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October 08, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About



The Congressional Godfather of Lies and “Dis-information” is in the news saying we must find a way to stop the spread of Dis-information by his political opponents on the “Right”.

This from a man who swore for three years that he had solid hard evidence that Donald Trump  had conspired with the Russians.  Turns out he had a fistful of nothing except a pattern of lies. 

“Schiff warns of Russian attack on US Mainland, as Day 2 of of Trump’s Senate impeachment trial concludes.”

Above Quote Source: Fox News 1-22-20

He further committed perjury during the House of Representatives quest to have President Trump impeached by introducing into the Congressional Record a supposed incriminating dialog between President Trump and the President of the Ukraine.  This was later shown be a total fabrication on the part of Adam Schiff and another of his lies. 


John Kerry – Slick Times

In Adam Schiff’s quest to muzzle his political foes he is joined by John Kerry who on his best days is a misguided Al Gore “wannabe” Buffoon who travels the world in his private jet to lecture us on how we should give up our gas cooking stoves to “Save the Climate”.  While he wants you to freeze in the dark, he never lectures the Chinese or people of India, who comprise some 30 – 40% of the worlds population, about their building coal fired power plants as fast as they can.


I have lived for some 50 years with various “Prophets of Climate Armageddon” and their prophecies which all turned out to be “Dis-information”.  Below are excerpts from one of the articles I wrote back in 2019:


The complete article is available at:

Lets look at the record of some of the “Prophets of Doom”.

The Population Bomb – a best selling book written by Stanford University Professor Paul Ehrlich (and his wife Anne, who was not credited) in 1968 predicted worldwide famine in the 1970’s and 1980’s due to overpopulation, as well as other Societal upheavals unless immediate steps were taken to limit population growth. At the time there were some 3.8 Billion people on earth and today the number is more like 7.6 Billion. Statistically, hunger is no greater problem now than it was then. Paul Ehrlich was wrong but created near panic in sections of the population due to his predictions.

In the 1970’s “Scientists” predicted an imminent Global Cooling trend leading to a new “Ice Age”. One view of this prophecy can be seen in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004). This prediction was given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, The National Geographic and the news media. Instead, what actually happened was a slight warming trend. The so-called “Scientists” and “Experts” were wrong again.

Perhaps one of the biggest “hucksters” of all is former Vice President Al Gore who has made a fortune with his book, “An Inconvenient Truth” – 2006, and his following exploitation and “marketing” of his conjecture, all of which was supposed to happen long before now. Let’s look at some of his “predictions” and “science” while on his way to the bank:

1. Rising Sea Levels – inaccurate and misleading. Both Al Gore and former President Barack Obama have since bought Beachfront Mansions

2. New Ice Age in Europe – they’ve been spared; it never happened.

3. South Sahara Drying Up – completely untrue.

4. Massive Flooding in China and India – again, didn’t happen.

5. Polar Bear Extinction – The Polar Bear population is increasing.

6. The Earth would be in a “True Planetary Emergency Within a Decade Unless Drastic Action was Taken to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses” – never happened.

Al Gore made many other predictions. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Still he has created a huge following of “true believers” and a near panic in some quarters.

Now we have the newest prediction as shared with us by Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and others that Civilization is Doomed within 12 years unless we immediately adopt their “Green New Deal” which will supposedly cost between 50 and 100 Trillion Dollars over the next ten years.

They have succeeded in causing panic among a large portion of the population with their “Progressive” agenda and even caused many prospective mothers to declare they will no longer have children because they to not want to bring babies into a world that is doomed to extinction in a short period of time. This is junk science and prophecy gone mad. Such fear mongering is beneath contempt. Shame on them.

Patrick Moore – Former President of Greenpeace has stated it well: “There is no definitive scientific proof through real-world observation that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of global climate which has occurred during the past 300 years.” He rejects the “science is settled” and “the debate is over” statements so popular in worldwide media.

I read the other day that 97% of “Research Scientists” will provide those who pay for their research with whatever statistics they are looking for in their political agenda.  This is probably also “dis-information” but I am cynical enough where politicians are at work to think it is likely mostly true.

