Stop Pulling the Wagon

Are You Tired Of Government Lies, Hypocrisy and Corruption?
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June 24, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for FREE STUFF


California decided to reduce its crime rate by putting into law that the theft of items valued at less than $950 is no longer a Felony Crime but a Misdemeanor/Infraction (think Parking Ticket).  This decision led to Proposition 47 which became law.  


Your chance to live almost Free.  With California’s “Prop 47” in place you can help yourself to anything priced below $950 and not pay for it.  The worst thing that can happen to you is a misdemeanor citation and in the unlikely event you should ever find yourself in front of a judge you can just claim your “right” to a Jury Trial and a “Free” Public Defender as your Lawyer.  Since Jury Trial’s cost the City, County or State Thousands and Thousands of Dollars they will just dismiss your measly $949 case and you can go back to shopping. Talk about your land of “Milk and Honey”. 

California is a “Shoppers Paradise” with no need for cash or those pesky credit card statements.

There are documented cases of “shoppers” with calculators filling up shopping carts with items totaling less than $950 and giving Store Security personnel the “finger” on the way out the door and across the parking lot.  Oh, as an added bonus, shopping carts are “Free” in California.  What a great life if you don’t mind the homelessness, crime, drugs and filth!

Some near five years ago I wrote an article with the below title and it, still to this day, is one of the most commented on articles I have written.  It is reprinted below:



photo – Google

In (Feb. 2012) I wrote a “spoof” article on this site titled: MARK OF THE BEAST – THE CLUB CARD. It is still available on this site (type Mark of the Beast in the search box).  The point of the article was that these “Club Cards” and other methods of tracking our purchases are being advertised as ways to “Serve Us Better” but are really only vehicles to monitor our lives for the sellers purposes and potentially for the government to control what we can buy, sell or consume. All, of course, “for our own good” because they, the government, know best how to manage our lives. “Scared yet?”

Now I see on television that Insurance Company’s are “offering” an “App” to monitor your driving habits in order to offer discounts on your car insurance if you drive the way they have decided you should. This, and similar “Apps” can also track your movements, i.e., where you go, What you do, how long you stay and other morsels of personal data to be harvested by Google, Facebook and other entities.

Goodbye, private get-a-way weekend with your loved one. Your Cell Phone companion is a “tattle-tale” to all those companies and Government Agencies who want to monitor your life. “Scared yet?”

Facebook is offering a handy “Portal” to install in your home so that you can always be “on camera” for whoever has access to your “Portal” “on the other end”. Family, Friends, Facebook, IRS etc. Can you spell “hacked”? I am thinking of ordering one of these “Portal’s”, putting it in our house, then hanging a picture of a horses butt in front of the lens just for fun.

Google (and others) have “Algorithms” – no this is not a “hot” Latin Dance – that can monitor and predict your nearly every move, voting habits, purchases, favorite foods, character flaws, weaknesses etc. etc. Now, are you scared?

Our day to day world is filled with cameras, everywhere you go and no matter what you are doing. More and more of these cameras have “Facial Recognition” software. Not to mention listening devices and “other ways” to track our every activity.

We live in a fish bowl.

Hmmmmm! On the other hand, maybe this could present us with an opportunity to have a little fun? Want to trade “Apps”, identity and habits for a while?

Since the “Apps” and tracking often seem to depend on our Cell Phones, perhaps we could do something creative with said phones. Like using “disposable” phones purchased at Walmart while in disguise, using them for a short time and then slipping them into the pocket of non-English speaking tourists at the airport or duct tape them inconspicuously to a local commuter bus. That could keep the Fed’s busy for a while. Lots of possibilities!

(September 2019)


California prides itself on being the leader in “New Ideas” and “Cultural Change”.  California has banned the sale of new gasoline powered cars after 2035.  California has the highest gasoline taxes in the country (and some of the poorest roads). In California your 9 year old child can be recruited by “LGBTQ & Transgender Activist” School Employees and receive “Gender Affirming Care” including Castration without parental consent or even the foreknowledge it is being planned. I could go on and on.  As said above: 


Bob Bandy  –  June 2024



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