The Mueller Report 2.0 – Hollywood Redux
I saw a video presentation on television featuring Robert De Niro with a cast of other mostly “has been” or “who cares” little known Hollywood personalities explaining that if you carefully read the entire Mueller Report there was plenty of evidence of Trump collusion with the Russian’s. You just have to read it very slowly and “read between the lines”.
Never mind that Robert Mueller and his band of overpaid “investigators” clearly said in his much anticipated report that there was no collusion.
The whole scene gave me mental images of Robert De Niro sitting in his robe and slippers at the Shady Acres Home for Washed Up Actors watching endless grainy re-runs of Raging Bull while the staff is trying to get him to take his medicine to stop his profane tirades.
I am having visions of a Hollywood Production with a re-write of the Mueller Report and this time it comes out the way Hollywood wanted it to and Donald Trump is “frog marched” off to prison for imagined crimes.
Robert DeNiro can play the part of Robert Mueller and Alec Baldwin can re-play his Saturday Night Live portrayal of Donald Trump.
There is no shortage of other Hollywood “wannabes” to fill in the supporting roles.
Writing the script should be easy. Just avoid words with more than two syllables and let Robert De Niro and Alec Baldwin run wild with their imaginations. If you subtract the “F” word from their musings, neither of them have much of a vocabulary to work with.
I can’t be the only person in the country that is sick of the media trotting out “Shopworn Hollywood Celebrities” who want to tell me what my political views ought to be and how I should live my life. Frankly, I don’t care what they think and their “I’m smarter than you” attitude just turns me off.
I have some news for them. Just because you played a doctor in a movie or on a televisions series does not mean I want you as my doctor.
Bob Bandy
June 2019