Bob Bandy – October 2024



October 01, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for gavin newsom photos

Former San Francisco Mayor and California Governor Gavin Newsom

A friend of mine recently suggested I do an article on one of the latest of Governor Gavin Newsom’s prevarications regarding the impact on “Fast Food” jobs created with his ill-advised plan to mandate $20 minimum pay for workers in the Fast Food Industry.  He recently claimed that there was no job loss after implementing the new minimum wage.  As usual he speaks with “forked tongue” and does so by “fudging” hand picked “windows” of time.  The true overall impact of his wage plan has been devastating not only on the owners of Fast Food Franchises but also on the workers in this industry.  See:

The California Globe

Gov. Newsom’s Office Continues to Fib About Fast Food Job Losses – Claims Job Gains

‘Newsom is stretching the truth to obscure that his fast food minimum wage hike has been a disaster’

By Katy Grimes, August 20, 2024 11:27 am

Note:  The above well written article is still available on the California Globe website


The above is the article my friend was referring to and it is well written and a lengthy look at how he manipulates numbers in the creation of his falsehoods.

On preparing for this issue I found myself reviewing numerous articles I have written in which Governor Newsom played a starring, and usually the leading role.  Space does not permit a review of all of them but a selection of his most egregious and  damaging efforts to the well being of California can be gleaned from reading your choice of the following few examples which I have provided the link to.  Just copy and paste the address into your browser or use the search feature in the left column.

Many voters have prime issues which drive them, sometimes a single issue from a politician decides their vote.  I personally have several important issues that drives my voting but my most important one is the vulnerability of children and the sanctity of the families ability to guide their beloved children through those life forming early years.  Hence, my anger when our Governor and his cohorts in the legislature put the innocence of our most vulnerable and important little ones at risk.  This angst caused me to write the below article which I consider one of the most important I have written.



Remembering that our governor was formally the mayor of San Francisco I wrote the following piece about the destruction he left behind him when he moved from the Mayor’s office to the Governors office.


Image result for union square san francisco homeless tents


For another look at America’s Worst Governor you might want to read


Image result for grizzly flat california fire


There are a number of other articles about the foibles and life of our miscreant Governor Newsom but this is getting a bit long so will close with his multi-year love affair with California’s High Speed Rail to nowhere on which I have lavished considerable amount of sarcasm and anger over the years.  You might find one or both of  the following interesting:





With all of the above, I have not even touched on the highest gas taxes (and some of the poorest road conditions) in the country or the chaos and fiscal impact of being a Sanctuary State with free healthcare, education and other costs of illegal migration and now our governor is talking about qualifying illegals for unemployment benefits.

There are many other documented examples of our California Governors failings and dishonesty but a review of the above samples will give you a taste of his tenure in office and the devastation he has done to our formerly beautiful state.

Out of room but the Chronicles go on and on.  70+ Billion Dollar Budget Deficit – 24 Billion Dollars in “Homeless Funds” “Vanished” “Poof” with no idea where the money went – Signed (Unconstitutional) Bill making Political/Satire/Humor/”Deep Fake” illegal in California (supposedly because he is angry with Elon Musk for moving Tesla and SpaceX facilities from California to Texas) – Newly signed bill to outlaw grocery store plastic bags – etc. etc. etc.

Bob Bandy – October 2024 



Kamala Harris’ Unrealized Capital Gains Tax Plan

September 24, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for kamala harris photos

Vice President and Presidential candidate Kamala Harris

Listening to Kamala Harris, I remember at one point during one of her “word salad” explanations that one “New Tax Plan” she wanted to put in place is to start taxing and collecting taxes on “Unrealized Capital Gains”.   I am sure that if she had been asked to explain just how she would do this that we would have gotten a five minute “remembrance” of how she grew up in a middle class family, how hard her mother worked and how much she loved math, how she was the tallest kid in the third grade and all that she learned about adding and subtracting and how she loved her third grade teacher.

Like most “Progressives” (aka – Socialists) she believes that the government knows better how to spend the money you work so hard for than you do.  You are incompetent, you need people like her to take care of you.  Kamala also believes that if you have lived and worked here all of your life, paid taxes and been a good citizen, you should pay for your health insurance. (Even Medicare recipients pay a premium.)  But, if you are here illegally you should receive “free” healthcare.

