting costs by reducing employee benefits.  These decisions were presented to us as “enhancements”.  It got to the point that if I heard the word “enhancement” I would automatically reach to protect my wallet.

Our government does the same thing.  They talk about not raising taxes on most of us while they continue to spend more and more money they do not have.  To cover this increased spending they “borrow” money from our  (grand)children and raise non-income taxes and “fees”.  Fees are just taxes with an identity crises.

Now they are considering implementing something called a Cap and Trade Policy which involves charging us fees for the creation of a “Greenhouse Gas” called carbon dioxide and leaving a “Carbon Footprint” on the planet.  I don’t want to worry you but when you breath you exhale carbon dioxide.

They have finally figured out a way to tax me for breathing!

I know where I would like to leave my carbon footprint!

Bob Bandy