Stop Pulling the Wagon

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June 18, 2010 By: bob Category: Humor, In the News

This oil spill disaster in the gulf has reminded me of the old Uncle Remus Wonderful Tar Baby Story with BP playing the part of Br’er Fox,  the Obama Administration playing the part of Br’er Rabbit and the oil spill playing the part of the Tar Baby.  

I think our “Dear Leader” may have been “Out Foxed” by BP on the 20 Billion Dollar “pot” of claims money that they “gave” President Obama’s hand picked Adminstrator to pay out for claims in the Gulf area.

It may be the cheapest 20 Billion Dollars that BP could have spent!

My reasoning is that no matter who doles out the claims dollars hardly anybody is going to be satisfied and the angry recipients are going to look for somebody to “Tar and Feather” (at least in the media).  As of now, BP can truthfully say that they have paid the money they were requested (Chicago style) to pay and the Complaint Department is now “down the street” at the Obama Adminstrations Claims Distribution Center. 

In other words they can wash their hands of trying to figure out who gets what and how to define a “just” claim from those who will simply try to game the system for some fast and easy money. 

In the aftermath of this nightmare the only ones who are likely to be satisfied with what they receive will be the ones who scam the system.  Anytime the “Guvment” gets its hands on a big bucket of “mulah” a good portion of it is going to be wasted.  If you doubt me look at the hundreds of millions of dollars scammed from Medicare.

Those who have truly suffered the most in this ongoing ordeal will likely never be truly satisfied,  because dollars alone cannot fully heal the wounds of this nightmare.  And many, if not most, will honestly feel they have not been justly compensated for their losses.  It will be hard to blame them for feeling this way.

It seems to me that if you really wanted to punish BP for this mess you could have forced them to deal with the tens of thousands of angry folks demanding (justly) to be compensated for the destruction of their environment and way of life.

The President and his Admistration  will likely find themselves up to their necks in oil (and maybe tar and feathers) for a long time to come.           ……….Bob

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