I am also sure she has no clue as to how a “Unrealized Capital Gains Tax” plan works or the impact it would have on the economy. An explanation from an economist along with the implications of such a plan would sound like “word salad” to her.

Under current Tax Law, Capital Gains are taxed when you sell an asset and they become “realized gains” (money in hand).  Under her “vision” it would be taxed as it is earned but “unrealized” (not cashed out – “paper profits no money in hand”).

Here is a real simple example of how Kamala’s  plan could affect the average “Joe Sixpack” tax payer.  Joe buys a house for $100,000 dollars.  Two years later “Zillow”, “Google” or some other agency that tracks home values reports that Joe’s home is now worth $150,000.  Joe has a $50,000 “Unrealized Capital Gain” (profit on paper).  Under Kamala’s plan the IRS would send Joe a “Capital Gains” tax bill for taxes on his $50,000 “gain”.  And as the home continues to gain in value, our Joe would continue to get supplemental “Capital Gains” bills for taxes due.  Not to worry though, if Joe can’t pay the additional income taxes being levied, the IRS will just place a lien (plus interest) on the property until it is sold.  The IRS is so helpful that way.  

As an added bonus you can expect your State, County, even Local Government Tax Authorities to figure ways to get their share of this Tax Bonanza.  I live in California and can envision our Governor Newsom already getting “hot flashes” at the prospect of getting his hands on your “Unrealized Capital Gains” long before you do.

What if our Joe’s home value actually goes down in value.  Under some circumstance the IRS “might” let you write off some of the loss (good luck).  

This same scenario applies to other investments and assets as well.  Your 401K account, Stock Portfolios, Land, “Investment Grade” most anything.  Putting your money away in gold or silver into an account the government can monitor?  

Below is the Google / Dictionary Definition of “Unrealized Capital Gains”

“Unrealized capital gain refers to the increase in value of an investment or an asset that an investor holds but has not yet sold. These gains are “unrealized” because they exist only on paper; they only become “realized” once the asset is sold.”


Today,  the government taxes you on everything you earn and they tax you on what’s left of what you worked for when you spend it. They tax everything at every level.  And they tax you when you die.  Oh, and Kamala also mentioned she would like to increase estate taxes which would include family farms etc. etc. etc. 

Do you really want to have the government tax “Unrealized Capital Gains” as outlined above and as viewed by the wolves at the IRS?

Bob Bandy – September 2024

Hybrid & Electric Vehicles – Rest of the Story

September 06, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Kia Niro Plug-in Hybrid

Our daughter leased a new Kia Niro Plug-in Hybrid some 3+ years ago.  She loved the car.  It was dependable and she only had to put gas in it maybe every 3-5 weeks. She liked it so much that at the end of the lease she seriously considered just purchasing it.

I went with her to the dealership and we were very fortunate in getting a candid and honest representative to handle my daughters business.  When our daughter told the lady that she was interested in now purchasing the vehicle,  the representative told her she could certainly do that but offered her some options worth considering.  First, if she purchased the vehicle on a four year payment plan, at the end of her payments she would have a 7-8 year old Hybrid E.V. and “older” models with 70,000 to 80,000 miles on them are “almost” worthless as the battery packs have a definite lifespan and can cost $20.000 to $30,000 to replace.  This discourages potential buyers for good cause.  If she went ahead and purchased it, the vehicle would have very little value as a trade in at the end of her payment period.  We sincerely appreciated her honesty.  On the other hand she could lease another new one on a three or four year contract with a very attractive lease payment and full warranty for the full lease period.  Our daughter did just that and since she loves the vehicle,  I think she made a wise choice. 

It is important when purchasing a Hybrid or Electric Vehicle to know what the manufactures warranty is on the Battery “Pack”.  For example Kia’s warranty is 10 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first.  Tesla has an 8 year or 100,000 to 150,000 mile (depending on model) warranty on the battery.  Other manufactures may vary.  Knowing this will tell you why a high mileage Hybrid or Electric vehicle may have very little or no resale value.  Wanna buy a Kia Hybrid with 99,000 miles on it? Or a 7 year and 10 month old Tesla?  Keep in mind a battery change out is $20.000 to $30,000. 

My daughters Sales Representative’s candor got me to thinking.

Image result for 2007 Kia Sorento. Size: 241 x 150. Source:

We own a 2007 Kia Sorento just like the one pictured above.  It is 17 years old and just last month turned 100,000 miles.  While I was getting it serviced, I mentioned to the Service Manager that it had just turned over the 100,000 mile marker and has been maybe the best car I have ever owned, still drives like the first day we got it and would like nothing more than to keep it.  He told me that it is not unusual for this vehicle to go 200,000 miles or more, has seen them over 250,000 miles, if they are serviced regularly.  The “good news” is that if you had to replace the engine in it at some point it could be done for about $6,000 and then you would be set for another 100,000 miles plus.  

I remember ads for used Toyota’s, Honda’s, others with 125,000 miles on them and still bringing $22,000 or more.  Had an acquaintance of mine once posted on Facebook that their Hyundai Santa Fe had 325,000 miles on it and was still reliable.

From an investment standpoint putting $40,000 to $60,000 into a car that will be just so much scrap metal in 8-10 years is perhaps something to think through.  Also, in many/most areas of the country the now defunct batteries must be handled as “Hazardous Waste”.

 Another consideration is, (here in California), the sales tax alone on a new $40,000 car is over $3,000 and on a $60,000 car is about $5,000.  Ouch!  Somebody please tell me why I would want to make a gift to California of $5,000 in sales tax plus 5 years or more of several hundred dollars a month in payments on a vehicle which will be “scrap” and “hazmat” at the end of the contract.

As an added note I saw on television the other day that the per mile cost between gasoline and recharging your electric vehicle is now just about even.  Also, some states, like California, are considering imposing a per mile tax on electric vehicles because of the “lost” gasoline tax revenue they have grown to depend on.  

No intended judgement here.  Everybody has to do as they think best.  Just some information to think about as you consider your next vehicle purchase.

Bob Bandy  –  September 2024


August 24, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for kamala harris

Presidential “wannabe” Kamala Harris  has a plan to raise tax revenues “without raising taxes on the middle class”.  She wants to raise “Corporate Taxes” from 21% to 28%.  Seems those “Greedy Corporations” are not paying their “Fair Share”! 

Have you ever been so frustrated you want to just scream out loud because folks just don’t seem to “get” something that is such an obvious truth?  

For many years many experts and writers like myself have “preached” the word that Corporations don’t pay taxes, their customers do.  Corporations don’t have money tree orchards out behind their factories.  Their only source of revenue is the products or services they sell to their customers.  If you raise taxes on the corporation that makes toothpaste,  that corporation has to raise the price on the toothpaste they make.  Their only other source of additional revenue would be to cut costs/payroll.  The additional “tax revenue” is actually paid by the working class and poor when they buy the product.  It’s called inflation. 

This is not rocket science. Politicians don’t want to tell the working class and poor they are going to raise their taxes so they “scapegoat” the corporations into collecting the additional tax for them indirectly.  

If you want to look for a “Greedy Villain” let me suggest government who wastes a large percentage of the tax money they collect through miss-management, graft and corruption.   California for example “lost” 24 Billion Dollars in funds for Homeless projects in the last fiscal year – the money just “vanished” and nobody seems to know what pockets it ended up in.

I wrote a satirical article some 5+ years ago that demonstrates in a truthful way that government at all levels does little to nothing to produce a useful product but still wants to tax it at all levels.  The article is reprinted below:



Original Story by Paul Galdone

Little Red Hen version by Bob Bandy


ONCE UPON A TIME there was a little red hen who wanted to start her own oil company.

Who will help me find the oil she asked? Not us said the Federal Government!  Not us said the State Government!  Okay, said the Little Red Hen.  I will find it myself, and she did.

Who will help me get the oil out of the ground she asked? Not us said the Federal Government!  Not us said the State Government!  Okay, said the Little Red Hen.  So she did it herself.

Who will help me get the oil to the refinery? Not us said the Federal Government!  Not us said the State Government!  Okay, said the Little Red Hen.  I will transport it myself, and she did.

Who will help me refine the oil into gasoline she asked? Not us said the Federal Government!  Not us said the State Government!  Okay, said the Little Red Hen, I’ll do it by myself.  And she did.

Who will help me transport the gasoline to the Service Station she asked?  Not us said the Federal Government!  Not us said the State Government!  Okay, said the Little Red Hen, I will haul it there myself.

Finally the Little Red Hen’s gasoline is sold.

Who would like to share in the profits she asked?  

We would said the Federal Government and we demand 18.4 cents per gallon.

We would said California State Government and we demand 58.3 cents per gallon.

Looking in her pocketbook the Little Red Hen found that she only made a net profit of 7 cents per gallon.  (source Forbes & Factcheck)

Later, Federal Government and California State Government notified the Little Red Hen that since she was so greedy they were going to tax her income for the excessive profits she had made.  

7 cents a gallon profit.  Those darn oil companies sure are greedy aren’t they!

You can’t make this stuff up.


Editors note:  all these numbers were well researched and accurate when I wrote the original article in February 2019.

Bob Bandy – August 2024


Welcome to America Three Million New Voters

August 15, 2024 By: bob Category: Culture, Humor, In the News, On Bob's Mind, Something To Think About

Image result for voter graphics

Heard on Fox News yesterday that the Biden – Harris Administration has granted citizenship to 3,000,000 “immigrants”.  That would be some 30% of the 10,000,000 who have crossed the border illegally in the last 3 1/2+ years.  Just guessing but since these folks were “invited” in and given all kinds of “freebies” once they arrived it would seem logical whom these new “citizens” are likely to vote for and vote they will, read on.

Strange, but in my memory there used to be a rather lengthy and involved process for a legal immigrant to become a citizen.  Background checks, proof of employment, a Constitution and American History Test, references, etc. etc. – you know – red tape.  The process could take years.  Guess the Administration has found a way to “fast track” the process.

What the heck, it is not hard to get into voting with or without proof of citizenship.  In point of fact, in many states and locales,  government workers are not allowed to even question you about your status.  I live in California (born here), now a “Sanctuary” State and the last time I had to renew my drivers license the form had boxes to check for citizen, non-citizen or “decline to state” and offered “automatic” voter registration.  Some states, like Minnesota, have an “opt-out” box on their registration form.  The form clearly states “Do nothing and you will be registered to vote” – you have to tell them if you do not want to register.

Once on these voter rolls it is “easy pickins” for political workers to get names and addresses of “Registered Voters” and then get paper “mail-in” ballots to vote for you….  they are doing you a favor so you don’t need to vote…. isn’t that kind of them.  It is virtually impossible for “Poll Workers” to verify signatures and validity on these ballots.  Some places they call this simply “Ballot Harvesting”.  I have for years made the joke that my mother was a lifelong Democrat until her later years when she became a Republican.  Now that she is “gone” I am sure she is voting Democrat again,  no doubt in many different voting locations.  I remember the last Presidential voting cycle where there was at least one major city  where more votes were cast than there were registered voters, and that was before you subtract the “graveyard” voters.

But, there is more good news.  Election time and mail in ballots present opportunities for entrepreneurs.  Homeless encampments are fields “ripe for the harvest” for individuals looking to make a “quick buck”.  All that is needed is a bundle of Voter Registration Forms, a little “seed money” and paper Mail In Ballots.  The loyal campaign worker only has to share a little beer or “weed” cash, a helping hand in filling out the paperwork and a quick trip to the nearest “Progressive” campaign headquarters to be financially rewarded for helping to “get out the vote”.  Those completed forms and ballots are like gold.  Win-Win! 

Who needs those “Wascally Wepublicans” and their silly ideas about voting in person and showing ID.  How old fashioned and out of date! Hey, you don’t need an ID to cross the border, why should you need an ID to vote?  I mean, it’s not something important like attending a Concert where ID is required.  It’s just voting.

It is just possible by the next election we can just let Google do the whole thing with Artificial Intelligence they have programmed and no need for the voting public at all.  All those previously voting citizens can just sit at home and watch commercials and “managed” news reports.  Just cogs in the wheels of the controlled proletariat masses.

Bob Bandy – August 2024